Chapter Six

4295 Words
Renesmee’s P.O.V. I woke up, showered, and washed my hair and body the next day. Next, I put on my clothes, and this once, I attempted to wear something nice. The outfit comprised a gray sweater with a scalloped lace hem and black leggings. Next, I wore silver hoop earrings. Next, I combed my hair and used a blow dryer on it. As I considered my actions, I twisted my hair. While doing that, I noticed my hair’s remarkable length. It was very close to touching my buttocks. I realized I should change my hair before getting married - a new haircut and a more mature color. It would make me appear more mature and in my twenties. I curled my hair, creating small curls that sagged my back and reached my bottom. I put on my makeup once I finished. One minute later, I heard a knock at my bedroom door. I heard shuffling, and I looked to see Sophia waking up. “Mom, someone’s at the door,” Sophia said. “Okay,” I said. Sophia then went back to rest. I opened the door and saw Jacob. He paired a navy blue crewneck t-shirt with his leather jacket and jeans. “Hey,” I said. Jacob embraced me and kissed me. I experienced the familiar electric sensation when we kissed. I can’t have enough of it. I kissed him back. His hands found my waist and drew me closer. My hands were wrapped around his neck. Jacob leaned his forehead against mine and smiled. “Hello, gorgeous,” he said. Blushing, he leaned in for another kiss, but a cough interrupted. I ended the kiss and looked over to see my dad and mom across the hall, with my dad’s arms crossed on his chest. Both Jacob and I moved away. Dad looked at us sternly. “Jacob, take Renesmee to school now,” he urged. I don’t want her to be late.” “Same,” Mom said. “Alright,” Jacob said. “Good. Have a good school day, Renesmee,” Mom said. “Okay,” I said. They left the bedroom, and I saw Jacob about to burst out laughing. “What?” I asked. “It was a little embarrassing seeing my best friend and your dad watching us kiss. That was a little weird,” Jacob responded. “No kidding. I’ll grab my stuff and shoes, and we will go.” I said. Jacob nodded, and I walked into my bedroom and saw Sophia on her phone, texting Seth. I put on my shoes. “Sophia, you can see Seth today if you get bored,” I said. “Really?” Sophia asked with excitement. Jacob walked in as I spoke. “Jacob, we need to take her to Seth. “ “Okay,” “Sophia, get dressed and meet us in the truck,” I said. “Okay,” Sophia said. Sophia went to the bathroom, and I held Jacob’s hand as we exited the bedroom. We walked down the hallway, and I went to the kitchen. I took some bread, put it in the toaster, and started it. I also made something to drink. “Jacob, do you want anything?” I asked. “No, I ate at home,” Jacob responded. Jacob approached me, causing me to lean against the counter. His hands clasped my waist and drew me nearer, causing my breath to quicken. I expected him to kiss me. “You know you have a serious problem,” I said. Jacob nibbled on my neck. “And that is?” he asked. “You can’t keep your hands off me. It’s like I’m your drug.” I responded. “You are. You are like my personal drug that I’m addicted to. I can’t get enough of you.” “I can tell.” I could sense a grin, and Jacob pulled away while looking down at me. “I love you,” he said. I grinned. “I love you, too,” I said. Jacob grinned and drew me closer for another kiss. Yet, the toast popped out. I moved to take the toast and put it on a plate. I grinned when I heard Jacob groan. Sophia entered the kitchen. “Hey Sophia, do you want me to make you something?” I asked. “No, I’m good. I have something tastier instead.” Sophia responded. Sophia grabbed a blood bag filled with animal blood from the fridge. She opened the seal, took a straw, and began drinking it. I arched my eyebrows and observed Jacob’s disgusted expression. Jacob knew our habit of consuming blood. But seeing it was different for him. He only saw me drink blood once during my hunting trip in the forest a few years back. I walked over to the fridge to see more blood bags. “Sophia, where did... I thought we ran out,” I said. “We were, but I got more with the help of your parents,” Sophia said. “And you didn’t tell me this because...” “So I could have more to myself.” I raised an eyebrow. “How much have you been drinking?” I asked. “Just a couple a day,” Sophia responded. “Really? We went hunting last week.” “Few in the fridge, some in the forest.” “Sophia, I told you to limit your blood. It’s not good for a beginner.” “I know, but it’s so good. You would have the same feeling.” “Yeah, but they fed me right and learned to control my hunger. You need to do that, too.” Sophia looked sad. She said, “Sorry, mom. I’ll try to control my urge.” “Good, and I’ll tell my parents to watch you,” I said. “Alright.” After breakfast, we made our way to Jacob’s red truck. I sat beside Jacob in the front seat while Sophia sat in the back. Since we had a little extra time, we dropped Sophia off first. Once we arrived at Jacob’s pack house, we parked the car, and I faced Sophia. “I’ll see you after school,” I said. “Okay,” Sophia said. I smiled. “Have fun,” I said. “Okay,” Sophia said. Eager to see Seth, Sophia exited the truck and hurried inside. Once the door closed, Jacob and I returned to Forks to my school. We reached school twenty minutes later. I could still see people outside, so I assumed the bell hadn’t rung. Getting out of the truck, I slammed it shut, causing those around me to whisper. The unfamiliar sophomores were those people. They turned around, snickering. I ignored them and walked over to Jacob. He wrapped an arm around me. Then, with my vampire hearing, I heard the girls whispering to one girl who was a junior. “O.M.G., who is he? He is freakin’ hot. Does he go to this school?” The sophomore girl asked. “That’s Renesmee’s boyfriend, oh wait, I mean fiancé.” The junior girl responded. “Wow! She must be a slut.” The sophomore girl said. “I know, right, and I heard she had s*x when she was fourteen and then got pregnant by some other guy.” I was on the verge of exploding. I have a strong desire to approach those girls and harm them. Oh wait, I’d drink their blood all gone until they had no more. Jacob stared at me, worried. “Nessie, are you okay? You were thinking about killing someone, and I can sense your emotions,” Jacob said. “Wait, what?” I asked. “After I marked you, I can feel your emotions.” “Oh, what else can you do?” “I can read your thoughts.” “Oh, will I be able to prevent you from doing that?” “You can build a wall in your brain, but it takes practice.” I nodded. “Can I do anything of those things?” I asked. “No, since you’re not a werewolf.” I nodded again, and Jacob smirked. He asked, “So, were you thinking about ripping their heads off?” “Yeah, they called me a slut.” I responded. “Well, you kind of were...” I glared at Jacob. “Never mind,” Jacob said. “Anyway, I better go,” I said. “Alright.” I kissed Jacob goodbye and went upstairs, disregarding the ongoing whispers. When I went to my locker, Chloe took things out. Henry stood next to her, engaged in conversation. I approached them but ended up going to my locker instead. When I opened my locker, Chloe looked at me with curiosity. What is the reason behind my avoidance of her? Despite my attempts to hide it, she’s been spreading my personal life to the entire school. “Okay, so no hello or morning to me? I haven’t seen you the entire weekend, and this is what I get,” Chloe said. I haven’t spoken yet. I shut my locker and started walking. Chloe talked to Henry and approached him. I entered the Spanish 4 class and approached my desk in the middle row. Chloe walked in and sat down in her seat next to me. She said, “Okay, Renesmee, why are you avoiding me? Why won’t you talk to me? What did I do?” I turned to her. “So you want to know why I’m angry with you?” I asked. “Yes, spill,” Chloe responded. “Well, you spread rumors about my life and my actions. Now, people are talking behind my back, calling me a slut for having s*x at fourteen.” “Oh, that is what you’re upset about.” “Yeah. I can’t believe you. Why would you do that? I thought you were my best friend.” “I am.” “Then why did you do it?” “I didn’t. I did nothing. I would never do that to you because you’re my best friend.” “If not you, then who? I’ve only confided in you and our friends about my dating life. “ A thought crossed my mind. Issac! “Isaac! It could be him. He cheated on me, and I bet since I broke up with him, he went out and told everyone about me.” I said. “Renesmee, he wouldn’t do that even though he cheated on you. He’s still a good guy. He has changed over the years. It could’ve been someone else who knew about you,” Chloe said. “You never know, Chloe. He was a bad boy before I met him. He might have reverted to his previous state.” “Maybe.” The students entered the classroom and took their seats. I received glares, and frustration made me rub my face when they whispered. Chloe had a remorseful expression when I glanced at her. I offered her a smile filled with sadness. I fled the classroom after class to escape the girls gossiping about me. I returned to my locker and shielded my face to avoid being recognized. I took the engagement off as Chloe walked over with a curious expression. “What are you doing?” she asked. I opened my backpack, unzipped my bag, and placed my engagement ring in the pocket. I then zipped it back up. “I don’t want people to know I’m engaged,” I responded. “Don’t you think Jacob would get upset?” Chloe asked. “Since he isn’t here, he wouldn’t know.” Chloe nodded. “Alright...” she said. I grabbed my English book and went to English 4. Upon entering, I noticed Henry seated beside Isaac. I chose the back of the classroom to avoid talking to him. Chloe glanced at Henry, who requested her to sit beside him, but then she glanced at me, who remained alone in the back. “I’m going to sit with Renesmee today,” she said. Chloe approached me and took a seat at the desk next to mine. As class began, I noticed Isaac staring at Ms. Thompson while she spoke. I glimpsed her winking, and it took me by surprise. Did Isaac have a romantic relationship with our teacher? Isn’t that illegal? I whispered. “Chloe, did you know about this?” Chloe looked up from her notes. “Know about what?” she asked. “About Isaac and Ms. Thompson,” I responded. “Kind of. He sometimes stays after class to talk to her, so I assume something is going on.” I nodded. “And how long?” I asked. “About a couple of months,” Chloe responded. “Months. It must be serious.” “I know. Besides, why do you care so much, anyway? Are you jealous that you didn’t have Jacob as your teacher?” “No. I’m curious. I didn’t think Isaac would date again this fast.” “Yeah, me either.” Once the class ended, we left together, but I lingered outside the door alone. The door shut. With my vampire hearing, I grinned and pressed my ear against the door to listen. Chloe looked at me with curiosity. “What are you doing?” she asked. “Listening. I want to see if they’re dating.” I responded. I heard kissing, and my eyebrows raised. “What is it? What’s going on?” Chloe asked. “They’re kissing. They’re together.” I responded. We walked away and headed to our lockers. “Told you,” Chloe said. “Don’t you think it’s weird for him to be dating an older woman when it should be the other way around?” I asked. “No, it shouldn’t matter. Isaac is almost nineteen.” I nodded, opened my locker, thought of something, and turned to Chloe. “Wait, why isn’t Isaac in college now if he’s nineteen?” I asked. “Hum, I don’t know, but Henry told me he didn’t pass English 4, so he has to retake it,” Chloe responded. I nodded. After stowing away our belongings, we made our way to the gym. We headed to the girls’ locker room. Upon entering, the girls nearest the door put their hands on their hips. They assumed a superior stance. “So look what we have here. The slut is also back with her slut number two.” Kelsey said. I rolled my eyes and spoke. “Can you get over yourself, and I’m not a slut?” “Oh? Then why do you keep sleeping around?” Kelsey asked. I lied, responding, “I’m not sleeping around. I have a boyfriend.” “Yeah, an older man. I heard you are already engaged to him. Did you get pregnant or something?” Kelsey asked. “No, we are not engaged, and I’m not pregnant, so get over yourself.” Before I walked away, I got dragged by Kelsey’s arm. I grabbed her arm and pulled it away. “Don’t touch me,” I yelled. “Owe. What is wrong with you?” Kelsey asked. “Don’t touch me,” Chloe pulled me away and spoke. “Renesmee, calm down. She’s not worth it.” I glared at Kelsey as we walked away. We headed to our locker, and Chloe looked at me surprised. “Renesmee, what was that? You weren’t your normal self back there,” she said. “I guess she brought my temper up,” I responded. “I know. You could have spilled your secret. You don’t want others to know about you.” I nodded my head. We got ready, exited, and went to the gym. Upon arriving at the gym, I noticed Hannah and Courtney chatting on the bench. We approached them, and upon seeing us, they stood up and came towards us. Courtney embraced me. “Oh, my gosh. I’m so sorry for you,” he said. “Thanks,” I said. “It’s so awful. People are making fun of you and calling you names.” “I know.” “Same,” Hannah said. Courtney glanced at my hand, and her eyes widened when she didn’t see my ring. She looked at me with a curious expression. “Where’s your ring?” she asked. “It’s in my bag. I can’t stand wearing it in school now with everybody talking about me,” I responded. “Well, don’t lose it. That ring must be special to Jacob.” “It is. Renesmee says it was Jacob’s mother’s ring.” “Oh, wow.” I nodded. “Yeah,” I said. The coach entered, and we proceeded to the net. “Okay, everyone. This week is the championships, and I want you guys to make me proud. Also, at the end of the tournament, we get trophies if we win this,” Coach Wilson said. We all cheered. Then, we are organized into teams. I saw Isaac and Henry approaching from different doors, wearing basketball attire. I eavesdropped on their conversations with my vampire hearing. “So, how was it?” Henry asked Isaac. “How was what?” Isaac asked. “You know, with Ms. Thompson.” “Oh, that. Yeah, it good.” “Good. Good is all you say?” “Fine, it was amazing. She was amazing at s*x, okay?” My eyebrows raised. They had s*x? “Renesmee,” A voice said next to me. I snapped out of it and looked at Chloe. “What?” I asked. “Why are you staring at Isaac and Henry? Were you listening to them?” Chloe asked. “Yeah, Isaac had s*x with our English 4 teacher.” “That’s gross.” “I know, right?” We chuckled and shifted our focus to the game. I was oblivious to what was happening. The ball was heading straight for me. I had to rely on my vampire strength to spike the ball and score. Kelsey, from the opposing team, became furious as we cheered. I regarded her with a sense of superiority. “Better luck next time,” I said. I turned around and high-fived Chloe and my friends. After the gym, I went cheerleading; if you don’t know, I tried out this year. Both Courtney and I were accepted, and I became captain. We headed to the locker room for a quick change. I wore a white shirt, tied it to reveal my flat stomach, and paired it with black shorts. I wore my white tennis shoes and went out. “Well, I’ll see you later then,” Chloe said. “Okay,” I said. Chloe and Hannah exited the locker room, followed by the rest of the volleyball team. The rest of those who joined cheerleading also went outdoors. They headed to the football field where the track team was running. We joined the other girls. “Okay, guys, since I’m not in the mood today, we are not doing any new routines. We are going to do our last one,” I said. Behind me, a girl with blonde hair and green eyes asked, “Why are you not in the mood? Are you getting married and feeling stressed out?” I sighed and looked at Courtney. Then, I looked back at the girls. “What are you talking about? I’m not getting married,” I said. “Yeah, you are, and everyone knows it.” The girl said. “Okay, where’s the proof?” “You’re wearing a wedding ring. You’ve been wearing it all year.” The other girls started whispering. “No, I’m not. Do you see a ring on my finger?” I asked, showing no ring on my finger to her. She glanced at my hand and seemed surprised. “I swear there was a wedding ring on your engagement finger, and it even looked like one,” she said. “Nope, that may look like a wedding ring, but it isn’t. It’s an accessory I bought at the store.” I lied. “Oh really, prove it.” “How can I prove it to you if it’s not with me?” She wore an expression that conveyed she had nothing else to say now. “Now you can tell everyone that it’s not true,” I said. “Alright, whatever.” The girl said. We returned to our practicing positions, leaving Courtney stunned and unable to utter anything. After cheerleading practice, we returned to the locker room for a wardrobe change. “I can’t believe you did that, and I can’t believe that girl bought it,” Courtney whispered. “I know, and it was so easy,” I said. We laughed. Once we changed, the bell rang, and we went to lunch. As we were about to proceed, a voice yelled behind us. I looked back and saw Isaac walking towards me. Courtney smirked. She said, “Well, I’ll see you at lunch.” Courtney walked off, and I stopped as Isaac came up to me. “Hey, Isaac,” I said. “Hey, Renesmee. There’s something I want to talk to you about,” Isaac said. “Okay, what about?” We started walking down the hall. “Well, the rumors about you and Jacob. I’m sorry for telling people,” Isaac said. So, Isaac handled the rumors. Who informed him about Jacob and me, and what was his motive? It must have been Henry. My eyes widened, and I gave an intense look. “Wait, you were the one who told the rumors?” I asked. “Yeah, and I’m sorry,” Isaac said. “Who informed you about Jacob and me?” “Well, Henry told me after Chloe told Henry.” I knew it. “You had to tell the entire school. Isaac, do you know what you did? You ruined my life. I wanted to keep this a secret until graduation, and now it’s out. I must lie and keep it hidden from everyone. How could you!” I yelled. “I’m sorry, and I didn’t think it mattered,” Isaac said. “Oh, it matters. Now everyone thinks I’m a slut or something.” “What? Why?” “I’m marrying an older man, and you spread rumors about my past.” “I’m so sorry about that. I did it assuming you were afraid to return to school because of me and moved.” “What? Why would I ever do that? Nothing stupider have I ever heard.” “I thought you were desperate for me, so you wanted to escape.” “No, that is not at all why. I was so over you after you hurt me then.” “Really? Then why did you move away?” “Well, it’s a long story.” “Tell me.” “I broke my promise regarding Jacob before I reached eighteen.” “Oh.” “Yeah, and so we did the opposite. By doing the opposite, we got into trouble and faced punishment. This forced me to move away, leaving Jacob in town.” “Wow, that’s awful. So you only moved away because your parents were trying to split you and Jacob up.” “Yep.” “Wow. I should’ve known.” “It’s okay, and we’re good, so it’s behind us.” “What’s the rumor about you not getting married?” “To avoid mockery and halt its spread, I must lie to everyone.” “Oh, so you are getting married?” “Yes, but in secret. If anyone asks if I am getting married, say I’m not. It resembled an engagement ring, but it was just an accessory.” “Alright, I’ll let people know.” “Thanks.” “You’re welcome, and one more thing. Where is your engagement ring, anyway? “I’m keeping it in my bag to prevent people from getting suspicious.” “Why would you do that? Would they be curious why you stopped wearing it and would think you were trying to hide something?” “Maybe. Hum, I’ll wear it sometimes or on a different finger.” “Good, well, I’ll see you at lunch.” Isaac went to lunch while I went to my locker to grab my lunch. While heading to my locker, I noticed Chloe waiting for me. “Hey, I saw you talking to Isaac. What did you talk to him about? Did you ask him about him and our teacher?” Chloe asked. “No, but I found out who spread the rumors instead,” I responded. Chloe looked at me with curiosity, and her eyes widened. “No way. He did it.” She asked. “Yeah, but he had a certain reason for it, and I forgave him, and we’re good now.” I responded. “That’s good, and new rumors about you not getting married exist. How did you do it? Spill.” “Well, I lied to one of my cheerleaders, and they bought it.” “And what did you say?” “It was an accessory, and I would always wear it.” “Oh. Wow, she’s such an idiot.” “I know.” We both laughed. “Also, I wore it on a different finger, so people wouldn’t get suspicious,” I said. “Oh, that’s a good idea,” Chloe said. “Yeah, anyway, let’s head to lunch.” “Alright. I grabbed my lunch, and we headed to the cafeteria.
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