Chapter 17

2440 Words
Elaina emerged from the bathroom steam flowing out in puffs.  She had nothing but a soft white bathrobe wrapped around her, her hair hanging flat around her shoulders.   Chase who had gone three days without sleeping snored lightly on the couch.  He still had on his dirty clothes and shoes.  A book sat open in his lap.   Shaking her head Elaina crept into the bedroom closing the door behind her. Alone she sat down on the bed and examined the room around her.  The sea green walls held pictures of the ocean, waves crashing onto shore, lightening flashing a lighthouse, all seemingly ordinary things along the coast. The sound of movement in the living room caught her attention.  Standing she snuck a peek, Chase must have moved and knocked the book he was holding onto the ground.   Sighing Elaina shut the door again and laid down, exhaustion finally claiming her.  The last thought running through her head as her eyelids slid shut, Is this really going to be worth it? When Elaina awoke the room was completely black.  Turning over with a groan she tried to fall back to sleep.  It didn’t take long to realize that she was up, for the day, or technically for the night.   Moving gingerly she got up stretching her stiff muscles.  Not sure what there was to do she stayed in place.  She was about to get up and start practicing battle stances when a knock sounded, without waiting for her to reply Chase poked his head in. It seemed that at some point her had managed to get up and shower, his brown hair still wet and clinging to his face.  He wore a clean and hole free shirt over sweat pants. “You know, I could have been indecent in here.” Elaina pointed out teasingly.  “What would you have done then?” Chase flushed, “Probably ask if I could join you in bed.”  He laughed as Elaina threw a pillow at him.  “I was pretty sure you wouldn’t be sleeping completely naked knowing I was in the next room.” “Good point.” Elaina offered.  “What time is it anyway?” “Half past eight, Brother Victor stopped by insisting we come down for a late supper.” Chase continued to stand in the door watching.  “He also brought by some clothes.” Jumping up Elaina smiled, “Good, because I was really hoping I wouldn’t end up having to wear this robe around everywhere.” Stepping aside Chase allowed Elaina to exit the bedroom heading straight for the pile of clothes waiting on the coffee table.  Picking through it she frowned shaking her head.  “You can’t be serious.” “What’s wrong?” Chase asked taking in the multi colored dresses littering the floor. Elaina lifted a long green dress sporting a floral print and held it out to him.  “Brother Victor can’t possibly think all I would want to wear is dresses.” Chase continued looking confused.  “What’s wrong with dresses?  Personally, I think all of these are really nice.” Instead of responding Elaina grabbed up a shirt and pair of shorts that had been meant for Chase.  He shot her a look as she hurried into the bathroom pulling off her robe and slipping them on. Luckily the shorts included a drawstring, otherwise they would have fallen right off her hips.  Examining herself Elaina decided she was presentable enough and joined the still confused Chase in the living room. “I’m pretty sure those were meant for me.”  He said now, his gaze taking in Elaina’s ensemble.    Glaring Elaina shrugged, “Hopefully I can find some shirts and pants around this place somewhere.  Then you won’t have to worry about me wearing your stuff.” Behind her Chase laughed.  “Too bad, it doesn’t look half bad on you.” Not bothering to respond Elaina headed towards the front door.  A soft knocking stopped her mid-step. She looked to Chase who was looking just as curious as she was. Reaching out a hand she opened the door.  Standing in the hall smiling from ear to ear was a small girl with crazy red hair.   Seeing Elaina she frowned until Chase stepped forward then the smile was back again.   Squeezing her way past Elaina she threw herself into Chase’s arms hugging him like he might disappear otherwise.  Not speaking she reached up pulling Chase’s head towards her, then before anyone knew what was happening she was kissing him and it seemed to Elaina that he was kissing her back.   Just as quickly as it had happened it was over and the girl was beaming at Chase again. “Brother Victor told me that you were back and I rushed right over!” She announced in a soft voice that Elaina would not expect from someone so bright.  “I’ve missed you!” Again she kissed Chase, but this time it was only on the cheek.  Chase who was just as shocked as Elaina did nothing but stand there staring at the girl.   Finally, remembering Elaina’s presence he gently removed her arms and stepped beside her. “Elaina this is Rachel.” He said finally his face a deep shade of red.  “She’s….” Rachel stepped forward holding out her hand to Elaina.  “I’m his fiancé.” The word sounded foreign to Elaina as it bounced around her head.  His fiancé.  He most certainly forgot to mention that when he was kissing her not even a week ago.   Crossing her arms Elaina lowered her gaze to Rachel’s outstretched hand.   Noticing Elaina’s look Rachel lowered it quickly and stepped back again taking Chase’s hand in hers. “Are you a friend of his from the Southern Temple?” Rachel asked now completely oblivious to the tension that was beginning to fill the room.  “Usually the only Warriors that come with him are men.”  She turned to look at Chase.  “Did Christopher or Mike not want to come visit this time around?” Chase didn’t respond at first his gaze locked with Elaina’s, then noticing that Rachel was waiting he opened his mouth.  “This isn’t really a normal visit.” “What do you mean?” Rachel asked.  The way she was looking at Chase made it seem like she found him the most interesting person ever.  “You didn’t just come for some boring ole meeting?” Elaina finally unable to handle anymore of either of them spoke up.  “No, we were actually just stopping by to give the brothers a message.”  Rachel turned to her pouting.  “Although, I’m sure it can wait a few days so you and Chase here can have a little time together.  After all you two will soon be spending everyday together.”  She looked to Chase again.  “Congratulations by the way.” With that she turned and stormed out of the room leaving Rachel and Chase alone to do whatever it was that lovebirds do. She thought she heard Chase try to say something, but ignored it picking up her pace. Backtracking the way Brother Victor had brought them Elaina soon found herself standing in the main hall.   Again she was struck by how beautiful the place seemed.  All white walls and marble floors, more modern looking than the temple back home.  A very thick chain wrapped itself around the handles of each front door ensuring no one got out for the night and nobody got in.   Elaina found herself wondering how exactly Rachel had got in, and then frowned realizing that she would have to stay the night. A tug-the feeling very unfamiliar- pulled at her heart causing a quick intake of breath as this last thought formed. Pushing it aside Elaina tried to determine where she could go next. “The dining hall is to the left third door down.” Brother Victor’s voice said from behind her.  “I had the chef make something for both you and Chase since you missed dinner.” Smiling Elaina nodded, “Thank you.  I feel like a fish out of water here and it hasn’t even been a day yet.” Brother Victor had stepped up beside her.  “I understand, most have trouble navigating the unknown.” You’ve got that right.  Elaina thought bitterly.  “I really hope your chef didn’t go through too much trouble.  I could’ve just made myself a sandwich and been fine.” “Nonsense.” Brother Victor boomed placing a hand on Elaina’s shoulder.  “You are a guest and we treat our guests like family.” Elaina smiled and bowed slightly.  For a moment neither her nor Brother Victor said a word, beginning to feel uncomfortable Elaina started shuffling forward. “Was there something wrong with the clothes Jasmine brought you?” Brother Victor asked suddenly taking in  Elaina’s outfit. Feeling herself blush Elaina shook her head.  “There was nothing wrong them, I’m just not all that comfortable in dresses.  Being trained to expect anything at any minute and everything.” Brother Victor nodded as he continued to watch her.  “I can have Jasmine get you some shirts and pants if that will make you more comfortable.” Elaina hesitated.  “It really isn’t that big of an issue.” “It is quite alright, now go ahead and get yourself some food.” Brother victor motioned for her to follow him.   Sensing it was a command more than a suggestion she complied keeping her gaze on the floor as they walked. The Chefs thought of something small to eat ended up being more like a feast. Different dishes of meats and vegetables lay on a white table.  On another sitting right beside it sat rolls, mashed potatoes, and macaroni and cheese.  Topping the whole thing off was a line of deserts pies, cookies, and cake.   Feeling ravenous Elaina filled a plate made completely of glass and sat alone in a corner.  She ate her food without really tasting it hoping that she could finish before Chase and his fiancé Rachel made an appearance.  Done with her first helping she quickly grabbed a few cookies and sat back down. Laughter sounded from the open door of the hall and soon Rachel and Chase appeared.  They took in the tables full of food before making themselves plates. Spotting Elaina they made their way over. “This is great.” Chase announced sitting down.  “I would thought it would have been fine something small, but I appreciate the gesture.” Rachel laughed girlishly.  “You know the brothers never do anything halfway.” They looked to Elaina expecting her to say something.  Instead she stood finishing off the last of her cookie.  She nodded at them and hurried away. Back in her shared room with Chase she sat alone staring at the fire that blazed before her.   Feeling cold she had lit it hastily, not bothering to stack the logs properly and then sat down leaving her brain blank. Each flame licked at the logs trying their best to destroy the wood keeping them alive.   Elaina thought of the green and purple fire that had removed the remains of the burlack beasts and wished that normal flames were that color.  Sighing she shook her head. Feeling suddenly drained she stood and contemplated trying to sleep again.   She began walking towards the bedroom feeling perfectly content with making Chase sleep on the couch.  Her foot snagged something on the ground in front of her, looking down she saw the book that had been in Chase’s lap. Lifting it she realized that it was the book they had stolen from Tonya’s office.  A page was dog eared holding the place of whatever Chase had been reading.  Sitting back down Elaina flipped to the page.   The prophecy foretells the birth of a leader.  One that will lead the white in battle.  This leader will possess the sight to see what is to come.  They will be blessed with visions from Ezra himself, showing them what the darkness is capable of.  The white’s leader will be the only one to know when the end will come, making them a dangerous opponent.  If the darkness shall succeed in destroying the blessed one all will be lost.     Elaina considered the words but didn’t really think much of their meaning.  Instead she flipped the page and began reading again.   The beginning of the end will begin when brother turns on brother.  The darkness is a tempting mistress and it can sway even the strongest man.  When one temple falls the others are sure to follow.  Many will be lost in the transition and only a few will rise to see the truth.  Beware the Silent Brothers who keep precious information from those who need it the most.  Their temple will be the first to fall.   The book fell from Elaina’s fingers hitting the marble floor with a thump. Not wasting anytime she jumped up and ran out of the room making her way towards the dining hall.   The walls around her blurred as she picked up her pace.  She skidded to halt in front of the large double doors hiding the dining hall from the outside world.  Throwing them open she rushed to Chase who was just finishing a piece of cake.  He looked to her with a startled look as she stopped at the table. “My keys where are they?” Elaina’s voice shook as she spoke and tried to keep her breathing regular. Chase studied her his expression turning to one of worry.  “Right here.”  He fished them from his pocket and held them out. Not speaking Elaina yanked them from his fingers and turned running back into the main hall only stopping when she saw again the heavy chains holding the front door closed.   Cursing she looked around for another way out.   Chase came running up to her as she wasted precious time.  Elaina ignored him finding a window big enough for her to climb through.  Taking a deep breath she slammed her elbow into it. Small cracks formed on impact, but the window remained intact.  She continued hitting it until finally it burst allowing her to pass through.  Shoving out the remaining pieces of glass Elaina leaped through the window ignoring Chase’s urgent protests. She raced to the parking lot and her empty car.  Shoving the key into the ignition she shifted into reverse spinning tires hurrying away from the safety of the Western Temple.
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