Chapter Three

2010 Words
Renesmee's P.O.V. The following day, I woke up from a fantastic dream I had the previous night. Regardless, it felt realistic. I had a dream where Jacob and I were mating. The dream was excellent, as I said, but somehow too absolute. The thought of marrying him and joining the pack filled me with fear. I felt my head lying on something hard. I then smelled a familiar scent and realized who this scent was. I saw Jacob asleep, and my eyes widened when I noticed he was shirtless. I moved and realized that my leg had gotten tangled with his. I realized I had no clothes on. It gave me a moment of contemplation. Did Jacob and I...? Oh no, it wasn't a dream. It was all real. Jacob and I had s*x last night. No wonder it felt so real. I was about to kiss him but had to use the bathroom. A hand gripping my arm thwarted my efforts to stand, causing tingling sensations. Jacob was still lying down, with his eyes closed, holding onto me. "Where are you going?" Jacob asked. I smiled. "To the bathroom. I'm not going anywhere." I responded. Jacob nods, releases his grip on me, and turns onto his stomach, returning to sleep. He likely felt tired after last night. I went to the bathroom and relieved myself. After finishing, I flushed and examined myself in the mirror. I looked radiant but unsure why. I checked my neck for hickeys but found no signs of affection. They've already recovered. I also noticed hickeys on my chest. At least I can't hide that. I walked out of the bathroom and found Jacob still asleep, so I woke him up by jumping on his back, causing him to groan. He turned, still underneath me, and opened his eyes to meet mine. I was still naked so that he could see every part of my body. Jacob smirked as he examined me. "I could get used to this sight every morning," he said. I expressed my disbelief by rolling my eyes. Jacob rose, and I wrapped my legs around him. His hands rest on my waist. I held him close. I wrapped my arms around him and pressed our bodies together. I felt his arousal against me. I moved even closer to him, and he chuckled. "What are you doing?" Jacob asked. I buried my face in Jacob's neck. "Cuddling with you. You're so warm," I mumbled. Jacob laughed and rubbed his hands up and down my back. He nuzzled his head into my neck and sniffed me. "You smell like me," he said. "I like it." I smiled. After cuddling for a bit, Jacob spoke. "We should take a shower." I didn't want to leave his arms and stay like this forever, but I nodded, got off him, and jumped off the bed. I noticed a growl coming from behind, and Jacob was eyeing me. I had a smirk on my face. I walked towards the bathroom. I swayed my hips. His groan reached my ears. Entering the bathroom, I opened the curtain and switched on the water. I got in the shower and submerged in the water, feeling it cascade down my body. During that time, I noticed Jacob entering as I heard the curtain open. With a smirk, I drenched my hair by running it under the faucet. Jacob put his hands on my waist from behind and kissed my shoulder. I spun around, locked my arms around his neck, and shared a passionate kiss. In response, he kissed me. Throughout the rest of the shower, we took turns washing each other. After, I exited and wrapped a towel around me. I left the bathroom and went to my drawer, taking out shorts and a white shirt with a strapless bra to hide the hickeys. I went back to the bathroom and saw Jacob wearing a towel. Water was cascading down his chest and abs. He looked appetizing. It made me want to rip that towel off him and take him. I pushed aside my impure thoughts. Passing by a smirking Jacob, I grabbed my comb and started picking out my hair. As I did that, I felt big muscular arms wrap around me, and I slapped his arms away. "Jacob! You're wet." I yelled. I moved out of Jacob's arms. I returned to what I was doing. But his arms wrapped around me again. I squealed as he lifted me and carried me into the other room. I kicked and screamed, telling him to put me down, but he didn't budge. With a smirk, he dropped me on the bed and got on top. Water fell on my face. I wiped the water off my face. "Hey!" I yelled. Jacob chuckled. "You're such a baby; it's water," he said. "No, I'm not. You're dripping everywhere, and I don't want to get my clothes wet." I said. Jacob shook his head with amusement on his face. I glared as I shoved him and left to comb my hair. I heard footsteps coming to the bathroom doorway. I saw Jacob still in his towel, leaning against the door with his arms crossed, looking at me. "Don't be mad at me," he said. "I'm not," I said. "You are. You're avoiding me." I put my comb away as I spoke. "What if I am?" I was walking past him when Jacob blocked me. He causes me to bump into him and touch his chest, which is still dripping. I swallowed, sensing his closeness, and examined him. "Don't be," Jacob whispered. Jacob lifted my chin, causing me to meet his gaze. He glanced at my lips, then leaned in and kissed me. Despite my rage, my body betrayed me, and I succumbed to the kiss, unable to resist. I embraced him and kissed him in return. One minute later, Jacob leaned back. He placed his forehead against mine and smiled. I looked at him, reading his face, and Jacob knew he had a hold on me. He knew I couldn't stay mad at him. I rolled my eyes and turned around to leave the bathroom. Jacob got dressed and fixed his hair. He then waited for me, and we headed out of the bathroom. "We should head back downstairs, so they don't worry about us," he said. "Wait, what would our excuse be since you were with me?" I asked. "We would say that I watched it with you. It's not like they thought we had sex." "True, and besides, they trust us now, and we want it to stay that way." "Yeah, okay." We opened the door and went downstairs. Our ears picked up the sound of the T.V. Uncle Emmett spoke as I passed through the living room. "How was it?" I gave Uncle Emmett a curious expression. "What?" I asked. "You know last night," Uncle Emmett responded. "Oh, the movie. It good." "No, silly. We heard you guys in the hall." "Oh... you heard that?" "Yep, so how was it?" As I was about to speak, Jacob spoke to me. "Emmett, we are not giving you details," he said. "Why not?" Uncle Emmett whined. This time, I spoke. "Because it's personal." "Ugh darn," Uncle Emmett said. I shook my head and pulled Jacob along with me. "Come on," I said. We made our way to the kitchen. We encountered aunt Alice at the table. There are papers and pictures scattered everywhere. She must have this wedding planned out. I went to the refrigerator to get orange juice for both Jacob and me. I poured the glass while Jacob took a seat. Aunt Alice glanced up at Jacob and rolled her eyes. "You guys finished. I had to wait for you guys and then called it a night. I need your guys' help. What kind of cake do you want?" she asked. Jacob responded to me. "Mine is already taken care of." "Oh, okay, so I guess it's stuff with the bride I got to take care of," Aunt Alice said. Jacob nodded. I approached Jacob and took a seat on his lap. With a smile, he embraced me and drew me near, wrapping an arm around my waist. "So, what do we need to do?" I asked. "Well, I asked you about the cake yesterday," Aunt Alice responded. "Oh yeah, so what about that?" "How would you like it to look? I can draw it out and then get someone to make it." "Okay, hum..." "I thought about my dream wedding cake for a second. I desire a white cake with three layers adorned with beads. Since it will be a beach theme, I also want lavender seashells decorated around the cake." I responded. "Okay, I like it. It's nice and simple. Okay, I'll get this drawn out soon," Aunt Alice said. "Alright." "And one more thing. You didn't tell me what kind of flavor you wanted." "Oh, hum, vanilla, since Jacob chose chocolate." By the way, Jacob's cake was like any other groom's cake. It was chocolate-covered everywhere, with chocolate-covered strawberries at the top. "Alright, you're all set. You can go now." Aunt Alice said. "Okay, if you need anything else, let me know," I said. "Alright." "I have to pack things I need to do at the house. You can come along to keep me company," Jacob said. "Sure, because I can't stay away from you after last night," I smirked. Jacob raised an eyebrow, observing my face. "Oh, really?" he asked. "Yep." I responded. Jacob smirked. "Same," he said. "Then don't go." I said. I desired Jacob's constant presence, so I flirted by touching his arms and biceps. I felt him tense up when I touched him, and I smirked while running my fingers through his chest, neck, and hair. "I have to. You know it would be much easier if you lived with me," Jacob said. I sighed. "I can't, but when I'm eight, I'll be old enough in vampire years to join you before the wedding." Jacob nodded. "If you're not interested, I'll take you back to the cottage, or you can come along if you ask your parents," he said. "I like the second one." "Okay," We went downstairs and left. I noticed Jacob's motorcycle parked in the front. I joined him on the bike, and we rode to my house. We reached the house in five minutes, and I dismounted the motorcycle. "I'll stay here and wait for you," Jacob said. "Okay," I said. I headed inside and found mom and dad on the couch, watching something. I then walked over to them. "Hey, mom and dad," I said. "Hey, sweetie, how was your night?" Mom asked. "It good. Can I visit Jacob's place to get acquainted before I move in? Also, can I move in with him four days before the wedding, since I'll be eight and old enough in vampire years? It would be easier if I didn't have to move in post-wedding." "You can go, and we'll consider the second one." "Okay, and is Sophia here?" "Huh, no, I kind of let her go see Seth." "Mom! Why did you do that? She's my daughter. You can't let her go see Seth without my permission." "She wanted to go, and since I'm her grandma, she can go with my permission." "Yeah, but she needs to ask me first." "Well, sweetie, you weren't here." Frustrated, I pivoted, departed, and closed the door in my wake. I made my way to Jacob, wearing my frustrated expression. Jacob raised an eyebrow. He asked, "What's that face for?" "Sophia is at Seth's. She didn't ask me," I responded. I got on the motorcycle and wrapped my arms around him. "At least she asked your parents," Jacob said. "Yeah, but I'm her mother, and I might worry," I said. "Well, you shouldn't have slept with me then." I shoved him, and Jacob couldn't help but laugh. He started the motorcycle, and we took off for La Push.
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