Chapter 2

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The king's family is very happy and they seem like nice people. Christine shows Stella her room. I know you two are strangers , But you will have to sleep in one room after the wedding. But I don't want to . says Stella. I don't know him and I don't love him. I can't share a room with him. Mrs King try to understand I have a life .I just graduated. Only yesterday did I know that am getting married. this is too fast for me. Ohh my , am really sorry dear. .Ok freshen up and come for dinner. But I don't have any clothes . I was just dragged here.. don't worry about that .I had that sorted out yesterday..Thank you ,you have a beautiful home says Stella . It's now your home too. .I will let you settle in now says Mrs King as she leaves the room. , Stella goes to the wardrobe opens it , it's stocked up with the latest fashion and designer clothes . wooow it's so beautiful. She walks in the bathroom it's so so white . the bath tub is very big ,all the ladies toiletries are there . She takes a very hot bath and soaks herself in the tub . The shampoo smells nice , she finishes bathing and dresses in a lovely pink floral dress and pink house slippers. she's let her hair loose and it's so dark . ,she leaves her room and goes to the dinning room to have dinner with the all family . it's been long since she had a meal with everyone .Since her mother died . Everyone is there except for Moffat. Stella honey come you sit next to me says Mrs King. You look cute . The dress suites you compliments Angel. Thank you Stella says shyly . As soon has Stella sat down , Moffat enters the kitchen and sees Stella , she's looks very beautiful and fresh . He notices she's nervous and bitting her lower lip. The little action is a turn on for Moffat . He sits down to hide his reaction. .Stella notices Moffat he's looking different from the business oriented person he is , He's wearing a black short and grey t-shirt . He's very cold and doesn't look in her direction. Stella wants to look in his direction but she's scared and nervous . he suddenly sits opposite to her . Then she looks at him . They suddenly lock eyes ,her heartbeat ❤️ fast and she bites her lower lip again , she looks away Mrs King notices the little actions and smiles . they have dinner she's never had such delicious foods before , She's focused on her food and doesn't pay attention to Moffat whoes looking at her. (she's looking very sexy and he has never seen a very beautiful girl he's always captivated by her beauty .Mr King notices Moffat staring at Stella. ,Then looks at his wife . they Both smile Brother eat your food says Angel. . Thank you for the meal Mrs King it's delicious. ooh thank you my daughter am happy you have enjoyed the food. Angel tomorrow you show Stella around the estate and introduce her the house staffs. Ok mum. Moffat see me in my study says Mr king. ok dad , they finish dinner and Stella goes to her room to sleep. Moffat joins his father in the study. Yes father you called for me? Son I don't know the reason why you had chosen her. But the family thinks if you had chosen the other daughter. . Dad she's the owner of that hand print. And she's very beautiful . yeah I noticed how you failed to eat ,that you kept staring at her. But son don't hurt her. . The following day Stella wakes up very early and goes to the kitchen ,she usually gets up at 05:00 in the morning to go to her part time job. But right now she's not working . she enters and finds the chefs are preparing breakfast and she asks if there anything she can help with. , they all look at her suprised. no Mrs King we have everything under control. Hmmm am not Mrs King yet says Stella shyly. to me you are says Veronica, the head chef , You will soon be Mrs King , she's very pretty says the other chefs and you two will have beautiful children. , What's the problem in this house with children .Says a deep magnetic voice I see you want to resign Veronica. . No Mr king , sorry . she excuses herself then leaves the kitchen. Stella is left with Moffat ,she turns to walk out then he hold her on the arm and turns her to face him. , Don't get too familiar. You are the Mrs King because your family owes my family money. . Don't touch me,let me go , I can touch you how ever And when ever I want , responds Moffat She tries to slap him , he holds her hand And turns her to face the wall. he leans behind her and whispers in her ear . " That little temper of yours will get you in trouble princess . she's struggling to get out of his hold. And she accidentally rubs against his cork ,she stops moving and he chuckles . I see you have learnt your lesson now . He walks out of the kitchen and Stella is left alone . She goes back to her room ,( don't cry Stella you are strong .) . Angel enters her room , Sis morning let's go down for breakfast. Why are you staring yourself in the Mirror you are beautiful sister in-law. My dumb brother is very lucky to have a beautiful wife like you . They have reached the dinner and they sit to eat breakfast. Moffat joins them ( damn he looks good ) Stella thinks as he enters the dinning room. . He gets his coffee and turns to leave . Son you don't greet your wife ? says Mr King . I was with her in the morning ain't that right wifey ? . he leaves the room and goes to the office . she can't stop staring at him , the black suit can't hide his muscles , Stella your father told me that you graduated from the University recently, I will find you a position at the company tommorow says Mr King.. Thanks Dad ,says Stella ,she's now very happy. sis let's go for the tour ,. says Angel. They go out of the house . The estate is very big . Since you will be his wife you should know about him . My brother is a very cold and distant person. he wasn't like that when we were Young. he was taken to the army at a very young age .. he came back 3years ago . So he's a soldier? asks Stella. No he's a commander . And he's the heir to company . . Does he have a girlfriend? . No he doesn't . Theres only ladies who wants to climb his bed. .I had a friend from childhood. ever since my brother came back she's being distant and now she's working at our company has one of his secretaries. She has tried to be close to him. Angel looks sad and hurt . Stella hugs her ,don't worry I will be you friend . She abandoned our friendship for trying to climb into my brother's bed. But does your brother know? , she's a has betrayed you ,she can also betray him ,since she one of his secretary. . I told him , he said he knows. He's friend told him. I like his friend Lucas . Now I don't know what to do about it,. I was wondering if you have been in love or in a relationship. my parents never let me do anything ,says Angel. Have never been in love or in a relationship. I have never had time to date . ,. sis why ? It's either studying or working . That's why I was surprised when they told me that am getting married. I don't even know anything about Your brother. or an idea about marriage. . We are not even I love . I wish I could have given you any advice . Says Stella. how old are you asks Angel. . Am 23 this year on 16 June . What!! then am your big sister. Am 24 in July . says Angel. ok big sis. let's go shopping for your office clothes . Am sure the company will be surprised to see a beautiful face tommorow. Mummy I want that man . I Can't let that stupid girl marry that man . Mum he's very rich that's what Richard told me says Grace. Don't worry I called Mrs King that you will go and visit tomorrow. don't lose this opportunity tommorow . You are my daughter , Stella is no March for you. She will meet the same fate like her mother. ok Mum ,am going shopping for what to wear tommorow, Can you give me extra cash . , Anything for you my baby. . Stella goes shopping with Angel , they spend the afternoon together. they notice notice a beautiful black dress ,Stella am sure that can fit you . let's go you try it on ? . I don't have any money Angel . ,don't worry this mall is ours it's owned by your husband . They walk towards the store and Stella gets the dress to try on. It fits her perfectly and she walks out to show Angel . someone has spots her and follows her. Excuse me I want that dress she calls to the cashier. . Miss there are other dresses but that one is taken. I want that one ,she can take it off , Stella hears Grace's voice and turns around. Oh sister i didn't know it's you says Grace. Grace I didn't know you can wear my size says Stella. . I thought your husband will be keeping you busy . it's sudden that you can be moving up and about shopping. ., what is it Grace ?, do you have anything to say to me . You are just too shallow you don't deserve such a man . Ooh then is it you who deserves him? don't think you can get everything and everyone Grace . Am no longer in the Stone's house . says Stella. you are just weak like your mother. Says Grace Stella is now furious and approaches her Angel has just been listening and watching . she goes to hold Stella so that she doesn't beat up the girl called Grace . . " I am my mother's daughter but am not my mother . And you are not your mother. . Says Stella and pushes Grace away. she goes to the change room and takes off the black dress. . She goes to the cashier and hands her the dress . . Angel let's go . some people like to take used products. They walk out and leave Grace sulking . Is that your sister? Yes ." she's my sister same father , different mother's . I am sorry that you had to witness that says Stella. . It's ok . But why does she want to be married to my brother because of debt and you on the other hand want's to be free. ? , Am sure it's because of your family status . But am sure if your brother had chosen her I could have been working now . Says Stella sadly . Angel can tell that she's sad, Don't worry I know it's unfair . I can't Image myself being married off like that. But you are strong and My family loves you. Thank you Angel. They arrived late at home . Girls how was your day ? Asks Mrs King we had a wonderful day mum . Dinner is almost ready go and freshen up and come down.. They go to their rooms . Stella is still thinking about what Grace said about her mother . (Ella don't cry you are a big girl . big girls don't cry ,big girls don't share ) . she remembers her mother's words . She takes a shower and changes into a black riped shorts and black hoodie and ties up her hair . she looks very natural and has a beautiful forehead. She enters the dinning room and finds everyone there . Veronica winks at her and whispers .You look beautiful . Stella was used to people staring at her . but she's feeling uncomfortable when Moffat is looking at her . she sits next to Angel ,. ( she look damn breathe taking ,and those shorts are showing off her hips , why's she not sitting next to me ? Thinks Moffat) . who do you really reassemble asks Mrs King , I resemble my mother says Stella. She really is a beautiful woman , I will invite her one day .And complement her for having such beautiful daughters. . your sister is coming tomorrow , can I also ask your mother to visit. Stella looks sad and responds . " My mother is late ". she looks sad and looks at her plate . ooh am sorry dear then that woman is your step mother? Yes . Moffat , Stella is joining the company tommorow she will be in the planning department . . So you have to go with her to the office tomorrow. . Ok Dad. He can't object his father . Though hes not comfortable with her working at the office. She's too beautiful and alot of men will be attracted to her . He can't show his jealous to his family. So he keeps cool and agrees to his father's request. they all finish eating and leave to go to their rooms. Mum I met Stella shopping at the mall. I think they are treating her well. she insulted me rudely and pushed me off it was really embarrassing. She will see tomorrow . I will make her pay. says Grace .Now that's my daughter. Her mother took away your father when you were only 2years old . You deserve to have everything first , she took your chance to be with your father. We came after her mother died . That's when your father came for us . You deserve better my baby. Stella is up again very early she's avoiding to go to the kitchen. Because of the incounter of yesterday. So shes just in her room . Dress up in a trousers suit and 6inch heels ,she ties a messy bun and applies a lite Makeup and red mate lipstick. she goes down to eat breakfast and everyone fails to comment ,she looks different and matured . , Morning ,she greets everyone. I see you are ready to start work . You look good Mrs King. Says Moffat's Dad . , Moffat looks up and sees Stella sitting next to his mother again. He's frustrated , he gets up to leave . And tells Stella. " you will find me in the car . " then he leaves , Stella finishes her breakfast and gets up to leave .. She's called back by Christine ,Have a good day today . Good luck says Robert. Have fun sis . , Stella is touched no one wishes her off when going for work. Thank you everyone she walks away fast so that they don't see her cry . She gets out of the house and wipes the tears off her face. But Moffat has seen her little action. She enters and sits close to the door . ,he's looking at her profile .,but she doesn't want to look at him. they reach the king's company It's very big The tallest building in the capital , the driver opens the door for them. The bodygaurds follow , . Moffat gets out and Stella follows The entrance of the building is so luxurious . One of the bodygaurds comes close to him and reports of today's events. . Moffat he's walking majestically and Stella is failing to keep up with his large strides. she's walking fast to keep up with him . He notices her panting and he slows down. Morning Mr King greets a beautiful lady by the reception But he doesn't respond. The people in the company all wait for him to enter in the elevator with his bodygaurds then they resume. with whatever they were doing . Stella notices how feared he is at the company. He's so intimidating . He stops and looks at Tony . Tony show her the planning department. . Yes sir Follow me miss Stone .Stella follows him to the planning department. They reach the offices in the planning department. Tony introduces her ." This is miss Stone she will be joining you take care of her . Madam Stone this is your desk ,Tony shows her the desk . Everyone is looking at her , They are staring at her . Trey introduces himself to her , the women are just looking at her jealously . Am Stella she shakes Trey's hand . He holds her hand for a long time and let's go . Hello Stella some one calls her ,She turns and sees Richard (Grace's fiance' ) , she's scared to be around him and she takes a step backwards. Tony notices. And asks , Mr Kent do you know miss Stone? , Yes I know her. She will be joining your department . You are welcome miss Stone says Richard, he offers his hand to greet her but she acts as if she doesn't see his hand, She hates him and doesn't want to be in the same room with him. Stella sits at her desk and her day is ruined by meeting Richard at the company. Tony goes to the ceo's office and reports everything that happened. .
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