Chapter 10

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For two days after having her leg worked on Elaina was stuck in bed.  She spent the time reading through The Book of White, which Brother Isaac had happily lent her.   Try as she might, she couldn’t find anything remotely relevant to anything that was going on around the sanctuary. When she wasn’t reading, she was spending time with Charise who had been bringing her, her meals.   On the third day Elaina had begun to grow bored and decided it was time to get up and moving again. Testing her leg gingerly she got out of bed and headed towards the library.  She knew she had to find something that could help her better understand what the beginning of the end really meant since the book of white didn’t further explain.   It felt like needles stabbed her leg as she walked farther, but she pushed the pain aside.   By the time she reached the library she could feel small trickles of blood dripping down her calf, before long she knew it would be staining her pants. Not sure where to begin Elaina found herself moving towards the history section.   Outside it was still raining, the occasional flash of lightening making the shelves around her look menacing.   She ran a finger along spines of books that looked older than Ezra himself. Nothing seemed to jump out at her though.   Closing her eyes she racked her brain for some word that would help explain what the prophecy was, but all she could see was the beginning of the end.  Those words burned into the back of her brain, appearing anytime she let them. “Can I help you?” Tonya, the librarian stood behind her smiling sweetly.  She held a stack of books against her chest as if they were the most precious thing in the world.  “Do you by chance know where I could find a book on the war between the light and the dark?” Elaina asked feigning boredom.  “The brothers want me to put together a speech on it for their next meeting.” Tonya furrowed her eyebrows as she thought.  “Have you checked the book of white?” “Yes, it was the first thing I checked.” Elaina responded.  “I thought maybe there was another book on it in here.” “No.” Tonya said much too quickly.  “There isn’t anything else, not since…”  She stopped mid sentence clamping her mouth shut. “Not since what?” Elaina pushed curiousity peeking. “Nevermind, you should probably check the book of white again.” Tonya stammered backing up. Without another word she hurried away leaving Elaina alone between the walls of books. What she had expected to find in here she didn’t know, but she knew that something not quite right was going on. Turning and hurrying out of the library she made her way to the temple lounge hoping she would find Chase or even Charise.  She needed to speak with them about what had just happened with Tonya.   Bursting through the doors she swept the room and its occupants quickly, finally settling on the two sitting in the far corner talking amongst themselves. Determination pushing her she hurried across the room and slammed herself down in a chair beside Chase. “Aren’t you supposed to still be in bed?” Chase asked looking concerned.  “I’m pretty sure two days is not enough time to recover from surgery.” “It wasn’t surgery.” Charise countered.  “Rosa only reopened her cuts.” “Yes, but still they can’t be well enough for her to be moving around.” Chase continued. Elaina huffed, “Who cares about that right now I have something to tell you both.”  She waited as they turned their attention to her.  Once she had their undivided attention she continued.  “I was in the library looking for a book on the prophecy.” “The book of white.” Chase began. “Just states the prophecy, not what it intells.” Elaina retorted.  “I’ve been reading it for the past two days and have found nothing about beasts being able to attack on sacred grounds.”  “Is that what you came to tell us?” Charise asked confused. “No.” Elaina snapped.  “I came to tell you that while I was in the library Tonya asked if she could help me find something.  I asked her about whether or not anything had ever been written about what comes when the prophecy comes about, she was about to say something but then got all squirlley on me and rushed away.” “You think she’s trying to hide a book from you?” Chase asked looking incredulous.  “I think you’re being paranoid.” Elaina shot him a glare, “I think that they know something about what is to come and are trying to hide it from us.” “Why would they want to hide anything from us though?” Charise asked frowning.  “They train us to fight for their side, why wouldn’t they want us to be prepared for the worst?” “I don’t know.” Elaina went on trying to hold back her frustration.  “I just know that she looked almost scared when I asked about it.” Charise and Chase exchanged a look before turning back to Elaina.  Neither of them looked very convinced that Elaina’s worry was significant. “Elaina.” Chase said now soothingly patting her hand, which she quickly yanked away.  “Are you sure you just aren’t looking for some type of action?” “Looking for action?” Elaina tested the words trying to stay calm. “Yeah.” Chase continued.  “It’s been raining for almost a week now and we have all been stuck inside.  I know I am beginning to feel a little crazy from being cooped up.” Elaina’s eyes grew huge as she took in Chase’s words.  Why would he even begin to think that she wanted something to happen?  She had been attacked twice now by beasts, that was more then enough action for her. “You can’t be serious.” She said now slamming her hands down.  “Why would I want something to be going on?  Against popular belief I too enjoy being able to lay around and do nothing every now and then.” “When?” Charise quipped surpressing a laugh. Elaina shot her a glare, “I’m serious about this.  They brothers are hiding something from us and I want to know what it is.” Charise considered Elaina’s words for a moment before finally speaking.  “Ok, so say that you are right about this.” Elaina went to open her mouth, but Charise held up a hand of warning.  “Say that the brothers are hiding something from us, how exactly do you plan on determining what it is?” “She’s Elaina nothing is impossible in her eyes.” Chase said jokingly. “This isn’t a laughing matter Mr. Gregory.” Elaina hissed.  “I don’t care if either of you believe me, I just thought I would tell you.” Not saying another word Elaina stood and began making her way out of the lounge. If Charise and Chase weren’t going to help her uncover the brothers secret then she would simply have to do it herself.   Quickening her pace Elaina hurried out of the room and up the stairs to her room. Leg throbbing she collapsed on her bed and began trying to come up with a plan of action.   Elaina knew there had to be a book somewhere that had the information she needed, it was just a matter of finding it. She could check Brother Isaac’s office again and see if something stands out, but how could she do that without him becoming suspicious of her reason? She could also wait until everyone was asleep and try to look around in all the brothers office’s.  One of them surely had to have what she was looking for, Tonya’s reaction ensured that. Many ideas popped into Elaina’s head as she sat and thought, but none of them seemed to be right.  Frustrated and in pain she closed her eyes and tried to block out the world.   The next day came much too brightly, the rain had finally stopped and piercing sunlight streamed into Elaina’s room. Groaning she turned her face away trying to slip back into sleep, when she realized it wasn’t happening she got out of bed and took a shower.   Fully clean and dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans she stumbled her way downstairs.   The urge to go outside warred with her fear that she might be attacked again. Pushing away the need for sunlight Elaina made her way to Brother Isaac’s office.  She needed to talk with him about everything that was bothering her and also find out if he had gotten word back from the elders. When she reached his door she found it was open only a c***k, soft murmuring coming from the room.   Leaning as close as she could to hear, but not be seen Elaina tried to decipher who was there. “….She’s getting curious.” Came Tonya’s soft voice.  “I don’t think we can hide it from her much longer Brother Isaac.” She heard the sound of rustling and then Brother Isaac speaking, “There is no need to worry anyone with something that may or may not happen.” “You’ve seen the burlack beasts attacking just as I have.” Tonya continued worry coloring her words.  “I think it would be best to take the warnings seriously.” Brother Isaac sighed, “Not just yet Tonya.” Elaina heard the sound of footsteps and hurried out of the hall watching as Tonya appeared from Brother Isaac’s office.   She held a large black book in her arms, once again hugging it to her chest as she hurried in the direction of the library. Waiting long enough to make sure that no one would suspect she had been eaves dropping Elaina made her way to Brother Isaac’s office once more. When she entered Brother Isaac was sitting at his desk looking over some papers.  He didn’t look up as Elaina made her way towards him. “Can I help you with something Elaina?” He asked continuing to read. Elaina hesitated.  “I was just wondering if you had heard anything from the elders yet.” She swallowed.  “About them deciphering what I saw.” Brother Isaac finally looked up.  “No, but they have been very busy these days.  I’m sure once they have a response I will hear something and you will be notified.” “Oh.” Disappointment clutched Elaina’s heart.  She continued to stand there watching Brother Isaac.   Frowning he took off the glasses he was wearing and motioned for her to have a seat across from him.  “Was there anything else you had to ask?” He asked now leaning back in his chair. “Well.” Elaina considered her words.  “Actually, I was wondering if you might know anything about what is to follow when the great war between the dark and light comes.” Brother Isaac looked taken aback by this but quickly regained his composure. “Why would you want to know?” “Brother Isaac, don’t you think it is strange that the burlack Beasts are attacking on holy grounds?  It is against everything we have been taught, no monster is supposed to step foot on the grounds.” “That is nothing for you to worry about child.” He said simply.  “We are doing our best to discover the reason and find a way to fix it.” “But Brother Isaac.” Elaina pushed trying her best to remain respectful. “Elaina, it is none of your concern.” Brother Isaac said more sternly. Feeling like a child that had just been reprimanded Elaina clamped back her next words.  Instead she sat staring at the brother sitting before her.  Despite his harsh words he still seemed serene. “Now.” He said standing.  “If that is all you run along.” Nodding Elaina stood up giving a little bow before hurrying out the door. Brother Isaac’s voice ran through her head as she walked slowly around the temple.  She didn’t know where she wanted to go, since it was the weekend none of the brother’s would be holding any of their classes.   What she really wanted to do was train, but with her leg not healed she knew that was completely out of the question. She could go and try speaking with Charise about what she had overheard and what had been said to her, but what good would that do when not even her best friend thought her concerns were worth taking seriously.   Feeling lost and out of her element Elaina found herself wandering outside, only going far enough to sit on the front steps staring out at the gardens.   Puddles still lay all around from the storm.  A light breeze blew leaves around turning them into cyclones before scattering.   It finally felt like fall outside and Elaina was thankful she had decided to put on a sweater.  The sun only did so much for keeping her warm.  A few of the warriors she knew from growing up in the temple ran laps around the grounds.  Elaina watched as they circled around breathe coming out easily, their clothes damp with sweat. They seemed so at ease, not a care in the world.   Again she felt herself feeling envious of this, she wanted to be one of those people who didn’t care much about anything.  With the events of the past three weeks she knew that that wouldn’t be possible until the light faced the dark and came out victorious.   The only issue with that was when it was actually going to happen.   Brother Isaac’s words sounded in her brain again.  He knew what was coming and was keeping everyone in the dark.  It wasn’t just her fellow warriors that he was putting in danger with this.  It was also the warriors from the East, Christopher and Chase, all of their companions.  It wasn’t right to do something like that, everyone had the right to know what was coming and be able to prepare accordingly.   Anger flared overthrowing every other emotion that was running through Elaina.  She slammed her fist into the cold concrete beneath her, ignoring the pain that came with it. Standing she turned and headed back inside, she needed to speak with Charise and Chase again.  Even if they didn’t want to believe what she was saying, she knew that she had to try again.   Not sure where exactly she would find them since it was nice out, she first made her way towards Charise’s room.   She pounded on her friends door, when there was no reply she made her way to the lounge.  Again there was no luck, neither Charise or Chase were there. Frowning she made her way downstairs to the dining hall.   It was packed with many people all talking happily and making plans for the day, but again the people she was looking for weren’t there.   Out of ideas of where to find the two Elaina slumped to the ground.   She needed to talk to someone, anyone about what she had overheard.  Suddenly it dawned on her.  She had spotted Christopher in the lounge, she could always go back and talk to him. Jumping up she backtracked. Christopher sat at a table staring at a portable dvd player headphones in his ears.   Taking a deep breath Elaina stepped behind him and tapped his shoulder.  On the little screen in front of him two men were locked together in battle.  Jumping Christopher quickly snapped the device closed and turned to face her. “Hey.” He said smoothly smiling.  “I can honestly say I’m surprised to see you.” Elaina didn’t smile, “I need to talk to you.” “Ok.” He looked a little confused. Elaina looked around the room once taking in its occupents.  “Not here, alone.” Nodding Christopher stood and followed Elaina out of the room and towards the doors that led to the back garden.
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