Chapter 16

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Later Elaina and Chase sat on the hood of the car watching as the remains of the burlack beasts burned before them. Elaina’s leg throbbed but she tried to ignore it, instead she looked to Chase who still looked green in the face.  She was pretty sure that he was going to end up throwing up at some point, but he just stared ahead stoically.   Since stitching her leg up he had refused to look at her and she was beginning to wonder if his little crush on her was finally gone.   A twinge of disappointment tugged at her, but she insisted that it was for the best. A crackling sounded from the fire as the flames burst brighter, swirls of green and purple overtaking the whole thing. Elaina had never seen anything like it. The flames roared loudly and Elaina found herself sweating from the heat. Then just as quickly as it happened it was over, nothing left now except a small smolder. Elaina looked to Chase now who was still staring straight ahead.  “Was that supposed to happen?” He nodded once, but didn’t say anything. Irritation welled, temporarily threatening to take control.  Elaina tried her best to squash it insisting that Chase had had a rough enough time and she didn’t need to make it worse. “I kind of liked the colors.” She continued trying to act relaxed.  “Maybe if I’m ever unbanished I can convince the brothers to dispose of bodies like that.” “Unbanished isn’t a word.” Chase murmured.  Elaina rolled her eyes, “It figures that would be all you hear from me.” “I can’t believe a Serpent beast made an appearance.” He went on.  “Those aren’t things to be taken for granted.”  He took in a shaky breath.  “And what’s worse it could have killed you and there was nothing I could do about it.” Finally understanding what was going on in Chase’s head, Elaina let out a long puff of air.  “This is why I said that having emotional attachments isn’t the best of ideas.” Chase turned on her his eyes flashing with anger.  “Caring isn’t a weakness Elaina.” Taken aback Elaina glowered.  “I never said it was.” “Whether it was you or someone else I would’ve felt the same way.” Chase continued running a hand through his hair.  “If I can’t even kill a Serpent Beast, how am I supposed to take on the dark warriors?” “I’m pretty sure the dark warriors are actually people and not beasts with super thick hides.” Elaina pointed out.  “You know what I mean.” Chase took in another breath trying to regain some sort of control over his emotions.  “There is so much we haven’t been trained for.” “Be happy you had weapons tonight.” Elaina said bitterly.  “This was not the first time I’ve had a run in with the Serpent beast.” Chase’s eyes grew wide.  “When?” “Back at the temple, I was running from one when a burlack beast ripped my leg open.” Elaina lifted her pant leg for reminder. She winced looking at the puckered up skin and terrible stitch job Chase had done.  Little drops of blood still tried to escape, but at least the worst of the bleeding had subsided.   Tearing her gaze away she let her jeans fall back into place around her ankles.  “Think you’re good enough to drive now?” Elaina asked now wanting to get going before they were attacked again. “Yeah I’m fine.” Chase responded jumping down off the car.   Not even thinking he grabbed Elaina around the waist and lowered her to the ground gently.  She gave him a look which caused him to blush ever so slightly.  “Sorry.” Instead of responding Elaina opened the passenger door and got in.  She checked quickly to make sure that Chase had cleaned all the glass out of the seat before buckling up and pulling her knees to her chest.   Chase got in beside her turning the keys in the ignition.  With a sigh of relief they found that the car was still working. Slowly merging back onto the road they continued on their way in the darkness. The next two days passed in a blur of buildings and trees.  They only stopped long enough to use the bathroom or grab food before going again.   Chase who had decided that they were running out of time refused to stay in one place for too long, too worried that something would happen before they got the chance to talk to the other warriors. Only a day remained in their journey before they arrived at the temple of the West. Driving through the night without bothering to stop at all showed to be quite a feat.  Chase hadn’t slept in three days and it was beginning to take its toll. Elaina had insisted on driving some, but he refused saying that he knew how to get there and he couldn’t direct her where to go if he was asleep.  When he would begin to drift off Elaina would yank the steering wheel jerking him awake again.  Smiling weakly at her he would look straight ahead. Bright sunlight illuminated the street behind them.  Elaina turned in her seat to watch the sun rise in the East.  She was so used to it rising ahead of her that she almost thought that somehow they had got turned around. She watched with wide eyes as it continued to rise higher turning the clouds in the sky bright shades of orange, red, and pink.   Almost like fire.  Elaina thought to herself.   She immediately remembered what the book she had stolen from Tonya had said and let a shudder run through her. “Almost there.” Chase announced giving Elaina something else to think about.  “Maybe another hour or so.” “Good, you need to get some sleep.” Elaina said turning her attention back to the road ahead.  “You don’t think that Brother Isaac sent word their way do you?” Chase shook his head, “That would involve having to explain why they banished one of their own.” “They could just say that I double crossed them and leave it at that.” Elaina murmured. “There’s no point worrying about it right now.  If they turn you away, we will simply have to try the warriors in the South.” Sighing Elaina crossed her arms over her chest.  “I really hope they have showers, I can smell myself.”  She sniffed delicately and then recoiled.  “No woman should smell like this.” “I’m pretty sure no woman has to worry about carrying ode de Serpent Beast.” Chase pointed out merging expertly into a two way highway. “How do you know how to get to the other temples anyway?” Elaina asked now watching as cars drove past. “Mainly travelling for training.” Chase said slamming his hand on the horn when a car cut him off.  “I forgot how terribly people here drive.” Elaina laughed slightly, “Hit it hard enough and we might end up finishing this journey with a blaring horn.” “Maybe it would make everyone stay out of the way.” Chase mused. “Good to know that every man has road rage, even the ones who are trained by monks to keep their cool.” Elaina said relaxing back into her seat again. It was midday by the time they arrived at the Western temple.   Turning off the main highway Chase drove down a small road surrounded by trees so close together it looked like they might actually be about to connect. Leaves fell around them like rain as they navigated sharp bends.   Large metal gates began to grow in Elaina’s line of vision.  Safely tucked behind them a large Victorian looking castle.   Burgundy and yellow banners waved openly in the wind at the top of tiers on either side of the building.  Large wooden doors with big black knockers kept everyone safe within.   Elaina continued to take in the building as Chase stopped the car in front of the gates.  Rolling his window down he pressed a buzzer.  There was the sound of crackling as the line connected. “Name.” A voice boomed from the speaker. “Chase Gregory with the Southern Warriors.” Chase spoke easily. Another sound of feedback then the voice, “Enter.” Chase started the car back up as the gates began to open with a groan of protest.   They pulled in driving down a cobblestone driveway that eventually led to a parking lot.  A few cars filled it, but for the most part it was empty.  This wasn’t much of a shock to Elaina, usually the occupants of the temples stayed put and had no use of vehicles.  “Ready?” Chase asked stopping the car and turning to Elaina. Elaina sucked in a breath, “It isn’t like I have much of a choice is it?” “That’s the spirit.” Chase chuckled getting out. The walk to the front doors wasn’t very long, but to Elaina they seemed like eternity as fear began to force itself to the surface.   Still terrified that they brothers had contacted all the other temples and told them of her banishment.  She hid behind Chase as he lifted one of the knockers and tapped it against the large doors. There was the sound of movement and then a slab of wood moved aside so someone could stare out of them. “By god it really is you Chase.” Came a voice.  The slab closed quickly and the door was pulled open.  “My you’ve grown my boy.” Elaina watched as a man holding a cane with an eagle for a handle stepped before them.  His white hair stood at all angles on either side of his head giving him a mad look.  He examined Chase through tiny circular glasses that perched at the edge of his much too pointed nose.  Like the all the other brothers he wore a robe of Gold and Burgundy.  Smiling brightly he took Chase’s hand and shook it. “Yes Brother Victor it really is me.” Chase said politely.  “Although, if you didn’t think it was me why in the world would you even grant entrance?” Brother Victor ignored his words turning to Elaina.  He studied her through tiny black eyes that seemed to see right to her soul.  “And who is your friend?” “Elaina Mason.” Elaina said stepping forward.  “I’m a warrior of the North.” “Ah I see.” Brother Victor said taking Elaina’s hand and giving it a shake.  “A pleasure my dear.  Now come inside you two, you look a mess what happened?” As they walked through the halls of the temple Chase recounted their adventure to Brother Victor.  Elaina too busy taking in her surroundings didn’t bother giving any imput.   Unlike the halls of her temple these were painted pure white, pictures of all the brothers of the past and present fixed to them in a line.  The floor beneath Elaina looked almost like marble, kept so polished she could easily see her reflection in them.  Candles burned brightly in sconces on either side of her illuminating everything. At one point they passed a glass case full of weapons, mases, daggers, swords, and a whip that Elaina didn’t quite recognize.  Picture of warriors holding the weapons sat beside them with inscriptions. “Here we are!” Brother Victor announced finally drawing Elaina’s attention.  “These are our guest quarters.  You two get cleaned up and I will have the seamstress bring you new clothes.  Those are filthy.” “You really don’t have to do that.” Elaina insisted.  “We can just hand wash these and continue to wear them.  We don’t want to be burdens.” Chase stifled a laugh from beside Brother Victor.  “The pleasure is ours.” Not saying another word he hobbled down the hallway leaving Elaina and Chase alone in front of the room that they were meant to share.   Sighing Elaina stepped through first.  Even the dorms here were a lot more intricate then the ones at her temple.  A plush white couch sat in the middle of the room surrounded by two recliners.  Two doors sat on either side of the room most likely leading to the bedrooms.  A fireplace sat on the back wall.  The floors were marble here just like the hallways, the walls painted a serene blue.   Feeling very out of place Elaina made her way to one of the doors.  Opening it she found a bathroom.  Sitting on the back wall was a claw foot tub.  Frowning she turned as Chase checked the other door, which led to a bedroom.   Coming up behind Chase Elaina peered into a large room with a queen size bed sitting in the middle of it.  A bureau sat to the left and a desk to the right.  The floors beneath her were a soft white and the walls a sea green.  Above on the roof a ceiling fan twirled keeping the air circulating to avoid it getting stale. “I really hope Brother Victor doesn’t expect us to share a bed while we are here.” Elaina said now stepping back. Chase turned and smiled, “Don’t worry I’m not a bed hog.” “Whatever.” Elaina quipped making her way back towards the bathroom.  She didn’t bother looking behind her again until she reached the door.  “Now, you better not try to walk in on me while I’m getting clean.” “Wouldn’t dream of it.” Chase said holding up two fingers like a boyscout. Laughing Elaina stepped into the bathroom closing the door between her and Chase.   Finally alone she collapsed on the toilet burying her head into her hands.  She could already tell that the next few days were going to be much too long and already she just wanted to be done.
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