Chapter 18

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The death toll from Rathial’s attack was great claiming the lives of over two hundred warriors and all the monks including Brother Benjamin who had been ambushed by a Serpent beast while trying to hide.   Most of the older warriors spent the next day building pillars to burn the bodies of the warriors that hadn’t been claimed by the fire.  It was a tedious task piling up the kindling taking up most of the day. They worked fast to ensure that the pillars would be set ablaze at sunset, a proper warrior send off.   Whoever wasn’t busy cleaning bodies and building pillars searched slowly through the remains of the sanctuary trying to see if they could find anything remaining of their possessions. Elaina sat alone underneath a tree watching as people moved about.  Charise sat close beside her clutching her hand. “It’s almost like watching a movie isn’t it?” Charise asked quietly now her gaze straight ahead. “Almost, except the people that died are actually still dead and won’t be making a reappearance.” Elaina spoke quietly.  Charise’s hand twitched slightly.  “I understand that Elaina.” “Good, because I want you to do something for me.” Elaina turned so that she was facing Charise directly.  “Will you promise me?” Lifting an eyebrow Charise hesitated.  “Depends, what do you want me to promise?” “You’ll get far away from here.” Elaina’s words rushed out.  “Go where ever you have to as far away from the fighting as possible.” Charise’s eyes grew wide as she listened.  “No, why would I do that?  I’m going to stay here and fight alongside my family.” Elaina huffed.  “Charise, you didn’t want to be a part of this remember?”  She didn’t wait for a response.  “This is as real as it gets, you need to leave and find somewhere safe to be until it is over.” “You’re talking crazy.” Charise yanked her hand out of Elaina’s death grip.  “I’m not going anywhere.  Whether I’m here or not I’m still going to be killed.  I would rather have a heroes death than a cowards.” “Charise please.” Elaina begged.  “You have to get far away.  There was more in that book then we thought.” “What do you mean more?” Charise was watching Elaina like she was crazy.  “Chase insisted there wasn’t anymore.” “Chase lied.” Elaina growled.  “There was a passage talking about the leader of the white.  It said that only if this leader claims their role will the prophecy be able to be changed.” “Are you telling me that if we find this leader we might all stand a chance?” Charise asked hopeful.  Elaina nodded.  “Then we have to find the leader!” “You really think it would be that easy?” Elaina asked shaking her head.  “What are we supposed to do ask everyone if they think they might be the prophesized leader that will lead us to victory?” Charise’s face darkened slightly.  “Did that book say anything about who it might be?” Elaina shook her head sighing.  “No it didn’t.  It just mentioned the leader.” “Are you sure, we could check it?” Charise tried now excitement barely being contained in her. “We can’t.” Elaina muttered crossing her arms.  “The book is in the West Temple with Chase.” “Then we go there and get it.” Charise looked determined her gaze set firmly on Elaina. “No.” Elaina replied glaring.  “We are not going to go bother Chase ever.”  Her voice came out a lot harsher than she intended causing a look of surprise and then curiousity from Charise.  Sighing Elaina went on.  “I don’t want to see him ok?” For a minute she thought maybe Charise would drop the subject, but then this was Charise she was talking to.  “What happened?” Elaina wasn’t sure how much she wanted to share with Charise about the past week with Chase, especially since she was still having trouble believing it herself.   Deciding it would be best to start at the beginning she told her everything starting with what happened after she was carried out of the brothers meeting to meeting Chase’s fiancé Rachel.  Charise remained quiet and thoughtful as Elaina spoke quickly, determined to get through the whole thing without losing it.  Once finished she sat in silence waiting for her best friend to say something. “That doesn’t make sense.” Charise said finally her lips tightening into a thin line.  “Why would he insist on me trying to help him get through to you if he was engaged?” Elaina let out a bark of laughter, “Does it really matter now?”  She couldn’t believe that Charise would still be trying to defend Chase after learning he had been playing her.  “All that matters at this point is that he is happily back with his fiancé.” After a long pause Charise finally spoke again, “What do you think we should do then?  We can’t go to the Western temple to try to get help.  Our numbers here have all but been reduced to nothing.” “Do you know if your parents know how to get to the Southern temple?” The shock of the night before was finally beginning to wear off and Elaina was ready to take action.  “We could go there and tell them what happened.”  She continued racking her brain.  “What about the elders, they could help us couldn’t they?” “I don’t know if the elders will help us.” Charise replied.  “They are too old to be much help in battle.” “At this point I will take whatever I can get.  I still need to speak with them about my vision, but I don’t know if that will happen after the brothers banished me.” Charise shook her head laughing softly.  “Elaina the brothers are gone, I don’t think your banishment is in effect anymore.” “Then I think we should gather together those who are left and make a plan.” Not waiting for a response from Charise Elaina lifted herself from the grass and began pacing.   Everyone needed to get moving as soon as possible, she didn’t know when another attack would occur, but she knew she wanted to be as far away from the destroyed temple as possible.   Of course they couldn’t go anywhere until the bodies of the fallen were burned, but after that she didn’t know. Then another thought struck her, would the others be willing to believe someone as young as she?  Would they take her warning seriously this time.  She knew that when she had tried to talk during the brothers meeting they hadn’t believed her, had thought she was crazy. All she knew was that something had to be done and they couldn’t sit around waiting for another attack to come. The bodies of the fallen were burned at sunset just as expected.   Weathered warriors lit each pillar slowly saying a prayer before stepping back and watching the kindling catch, allowing flames to form around the dead like protective shields.   Elaina watched silently from a distance not wanting to be anywhere near fire after Rathial’s grand entrance.   The few remaining warriors sang prayers of flight as the pillars were reduced to nothing more than smoldering piles.   Charise had insisted on staying with her, but Elaina had told her to stay with her parents.  They had been part of the guard for a long time and knew many of the fallen well and they were taking this a lot harder then expected. Once all the fires had gone out the remaining gathered in a circle, a small white candle lit in the center of it.   Each one of them repeated a prayer lighting a candle of their own.  On it went from one person to the other, until finally it was Elaina’s turn to speak. Stepping slightly forward she met the gaze of each person. “Blessed be the souls of the fallen.  May they forever have peace in the arms of Ezra.” Elaina whispered softly kneeling down to light the candle she held.  “May they give us strength when needed and help us through this dark time.” Everyone murmured their agreements as Elaina took her place in the circle once more.   The prayers continued until all had spoken, candles burning brightly all around.  With a final prayer from Charise’s father they blew the flames out plunging everything into darkness. “There still hasn’t been any word on Christopher’s wear abouts.” Charise whispered softly from beside Elaina. After all the bodies had been collected and cleaned Elaina had been relieved to see that Christopher’s wasn’t among them.  It didn’t quite mean that he wasn’t dead, since a lot that were unaccounted for had been in the temple when it collapsed, but it gave her a little hope that by some chance her friend may have escaped and was fine.  Which to say wasn’t a good thing, since once again he had managed to disappear in the middle of a fight. “Did you talk to your parents about what we know?” Elaina asked instead completely bypassing the topic of Christopher. Charise nodded, “They think it is a long shot, but we might as well go talk to the members of the Southern temple and see if they know anything about the prophecy.” Charise gave Elaina a thoughtful look.  “They do however think we should go and get that book from Chase.” Elaina felt herself stiffen, “I told you no we weren’t going to bother Chase.” “Elaina this is more important than your anger towards him.  We need that book.” Charise insisted looking annoyed.   “Then you’re quite lucky the book came to you.”  A shiver ran up Elaina’s spine at the voice behind her.  Turning she faced Chase. Bristling Elaina crossed her arms over her chest.  “Great, now that you’ve delivered it you can run along back to your future wife, I’m sure she is worried sick about you already.” Chase’s eyes flashed with anger.  “You think I came all this way just to return it and then leave?” “Yes.” Elaina snapped, “That is exactly what I think.” They stood glaring at each other Elaina’s body tensed for a fight.   “You really need to let me explain.” “There’s nothing to explain.” Elaina growled stepping forward and snatching the book from Chase’s hand.  “And honestly I don’t care either way.  As you can see I have other things to focus on at the moment.” “That’s enough.” Charise’s voice rang out.  “We have the book which is a start, Elaina if Chase wants to stay and help he can.” “Fine.”  Turning Elaina stormed off unable to look at Chase any longer.  “You two feel free to catch up.”   Elaina found Samantha and Oliver shortly after leaving Chase and Charise, they were deep in conversation.  Trying not to interrupt she cleared her throat to make her presence known.   Samantha was the first to look to her smiling sadly.  Without speaking she pulled Elaina into a hug that Elaina tried to return awkwardly.  When Samantha pulled away her eyes were full of tears. “This must be a lot to take in for someone your age.” Samantha said quietly wiping a hand across her face. Of course Elaina didn’t really think that it was too much, not after losing her parents at the age of ten.  “I’m ok really.” She said.  “I knew what could’ve happened when I signed on for the job.” “I’m so happy our Charise has such a strong friend.” Samantha pulled Elaina in for another hug.  “We’re so sorry Elaina.” Shocked by Samantha’s words Elaina jerked pulling away just enough to look up at her.  “What do you have to be sorry about?” Oliver spoke up first.  “When you tried to warn us and were banished, we should’ve thought more of your words.” He looked a little uncomfortable.  “It is just hard to believe that the brothers would keep something like that from us.” “It’s fine really.” Elaina was beginning to become uncomfortable.  “I didn’t come to see you for an apology.”  She lifted the book she was still holding.  “I came to give you this.  It has important information on the war with the darkness.” Oliver furrowed his eyebrows as he took the book from Elaina’s hand.  Not speaking he flipped it open and began reading.   Curious, Samantha went to stand beside her husband and read along.  For the time being they were engrossed in the words on the withered pages before them.  Paling ever so slightly they looked to Elaina. “This is bad.” Oliver spoke first.  “This is really bad.  After last night’s attack we are down in numbers.” “I know.” Elaina whispered shivering.  “We need to call together the warriors of the West and the South to join us.” “Do you think it will be enough?” Samantha looked quickly to where Charise and Chase argued.  Exactly where Elaina had left them.   “Maybe the elders could help us.” “The most they could do is call on the forces of our European brothers.” Oliver said placing a hand on his wife’s shoulder.” Elaina stood listening to them throw ideas back and forth, a terrible feeling gnawing at her stomach.  If two weathered veterans in the brotherhood were worried, what did that say about their situation?  It wasn’t good, but there had to be a way and she was going to try to find it.

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