Chapter Two

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Renesmee's P.O.V. I spent some time with Jacob at the pack house before he gave me a ride home. We entered the main house and proceeded upstairs to the second floor. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, I glanced around but found nobody. I entered the living room searching for Sophia, passing by the piano I played years ago. I stopped and admired it. Jacob walked in. "Renesmee, your family went hunting and took Sophia with them," he said. Jacob noticed I didn't react while absorbed in admiring the piano. I hadn't played for so long. The last time I played was when I was four. I sat on the wooden bench before the piano and traced my fingers across the keyboard. "I haven't played on this piano in so long," I said. "It has been years." Jacob nodded with a smile. "I've missed watching you play," he said. I looked at Jacob. "You have?" I asked. Jacob walked over to the bench I was sitting on and sat by me. "Yeah. Can you still play?" he asked. I looked at him, stunned. "What?" I asked. "Can you still play it?" Jacob asked. "Hum, I don't know. I'm a little rusty." "Try. I'll watch you." I touched the keyboard. "Hum, okay," I said. I thought of something to play. Then, I remembered that time with my dad. He helped me write a song, which I finished on my own. It was about how I felt towards Jacob. I looked at Jacob with a smile and started playing. I heard my family coming in as I played, but I kept playing. "What is that noise?" Sophia said. "It's the piano in the living room," Grandpa said. They all walked in. Everyone, especially my dad, felt surprised when they saw me playing. He believed I would never play again. They sat down and listened to me play. With only a minute remaining, I reached the high notes, smiled at Jacob, and kept playing. After finishing, I withdrew my hands from the piano and glanced at Jacob, who spoke. "That was beautiful, Renesmee. You are so talented. You could take this somewhere." "Really. I don't know. I do it for fun," I said. "Are you sure? If this is your passion, we can help you pursue anything." Dad said. "Yeah." Mom said. "Yeah. I'll let you know if I decide to do anything," I assured them. "Alright. We're heading back to the cottage. We will see you later." Mom said. I nodded, and dad and mom left the living room. The rest of the family went except Sophia. After they were all gone, Sophia spoke. "Oh, my god. You never told me you could play the piano. You're fantastic." "Yeah, quit when I had you and went to high school," I said. Sophia nodded. "Who taught you?" she asked. "Well, your grandpa taught me," I responded. "Oh, that makes sense." I nodded. Sophia looked at me with curiosity. "Wait, what's the song about? It's so intense?" she asked. Jacob looked at me, waiting to hear my response, and I blushed and looked down. "Hum, well..." I said. Sophia read my expression, and her eyes widened and got a little uncomfortable. "Oh, hum, I didn't need to know that. I'm going to go," I said. I blushed brighter, embarrassed, and I couldn't look at Jacob. I felt Jacob's hand grab mine, and tingles flowed through my body. He smirked. "You wrote a song about us?" he asked. I nodded, still not looking at Jacob's face. I swear, my cheeks have gotten even redder. "Well, write about us more often," Jacob said. "I like it." I looked up at Jacob with a wide-eyed expression. "Really?" I asked. Jacob nodded with a smirk still on his face, and I smiled. He looked down at my lips, then my eyes, and leaned in to kiss me, and I kissed him back. He kissed me, grabbing my waist, lifting me off the bench, and placing me on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck, tugging on his hair, causing him to moan. Jacob's tongue touched my lips, asking for entrance, and I didn't permit him to enter my mouth. So his hand moved down to my ass and pulled me closer to him. Now, my core was against his manhood. He squeezed my ass, making me moan. This gave him the chance to plunge his tongue into my mouth. We continued making out for a minute, and I didn't realize what I was doing until I heard Jacob groan. Jacob followed the rhythm of my hips, thrusting against my core as I ground against him. I'm unsure why this keeps occurring. I keep having periods of heat. I thought it was over about a month ago, but now it's back. It must have kept getting triggered because of our bond. It was a burning sensation, and I desired his presence. So, I ground faster as he thrusts up against me. I threw my head back at the feeling. Jacob groaned as he kissed my neck, and I could feel a bulge form in his pants. As Jacob kissed my neck, I realized what we were doing. We shouldn't be doing this. We should take it, but I let this happen. I wanted this to happen. But, again, the need to have him inside me is killing me. I don't know how long Jacob and I can hold out without s****l activity, and his wolf is losing it, too. I moaned as Jacob sucked my neck. "Jacob..." I said. Jacob said nothing, and then I heard footsteps. "Mom, do you mind if I go to...oh my god. It's enough that I hear you guys talk dirty. Now I must witness you all touching each other," Sophia said. Sitting on Jacob's lap, I moved away and saw Sophia's disgusted expression. Jacob looked at her, too. "Sorry, Sophia. What do you need?" I asked. "Can I go to Seth's tonight?" Sophia asked. "Weren't you with Seth?" "Yeah, but he wants to see me again." Sophia and Seth are in love, but his excessive need for her is becoming problematic. Seth asks Sophia to spend time together. Not that it's not okay because Seth knows his boundaries, but it's like Seth doesn't want her out of his sight. I'm worried they'll spend too much time together. It will deepen their bond and lead to mating, which I don't want for her. Also, I want her to avoid pregnancy because you can't use protection to finish mating. You would think that is weird. I'm thankful to myself that I didn't get pregnant with Jacob the first time we had s*x. Another pregnancy caught me unprepared. Now, I want to marry him to avoid surprises if I become pregnant after we mate. Another pregnancy caught me unprepared. I want to marry him to prevent surprises if I become pregnant after we mate. "Hum...I don't know." I said. Jacob placed his hand on my back and whispered something in my ear. "Nessie, let her go. We know she's been spending too much time with Seth, but we trust Seth. We know he won't do anything," he said. I sighed. "Fine," I said. Sophia waited for my response, so I turned back to her. I informed her she could leave but should return by eight. Sophia ran over to me and hugged me. "Alright. Thanks, mom," she said. I pat her back. "You're welcome, sweetie," I said. Sophia then left, and Jacob grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. "You're a splendid mother, Renesmee. I can't wait to have my kids with you someday," he said. My lips curved into a smile. Jacob moved closer and kissed me. I kissed him back. I placed my hands on his jacket and pulled him closer to me. I deepened the kiss, his tongue, then asked for entrance again, and I let him. I made out with Jacob again. My core pressed on the bulge in his pants. I felt the urge to grind against him, so I did. Jacob moaned against my lips and thrust against my core again. We continued to kiss each other, and Jacob broke the kiss to catch our breath. Then, he kissed my jawline and down to my neck and sucked on my sweet spot, causing me to moan. I wanted him so. My body has no control when I'm with him. It's like a drug. I ground faster against him as he kissed my collarbone, and I groaned. His body vibrated beneath me, and I smiled. I grasped his face, gazed into his eyes, and saw them darken with desire. His yellow rings formed around his eyes. I knew his wolf desired to dominate and mate with me. Jacob smashed his lips on mine, and I felt the electricity feeling I got every time he kissed me. It flowed throughout my body and to my core. Jacob stood off the bench with his hands still on my thighs as my legs wrapped around his waist. I don't know where he took me, but I didn't care. As I kissed him, I felt the door kick closed and heard the door lock click. I broke the kiss and looked at Jacob with a curious expression as Jacob set me on a bed. I looked around and noticed we were in one of the empty guest rooms in the main house. Jacob looked at me with his darkened eyes and yellow rings around them. They kept trying to change back to normal and knew Jacob was trying to control his wolf. Jacob removed his jacket and shirt, revealing his impressive abs, and threw it on the floor. Jacob then crawled onto the bed and got on top of me. I kept gazing at his face, seeing desire and affection in his eyes. "I want you, baby. I can't take this anymore. You make me feel insane, and my wolf is going nuts for you. I know that we're getting married soon and planning to wait, but I aspire to be intimate with you now," he whispered. I looked at Jacob with worry. "Jacob..." I said. "I won't do anything you don't want me to do. Tell me when to stop." Jacob said. I nodded. Jacob leaned down to kiss me, and I kissed him back. Jacob's hands then moved down my body, stopped at my pants, and pulled on the hem of my pants. He looked at me for approval, and I nodded. Jacob unzipped my pants and pulled them down to my knees. I shook them off, leaving me in very pink, lacy, sexy panties. I glanced at Jacob, witnessing the desire in his eyes as he admired my physique. "You're so sexy," Jacob said in a husky tone. I blushed, and Jacob smiled. "I love it when you blush," he said. I blushed more, and Jacob leaned down to kiss me again. I grabbed his biceps and pulled him closer. I surprised him by flipping him over with my vampire strength. Now, I was on top of him. "I gave a playful grin. "My turn," I said. Jacob's eyes widened, but he smirked. I leaned down, giving him a quick kiss before I kissed his jawline and neck and sucked on his sweet spot for a minute. Jacob gripped my waist as he moaned at the pleasure I was giving him. I then moved to his collarbone and kissed it before returning to his lips to kiss him again. Next, I moved my hands down his body to the hem of his pants and tugged on it. Jacob didn't stop me as I unzipped his pants and tugged them down, and he helped me by shaking them off his legs. I then felt his big bulge press against my core, and I moaned into the kiss. I couldn't help but grind on him, and he groaned, making me smirk against his lips. One minute later, I stopped the kiss to kiss his chest. Jacob tensed up and smirked at me. Then he stared at me as I kissed him and licked his abs. Jacob moaned, rolling his head back. "Nessie," he said. I licked his abs and moved lower to his v-line, kissing it, causing him to tense up again. I looked up at him and grabbed his hand. "Relax," I said. Jacob then relaxed on the bed. Just as I was about to remove his boxers, Jacob gave me a worried glance. He stopped me with his hand. I looked up at Jacob, concerned. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I hear footsteps." "Wait, what?" I looked at the door, worried. "What do we do?" I asked. "Turn the T.V. on so they think we are watching T.V. and not doing anything else," Jacob responded. I nodded. "Okay," I said. I reached over and tried to grab the T.V. remote on the nightstand by the bed. I almost fell when Jacob grabbed my waist, holding me on the bed. I then grabbed the T.V. remote and moved back on top of Jacob. I looked down at Jacob and smiled. "Thanks," I said. Jacob smiled back, placing his hand on my thigh. "No problem, babe," he said. I then turned around on top of him to turn the T.V. on. Jacob groaned as I rubbed my core against him. "f**k Ness, you're still on me," he said. With a smirk, I pushed the power button, causing the T.V. screen to light up. Next, I switched to Freeform and watched a movie. I increased the volume to prevent eavesdropping and set the T.V. remote back on the dresser. "There, that's better," I said. Jacob smirked. "Much, much better," he said. I turned and faced Jacob, then kissed him again. We continued to make out. Upon hearing a knock, I broke off the kiss, feeling annoyed, while Jacob expressed frustration. "I wanted no interruptions. When can I ever spend time alone with you?" he asked. "Never," I said. "Who is it?" "It's Alice," Aunt Alice responded. I huffed in annoyance. "Yes, what do you need?" I asked. "I got ideas for the wedding. Do you want to look at them?" Aunt Alice asked. "Not right now. Can we do that later? I'm busy here." Jacob flipped me over onto my back. I gazed up at him, now above me. He leaned down, buried his face in my neck, and kissed where he marked me, causing me to moan. "How are you busy? You're watching T.V. and doing nothing," Aunt Alice said. No. I'm trying to spend some time alone with my fiancée with T.V. on. "I'm watching a movie I love, which I'm trying to finish," I said. "Can't you pause for a minute?" Aunt Alice asked. "No..." Jacob sucked on my sweet spot, and I couldn't help but moan. Next, Jacob moved his hand under my shirt, cupping my breast, and squeezed it. He then pushed my bra down and started playing with my n*****s with his finger. This caused a pleasurable sensation to reach my core. I could hear Aunt Alice sigh behind the door. "Alright, when you're done, come see me," she asked. "Alright," I responded. When she was gone, I smirked and flipped Jacob back on his back, retaking control. I smirked. "Nah, ah. I want control." I said. I moved my hand up and down his chest and noticed that Jacob had grabbed the hem of my shirt to lift it off me. So I raised my arms, allowing him to take it off me, leaving me in only my bra. Jacob threw it across the bedroom floor and moved his hands up to my stomach to my breast again, squeezing them. Jacob then unclipped the back of my bra with one hand, causing it to slip off my arms, and threw it across the bedroom floor. He stared at me with desire in his eyes. I could tell he had regained control because his eyes were back to their usual brown color. "f**k, you're so beautiful," Jacob said. Jacob ran his hand up and down my body, causing tingles to flow through me. I leaned down, kissed his chest again, and moved down to his abs, kissing those too. Then I drove down to where his V-line was and kissed him there. Jacob moaned. "Nessie," he said. I smirked and pulled his briefs off, letting his bulge fall out, and my eyes widened. I can't believe how big he's gotten since last time. Jacob saw my reaction and laughed. He asked, "Are you alright, Nessie?" "I still can't get over how big you are," I responded. "I know if you don't want to..." "I stated no intention of engaging in s****l activity with you, even if I desired to." Jacob's eyes widened, lifting himself, causing me to strangle him. "Wait, you want to?" he asked. "No.." I lied. "Then what do you want, babe? If you want me, I'll give myself to you. If you want me to pleasure you, I can do that too. We don't have to have s*x. Pleasuring you is enough for me. Besides, I got so used to doing it for you before that I don't mind doing it again." I nodded with a smile. Jacob is so perfect. I wouldn't have anyone better than him to marry. I could feel Jacob's bulge at my entrance. It made me want him so. But we couldn't. I frown at that. "I want you inside me. But we can't have s*x because I could get pregnant. And we can't finish mating," I responded. "They won't find out if we have it, and I got condoms with me so that we won't finish the mating process," Jacob said. My eyes widened. "You got protection?" I asked. "Yep, I came prepared because I know how we are," Jacob responded. I nodded with a smile. Thank god he has protection. It makes me more relieved now to do this with him. "So, what do you want to do?" Jacob asked. I looked down at my hand. "Hum... can I pleasure you?" Jacob nodded, and I moved on top of him, pushing him back on the bed. I kissed him for a minute and then broke the kiss, kissing down his body to his manhood. I grabbed hold of it and put it in my mouth right away. This caused Jacob to groan. I pushed his manhood further into my mouth. I started to suck and lick his tip. This caused him to roll his eyes back and moan. "Oh, f**k," he said. Jacob pulled my hair out of my face as I continued to suck on him. A few minutes later, Jacob moaned as he released it in my mouth, and I swallowed. Jacob looked at me and smiled. "Nessie, that was amazing," he said. I smiled, got on top of him, and kissed him. Jacob flipped me over again and got on top of me again. His hands supported his body, preventing it from crushing me. Jacob stared at me with love, and I stared at him with a curious expression. "What?" I asked. "Nothing, you're just..." Jacob responded. "I'm what?" "You are incredible, and I'm glad you're mine." "And you're amazing, too. You're...I don't know." "You don't know." "Hum, you're special. There is no one like you. You bring me joy, my ultimate desire. You make me feel loved." "And you make me feel loved, too. I'll always love you." "I hope so." "You hope so? You are everything to me. My imprintee, my fiancé, my other half, and your imprinter. I will never leave you." I smiled at Jacobs' words to me. "I love you," I said. "I love you more," Jacob said. Jacob leaned down and kissed me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I wrapped my legs around his waist. This caused Jacob to moan against my lips. His bulge pressed against my wet core, covered by my panties. Jacob broke the kiss by kissing my neck and sucking on it. Jacob then kissed my chest and grabbed my breast, cupping and squeezing it. He then sucked on my other breast, causing me to arch my back as I moaned. Jacob did the same to the other breast, kissed my stomach, and moved to my panties. He grabbed my panties, pulled them down, and threw them on the floor. Jacob then kissed my inner thighs, and I moaned at the feeling. He then kissed my thighs until he got to my core, teasing me and putting his face where my private area was. He used his tongue on my clit, causing me to roll my eyes and moan. God, that feels so good. Jacob continued to suck and rub me until I arrived. I grabbed the sheets. Just as I was about to finish, he halted and positioned himself above me. This caused me to groan in frustration. Jacob read my face and spoke. "I aspire to be inside you when you cum." I said nothing as Jacob got off of me and searched for his pants for a condom. He then ripped it open, put it on, and climbed back on top of me. He smashed his lips to mine again, and I kissed him back. We kissed until Jacob broke the kiss and asked. "Are you ready?" I nodded. Jacob moved his manhood to my entrance, and I stretched myself as he entered me. I stretched and felt a slight pain, but not significant. Jacob looked at my face, worried. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's been a while since we did this." "I'll take it slow, and when you want me to go faster, tell me," "Alright." He thrust inside me, and I moaned in pleasure, arching my back. f**k, that feels so good. I almost forgot how good it felt to have Jacob inside me. Jacob noticed I wasn't in pain and started thrusting in and out of me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and shoulder, pulling him closer. Jacob buried his face in my neck and kissed and nibbled on the area, and I moaned. "Faster, Jacob?" I asked. Jacob nodded in my neck and thrust faster and deeper, causing me to scream his name. Jacob groaned and whispered, "f**k, I love it when you scream my name." I said nothing but continued to moan as he hit my G-spot, and my hands dug into his back, scratching it as I built my climax. Jacob wanted to move faster, so he banged inside me, and I arched my back, moaning louder. Jacob moaned. "s**t Nessie, you feel so good. I miss this so much." He said. I smiled, grabbed his face, and kissed him. As I did that, I flipped over until I was on top of him and continued kissing him. I moved down on him, making him moan. Jacob groaned at the feeling and rolled his eyes back. I grinned and started moving up and down on him, and he helped me by thrusting his hips up. Jacob held my ass as I went even faster, and I heard Jacob moan again and move even quicker. When I hit my G-spot again, I rolled my eyes back in pleasure. In minutes, I neared a climax, and Jacob flipped me onto my back, thrusting faster. This caused the bed to shiver and me to scream his name as I moaned. I ran my hands up and down his body, and Jacob leaned down and kissed me, and I kissed him back. Five minutes later, we were sweating and about to climax. Jacob thrust a couple more times. I could feel myself reaching my climax. I moaned as I grabbed the bedsheets. "Jacob...." he said. Jacob continued moving fast, and after a couple more thrusts, I could feel myself reach my climax. I screamed his name, and Jacob kissed me to silence me. Jacob thrust a couple more times before coming inside me, and he moaned, burying his face in my neck. He kissed my neck as he lay on top of me, still inside me. Jacob then kissed me again and then pulled out of me. He got off the bed to throw away his used condom. As he got up, I smiled. That was amazing. I'll never have s*x this good with anyone. Jacob climbed back into bed, smiling at me, and laid on his back. I crawled closer to him, Jacob wrapped his arms around me, and I laid my head on his chest. "That was amazing, Nessie," Jacob said through his heavy breaths. "I know. Others don't compare to you in bed," I said. "Oh. So you think I'm way better than Mason?" I'll have to admit, having s*x with Jacob is twice as good as with Mason. I looked up at Jacob and nodded. Jacob smiled and kissed my cheek. I yawned. "You tired?" Jacob asked. "Yeah," I responded. "Alright." I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes. "Goodnight, Nessie," Jacob said. "Goodnight, Jacob," I said. I then fell into a deep sleep.
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