Chapter Thirteen

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Renesmee’s P.O.V. Mom, dad, Sophia, and I got out of the car. Mom approached me and said, “Sweetie, go inside and get ready with everyone else.” “Okay,” I said. I was walking to school when someone yelled my name. Chloe and Henry came up to me, holding hands. Chloe pulled her hand from Henry. She hugged me and said, “Hey.” “Hi,” I said. “You ready?” “Yeah, I’m nervous about the speech I have to give.” “Renesmee, you’ll be fine.” “I hope so.” We went into the gym and joined everyone else. We took seats in the seats they assigned us and waited for the graduation to start. After twenty minutes, everyone sat down, and the principal started talking. He gave a speech praising us for our achievements these years. After that, another staff member spoke. Ten minutes passed, and then they started giving out awards. They called our last names in sequence. So, I waited until they reached letter c. When they called names, I looked at the parents. I wanted to see Jacob, but he didn’t show up. I frowned, wishing he were here, but I knew he had essential pack stuff. Embry walked in and sat by my parents to support Hannah, which made me curious. Is Jacob here? Because wouldn’t Embry be with him? When it was almost my turn, I followed everyone to the stairs and stayed behind them. I was looking out for Jacob, but he hadn’t shown up. I gave Embry a curious look, and he gave a wan smile. Something was wrong. As they were about to call me, I noticed the door crack open, and Jacob walked in. I sighed in relief and smiled. “Renesmee Cullen,” the lady said. I went up the stairs, grabbed my diploma, and high-fived the principal and the staff. As I was leaving the stage, I heard my family cheering. I saw Jacob leaning against the wall, clapping with a smile. I grinned and headed down the stairs. His arrival eager me. Jacob gave me a wink, making me blush and turn my gaze. Thirty minutes later, everyone finished. The staff let me make my speech, and I returned to the stage. I went to the mic and stood in front of it. I glanced at the crowd, met with countless stares, and saw Jacob giving me a little smile. “Hello,” I said through the mic. It was silent, and I spoke. The staff and the principal walked off the stage, and I talked. “I have something to tell you all. You may know I’ve been dating an older man this past year, and some may still label me bad. Many of you may be in similar situations. So, it shouldn’t matter who you date. You shouldn’t base judgments on the person you’re with.” I heard whispers, and I smiled. “If you guys don’t know what he looks like, he’s standing by the entrance,” I said as I pointed to him, and everyone turned. They whispered again, and Jacob smiled at me again. “Anyway, people spread rumors I was engaged to him, and well, it’s true.” I lied. “This ring that is now back on my engagement finger is an engagement ring.” I said, showing it to everyone. As everyone talked louder, I caught Jacob’s admiring gaze. In the crowd, I noticed a guy standing up. “Yes,” I say. “So it is true. You are getting married?” The guy asked. “Yes, we got engaged a year ago, and we plan to marry soon.” “I see, so what about kids? Has this guy got you pregnant yet?” I heard whispers and responded, “No, I’m not pregnant, and I’m not planning on it until I’m married.” The boy sat down, and I continued to speak. “So now that I told you this, you can go off and tell the entire world because I don’t care what people think of me anymore. I don’t care if I am marrying an older man. I love him, and that’s all that matters.” Everyone clapped. “Thank you everyone,” I said. I walked off the stage and went back to my seat. Then, the principal came back on stage and gave props to the 2015 seniors. And then we tossed our caps up and shouted that High School was over. Chloe and I then left the classroom full of students. “Great job on the speech, Renesmee. I knew you could do it.” Chloe said. “Thanks,” I said. Chloe saw her parents and looked at me. “Well, I had better go. I’ll see you at the party tonight,” she said. “Okay,” I said. Chloe walked over to her family and gave them a big hug. I looked for Jacob and didn’t see him anywhere, but I saw my mom, dad, and Sophia. I went up to them and hugged them. “Congrats, sweetie, and brilliant speech. I knew you could do it.” Mom said. “Same.” Dad and Sophia said. “Thanks. It was nerve-racking, though, but I got through it.” “I bet you looked nervous,” Mom said. I searched everywhere for Jacob, but I needed help. So I frowned. My mom looked at me with a curious expression. “Sweetie, who are you looking for?” she asked. “Jacob,” I responded. “Oh, I saw him leave real quick. He received a phone call.” I nodded, looking worried. Isaac walked out, spotted me, and came over. Mom smiled. “Well, I’ll see you outside,” she said. They walked out, and then I turned back to Isaac. “Impressive speech, Renesmee. I knew you could do it.” Isaac said. “Thanks,” I said. I kept looking for Jacob, but no sign of him remained. “Who are you looking for? Let me guess, you’re now a fiancé?” Isaac asked. “Haha, hilarious, and yes, I’m looking for him. He was among the crowd. I don’t know where he went.” I responded. “It’s possible that something arose, and he had to leave.” “Yeah.” “Well, I hope you find him, and I’ll see you at the party.” “Okay.” Isaac hugged me and then left. Embry walked out with Hannah, and they laughed. Hannah released Embry’s hand and approached me upon noticing my presence. Hannah hugged me. She said, “Hey, you gave an amazing speech and did well.” Embry walked to Hannah’s side and wrapped his arm around her waist. “Same,” he said, “Thanks,” I said. I looked for Jacob again. Embry looked at me with curiosity. He said, “Renesmee.” “Yeah,” “Are you looking for Jacob?” “Huh ah.” “He’s outside. He had an important Alpha duty to take care of on the phone.” “Who was he talking to?” “Leah. She’s taking care of pack stuff at the pack house because he wants to be here for you.” Hearing this warmed my heart that Jacob gave up on his duties to be here for me. “Oh...” I said. I stood there, and Embry chuckled. “Go,” he said. I looked at Embry with a curious expression. “What?” I asked. “Go find him. I bet he wants to see you soon,” Embry responded. “Oh, okay.” Before I left, they hugged me, and I headed out of the school’s front door. Jacob’s P.O.V. Right before graduation ended... I was so proud of Renesmee for making that speech. I was glad she could feel more confident telling the school about us. Anyway, after the speech, I got a call from Leah when she sat down. I walked out of the gym and headed out of school. I answered the call and stood against a wall away from the school’s front doors. “Hello,” I said. “Hey, we have a minor problem,” Leah said. “What is it?” “Fresh vampires have arrived, targeting two girls. I wonder who they are after.” There was silence on the other line. “Leah. Tell me!” I commanded with my alpha voice. “Hum...” “Who is it? Who are the girls they are after?” “They are after Renesmee and Sophia, but I heard the son wants to meet the daughter.” “Wait, they have a son?” “Yeah.” I thought about this for a second. I realized it was four years ago when Renesmee met Mason. But it was Mason and his mother, Scarlett. “Leah,” I said. “Yeah,” Leah said. “The son wants Renesmee’s daughter. He wants her like Mason wanted Renesmee as his. But Mason played her to get her to the Volturi.” “This boy wants to take Sophia to the Volturi, like what happened with Renesmee?” “Yeah, it is strange that Sophia is the same age as Renesmee during this situation.” “Yeah,” I heard the doors open, showing the end of the ceremony and people departing. I then saw the doors open again, and Renesmee walked out. “Leah, I got to go. I’ll talk to you later about this,” I said. “Alright,” Leah said. I ended the call and noticed Renesmee scanning the area. I grabbed her and pulled her towards me. She squealed, and I covered her mouth while pulling her close. She saw me and felt shocked, but then she relaxed. I released her mouth and kissed her as if it were our last moment. I pulled her in, grabbed her waist, and she kissed me back. I stepped back and flashed her a smile after a minute. She appeared fuzzy after the kiss. I moved a strand of hair away from her face and spoke. “Congrats,” “Thanks,” Renesmee said. “And you did great in your speech. I knew you could do it.” “Thanks. I know I couldn’t do it without you guys’ support.” I smiled at her, leaned in, and kissed her again. Renesmee wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. We were making out when we heard someone cough. I broke the kiss to see who was bothering us. It was Chloe and Henry. Renesmee’s P.O.V. We heard a coughing noise as we kissed, and Jacob broke the kiss. We turned to see Chloe and Henry. “Hey, guys, what’s up?” I asked. Jacob turned away and buried his face in my neck, taking a deep breath. “Huh, we wanted to know if you needed a ride because your parents and Sophia had already left,” Chloe responded. Jacob planted a kiss on my neck. I got chills and could feel Jacob smiling on my neck. “, I’m fine. Jacob can take me back.” I said. “Oh, okay, well, see you tonight,” Chloe said. “Okay.” They left, and I let out a moan as Jacob sucked on my sensitive spot. “Jacob,” I moaned. “Mmm,” “We had better go.” Jacob whispered in my ear as he kissed my neck. “Let’s wait till everyone is gone. We’ve been lacking time alone.” I was too distracted by his sweet kisses on my neck to say anything. “By the way, you look amazing, Nessie,” Jacob whispered. Jacob bit my earlobe, sending a shiver through my body. “Th...thanks. I also have something else I’m wearing tonight,” I said. “Oh, really?” Jacob said as he sucked on my mark. “Yep.” “I can’t wait to see you in it.” I smiled, and Jacob kissed my neck again before he moved up and kissed my jaw. Then he kissed me. Jacob moved his hand from my waist to my thighs, grabbing them. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist, and he pushed me up against the wall. Our kiss intensified, and Jacob grabbed my bottom lip with his teeth and pulled it while biting it. I moaned and grabbed his hair. I broke the kiss, saw it was getting darker, and noticed the parking lot had cleared up. I glanced at Jacob, our foreheads touching. “We should get going,” I said. Jacob nodded, trying to catch his breath after the kiss. He put me down, grabbed my hand, and led me to the parking lot. We got to his motorcycle, hopped on, and headed to the cottage. We were almost at the cottage, driving by trees. I had a gut feeling that something terrible would happen. I put my arms around Jacob, and he got all tense. He can sense how anxious I am. “Baby, are you okay?” Jacob asked. “Yeah, a little. I feel something will happen.” I responded. I felt Jacob’s body tense up again. “Jacob, have you found out anything?” I asked. “Hum...” “Jacob, you can tell me. I’m your future Luna. You can tell me anything.” “Well...” As we reached the cottage, Jacob was about to speak, and we saw mom, dad, Sophia, and Seth coming out of the house. I glanced at my parents, and they had that look. They knew something. Jacob parked the bike, and I hopped off and walked over to them. As I approached them, mom said, “Sweetie, we have some news from Seth.” “What is it?” I asked. Jacob came over and put his arm around me. I glanced up at him, and he looked worried. He’s aware as well. I looked at him with curiosity. I asked, “What is it, Jacob?” Before Jacob could say anything, my mom spoke. “Must we go to the main house and talk there?” “Okay,” I said. My parents left. Sophia and Seth left, too. I looked at Jacob and touched his chest. “Can you tell me yourself?” I asked. “Your mom is right. We should go to the main house, where everyone is, and then I’ll update you.” I sighed, knowing I was not getting anything out of Jacob yet. “Okay,” I said. Jacob kissed my forehead. Then he said, “Go change, and I’ll wait for you.” I nodded, went inside, and changed into jeans and a T-shirt. Then I threw on my tennis shoes, and we headed to the main house. When we arrived, we went inside and upstairs. With Jacob’s hand in mine, he walked over to my parents and told them he wanted to talk to me alone for a minute. Then he led me upstairs and closed the door behind us. We sat on the bed, and I turned to look at him. “So what’s going on?” I asked. “Okay. Lately, I’ve been getting news about the new vampires in town. Leah informed me over the phone about a family comprising a mom, dad, and son,” Jacob shared. “Oh, well, what do they want?” Jacob wore a worried expression as he looked down. I looked at Jacob with curiosity. I asked, “What is it?” “They are after you and your daughter, but more your daughter,” Jacob responded. “What?” “I know. I thought all was normal, peace and marriage awaited, but this occurred.” “So, what are we going to do?” “Us? You’re not doing anything. My job is to protect you and Sophia.” “Jacob, please let me do something.” “Nessie, I can’t. I can’t let anything happen to you. I’m unsure how to handle a situation where something happens to you.” Jacob looked sad, so I went over and touched his face. He leaned in and nuzzled his head against my hand. “Jacob, I’m not going anywhere. I’m a strong girl who can care for myself,” I said. Jacob looked into my eyes. “I know, but you’re still half-human,” he said. “I know, but...” I said, but Jacob interrupted me. “Renesmee, will you listen to me? I need you to stay away from the forest unless you’re hunting. But I want you to be with someone like me or your family to protect you.” “Okay.” Jacob smiled and kissed my forehead. He said, “We should go back downstairs.” “Okay,” I said. The family chilled in the living room, chatting with everyone downstairs. We walked in. I was about to sit in an empty chair, but Jacob stopped me. He plopped down, wrapped his arm around me, and pulled me into his lap. He then wrapped his enormous arms around my waist. I looked at him but shook it off. “So, I see all you guys already know now?” Jacob asked. “Yeah, we are also worried. We’ll do everything to keep Renesmee and Sophia safe,” Grandma assured him. Grandpa declared, “Yes, and we’ll undergo training in case of a battle.” I looked over and saw Seth’s arms around her waist. He was protecting her. I smiled, knowing Seth would do anything to protect her. I also noticed grandpa was now talking about something different. I needed clarification. I wish I had never dozed off. Jacob’s voice echoed in my mind. “Renesmee, are you okay?” Jacob asked. “Yeah, I’m confused because I dozed off,” I responded. “What were you thinking about?” “Oh, nothing. How well will Seth treat and protect Sophia?” I saw Jacob look at Sophia and Seth, and he smiled. “Yeah, same,” Jacob said. “So what was my grandpa saying?” I asked. “We discussed the family’s identity. We’re unsure of their identity, but this resembles your experience with Mason four years ago. His intentions align with Mason’s, but there are variations. A man is pursuing your daughter, wanting her for himself.” “What does this do with me?” “He wants to kidnap you so you won’t be able to save your daughter.” “Oh, so you don’t know who they are?” “Nope, not yet.” “Okay.” I closed the mind link and looked at everyone else. “So, what are we going to do?” I asked. “We must protect Sophia, as that is their greatest desire,” Grandpa responded. “Any clue about who they might be?” “No, not at all,” Grandma responded. I nodded. My phone went off, and everyone stared at me. I checked my phone to identify the caller. Mason’s name popped up on the caller’s I.D. I picked up the phone. “Hello,” I said. “Hey, Renesmee. We have a minor problem,” Mason said. “What is it?” “My unmentioned half-brother is in town, seeking you and our daughter.” “Wait, what!” “My father, Julian, and Violet Erickson plan to take Sophia. They will make her his and my half-brother, Zachary, into an arranged marriage. It’s wild. My half-brother is Sophia’s uncle, so it’s gross, and we need to stop them. “So, how does this deal with me?” “They want to get rid of you to reach Sophia.” I nodded. “I’m unsure how it helps. To reach me, he must surpass Jacob. To reach Sophia, he must surpass Seth, an impossible task. They are both very protective,” I said. “I know Seth loves her very much. He told me he would do anything to protect her.” Mason said. I nodded. “Well, you need to tell him that,” I said. “I’ll try.” “Mason.” “Yeah.” “Thanks for telling me all this. You’re a big help.” “You are welcome, and I’m on your side. I want to protect my daughter, too.” “I know, and thanks.” “Well, I got to go.” “Okay, bye.” I hung up and looked at Jacob. Jacob looked at me with curiosity. “So what’s going on?” he asked. “Does Mason know something?” “Yes. Mason knows who is after me and Sophia,” I responded. “Who?” “It’s Mason’s half-brother, Zachary Erickson.” “Oh, that makes all sense now.” “Yeah, same.” My grandparents said together. “So, what are we going to do?” I asked. “Let’s wait and see what happens. Jacob, stay in contact with Mason for updates,” Grandpa instructed. “Alright,” Jacob said. I urged. “We should start organizing the party now.” I got up out of Jacob’s lap and looked at aunt Alice. “You should finish up the decorations,” I said. “Yeah, aunt Rosalie. Could you help me? Everyone will be here in an hour.” Aunt Alice said. Aunt Rosalie nodded and left with her while Jacob stood up and glanced at me. “Well, I’ll be back tonight later,” Jacob said. “Okay,” I said. Jacob kissed my forehead, then headed out the front door. I sighed and turned to look at Sophia, who was kissing Seth. I coughed, and they pulled apart, looking at me. “We need to go. We need to go get ready,” I said. “Okay, bye, Seth,” Sophia said. They kissed again, and I rolled my eyes and walked away. Sophia followed me, and we went back to the cottage.
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