Chapter 3

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Tony reports everything to Moffat. Sir Miss Stone was scared I mean seemed frightened to meet see Mr Kent . In the planning department. Find out more about that man.? Yes sir . Oh and I forget she's really beautiful and has kept the department busy especially the men. He reports that and leaves the office in a hurry. Moffat is now frustrated , That's what he didn't want . for her to be stared at by everyone. He checks his internal monitoring system on his computer. He sees Stella in the surveillance talking with a man and he's leaning on her desk . he's enraged now .He calls his secretary to arrange a meeting with the planning department immediately. the head of department tells everyone to prepare for the meeting with the managing director of the company. And the CEO will be present. So let's prepare adequately. They are all seated and Moffat enters with his secretary ( is she the one that Angel told me about ? thinks Stella ) , she's tall and skinny they look tall and good together. Tony is also with them . The moment he steps inside the intire meeting room becomes quite . He walks with a powerful intimidating aura. Stella can't help but admire him . ( is that man really going to be my husband ? ), They are all standing. After he sits that's when they all sit. He's seated at the top chair and he's overlooking everyone. His eyes are only focused on Stella whose uncomfortable sitting next to Richard. She's bitting her lower red lip again . ( she's scared Moffat thinks ) , Tony brings a file of information about Richard . .The meeting is about a business deal with China , on the construction of a new shopping mall. The department should come up with the best plans in two days . which will be used to signing the contract with the Chinese investors . Stella take notes and is really excited to start working. After the meeting they wait for the CEO to leave first ,then they all walk out . ,it's almost lunch . Hey says Trey . Can i join you for lunch? , aren't you going to the restaurant . I will be going there in a minute says Stella. ok then will go together. Everyone is staring at her . Who is she ,I saw her come with the Big boss says a lady who was at the reception this morning. she's very beautiful and sexy and the boss his very handsome. Maybe she's his sister says another. That's not his sister replies Claire (Angel's former friend ) , Then who is she . look at all the men ,they are even changing there usual sitting areas. This is not fair , how can she have a very pretty face and killer body . ,I bet those round butts are fake and hips ,boobs . she's wearing red bottom heels , that's my monthly income. I think she's the Big boss's woman. They all look at Claire who claims to be the girlfriend . She now hates Stella more, What's her name ? Claire asks . we don't know . Moffat can't help but watch Stella's every move , he's frustrated with the men who can't stop trying to be close or talk to her . He's at the point of building another company restruant for the men only. . Grace had to book a taxi to reach the estate . Is this were that stupid girl is staying. No way , I should be the one living here . . Hello Miss Stone you are welcome greets the maids . But Grace just looks at them and doesn't respond. They smirk and laugh at her impoliteness . She's even wearing fake brands . says one of the maids . Grace turns around and looks at them , she rolls her eyes and continue to walk in the hallway . She finds Mrs King in the living room. Hello dear please come in , Am Christine you are welcome . Grace can tell that this is the lady of the house so she acts politely . . Morning mam am Grace Stella's sister . is she around? asks Grace . ,No she's at the office ,she started work today. ,That's like a bomb on Grace . she can even feel her chest closing in . She chokes on her own saliva and coughs . Are you ok ? yes am fine . . how's the family, how are you guys taking it .Am sure your father is devastated. but don't worry she's now like a daughter to the family. Grace sees Angel and she is now frightened . thinking that she will tell her mother the incident at the mall. But Angel is just quite and greets her . I see you came with a bag says Angel.. I hope you don't mind mum told me to keep her company until the wedding, she's very worried about her . she's the youngest and fond of mum. oh no problem dear it's fine . You are welcome . Angel show her the guest room , ok mum. Grace follows angel to the guest room. hey sorry about last time. Ever since Stella slept with my boyfriend we have not been in good terms . There is nothing I can do. ,she's my younger sister says Grace. really asks Angel . Stella slept with your boyfriend . ooh wow . I know you can't believe me cause am just a stranger . Everyone in our neighborhood knows about it . Then why are you with the same man ? . We broke up recently . Angel is not buying the story and Grace can see that . So this will be your room . Untill Stella gets married to my brother. Says Angel and leaves the room. . Mum that's the same girl I told you about who insulted Stella at the mall. They are half sisters. She's only here to be close to Moffat . then good luck to her with our Moffat and they all laugh . Sir Miss Stone is waiting for you , Am working late today ,you can take her home ,I will come later , ok sir says Tony with a smile. What the hell are you smiling about . No !! am going home now , Moffat changes his mind and the smile on Tony's face fades . I knew it you wanted to be alone with her . Sir she's very beautiful. That's my wife in a few days . I see you are tired of working here . No sir sorry apologies Tony. Stella sees Moffat coming she moves further to the door. Moffat's phone rings it's Angel . yes he says in a cold voice. Give Stella the phone , It's for you . Stella answers the phone. Sis your sister is here. That's nice ,Thank you for informing me. . She gives back the phone to Moffat. Thank you. But he doesn't respond. They arrive home . As soon has she sees she smirks coldly and Moffat is liking that smirk. she looks cute . He smiles . Hey you too . how was your day?asks Angel ? . it was great sis. Didn't he bully you at work asks Mrs King. No mum says Stella , Moffat walks past Grace and doesn't even greet her . Stella follows after him . sister how is dad ? . he's fine . I will call him as soon has I buy a phone. Sis you don't have. phone ? asks Angel . Yes I couldn't afford one . But the one your sister has is expensive to buy two ordinary phones . my sister is engaged and the fiance' works in your company since she's the eldest she has is the number priority of the family. , so I didn't know says Mrs King . when is the wedding? asks Mr king. But your mother offered you to get married to my son . It's because they were worried since she's the youngest , responds Grace . Excuse me says Stella. She goes to her room .Grace follows her . They enter the room. Don't think you will benefit but playing a saint . Grace think whatever you want. says Stella she goes to take a shower ,comes out and starts dressing ,she opens the wardrobe deliberately for Grace to see . The body lotion is very expensive. She asks Grace , I know you are here because of that man . Grace I will not be in your way . Stella leaves the bedroom and goes out. she stops her by the . Are you giving me that man so that you can be close to Richard . in your dreams Grace . Am not giving you any one . That man is the one who chose me , if he will have a change of heart . Good luck he's all yours . I never claimed him ,says Stella. she goes to the kitchen, moffat was standing by his bedroom door and heard everything. He goes back in his room and asks Tony to bring the file home, He left it at the office. ( so she's in love with the sisters fiance') ok . He comes out of his room and finds Grace standing by the door . Hello am Grace .He looks at her , ok Stella's sister I know you. He walks to the living room and she follows. . Shortly Tony enters with the file . Thank you Tony . says Moffat He looks at the file . And. he's goes in his study ,Tony had brought all the information . He gets up and goes to his study . ( what's this , he wanted to rape Stella . is that why she's afraid of him ?) . he's now frustrated and enraged.. The all family gathers to eat dinner . Where's Stella asks Mrs King . shortly She enters the room , she sits again next to his mother . He sits opposite to her . Angel is sitting next to him. Grace sits next to Stella. I heard you were in the kitchen , what were you cooking . I was just helping them preparing . Ok Moffat is just looking at her ..Moffat there's a meeting in France for the board members ,you are needed to attend by tomorrow ,For how long is the meeting. Asks Moffat . Cause in two days I have to sign the contract with the Chinese investors. ok then we will postpone it after two days. Angel follows Stella sis I really missed you today . I missed you too. What's your first project ? , We have to design and plan a shopping mall . Is there a room I can use to do my work ? yes there is let's go . Angel knows that is were Moffat is usually found . So she takes Stella there. Moffat goes to the study to design he finds Stella there. Am sorry I didn't know this is your room she gets up ready to leave. .The moment she reaches close to were he's standing . The light goes off , she is scared and she jumps on him., he holds her tight and she wraps her hands around his neck and put her head in the crook of his neck. She's wrapped her legs around him ,and she's breathing hard on his neck . It's affecting him. The light is turned on ,she opens her eyes and lifts her head . she doesn't know what to do. He's looking at her and he's looking at her lips . Stella knows he wants to kiss her . She's now scared , you can put me down now . I don't want to says Moffat . I didn't tell you to jump on me . so stop telling me to put you down . Stella starts wiggling trying to get down. Stella stop what you are doing. she doesn't stop . Moffat squeezes and holds her butt tight . Stella stops when she feels something hard between her legs. He tries to kiss her she pushes her head backwards. . He walks to the chair and sits . Please am sorry for jumping on you says Stella. am not sorry for catching you . Says Moffat. He holds her tiny waist with his left hand , holds her head with his right hand and pulls her close to him. Then he kisses her lips , The moment his lips touch hers it's like a bomb has exploded , He doesn't want to let go . he pulls her hard and holds her tight , she doesn't give him access to enter her mouth. he bites her lower lip and she moans and he enters ,mmmm he explores her mouth ,she tastes so sweet and he can't get enough. Stella is not staying still and she's making it hard for him . he suddenly leaves her lips and whispers in her ear , stop it princess or I will f**k you hard here in this room. she tenses up and stays still. Now can you let me go? . he's so so very handsome up close thinks Stella as she looks at him . he loosen his hold on her and she gets up on him. And runs for the door , he laughs as she goes . Scared little kitty , she meets Angel the little culprit . why didn't you tell me it's your brothers office. what !! I didn't know he uses that office. She looks at Stella hair is a mess and her lips looks sollen and red. She tries to act innocently and asks sis what happened to your lips and why is your hair like that ,she blushes and looks back in the direction of Moffat's office she sees him walking towards them and she walks fast to her room. Angel can't help but laugh at her. . Are you the one responsible for turning off the lights , Angel? Asks Moffat. Are you the one responsible for her sollen lips asks Angel. Moffat doesn't answer and he walks to his room. he takes a very cold shower to calm his big boy down and it's seems like it's not working. he can't stop thinking about how soft her butt is , how tiny is her waist. ,how sweet her mouth is . he's on the shower for two hours. . Stella can't stop touching her lips . she feels like he's still holding her . his scent is still on her . That's my first kiss . And when she thinks of his thing poking her between her legs . she's feeling things she has never felt before. she gets in bed sets the arlam and sleeps . Mum these people are rich .She is even working at the company. I thought she will be a maid in the house . but she has alot of expensive clothes and shoes. . says Grace ,she has called her mother. But do you have a chance ? asks Nancy . yes mother. He's so handsome and rude he treats her like she doesn't even exist. That's good my daughter. . make sure he gets first with you ok. Grace blushes . I know mum . ,That's my baby. The following morning Moffat is acting like nothing happened. he's the same cold and distant. they go to the office. in the car she can't stop staring at him . He knows she's looking at him . . Stop staring at me or else we won't reach the office today. she looks away and blushes . he chuckles and smiles. Tony can't help but look in the rear view mirror. It's the first time in 3 years to see his boss smile. . They reach the office Claire is early. she is in the front desk with her friend. Trying to see if it's true they come in the office together. And her worst fears come alive. He is never close to women before. who is she ? I heard her name is Stella Stone. The chairman is the one who recommended her to work here. Woooow she's really so beautiful and they look good together. Stella is not wearing heels today. she's walking very far from Moffat and the bodygaurds. . she manages to go to her department. . Moffat is not comfortable for her to be working with Richard. he tells the bodygaurds to be surveying and guarding her at a distance. Stella submits her plan. so does everyone. they choose hers and the ladies in her department are not happy . They go to the directors office,sir why did you choose her plan?,. is it because shes beautiful says one of the ladies . the director is now confused . the plans where brought on my desk today . I have never even met ,or seen her before. Am just told someone has joined the planning department. He calls his secretary to call miss Stone to his office . Stella goes in and finds the ladies there. and they seem not happy to see her . Sir you called for me . The director composes himself. she's like a siren her beauty can kill you ,or will be the death of you. Miss Stone which one is your plan ? she points at the plan on top. is there anything wrong with it? no . nothing is wrong with it. I have chosen to your plan. You can go with me to go and see the CEO . why should I follow? so that you explain the design and plan . ok sir . They reach the ceo's office its on the top floor of the building. they knock on the big door , come in says a deep big voice . Stella is nervous to see him. she follows behind the director. . Morning Mr King our department is done with the planning and design. This is the plan I have chosen . he looks away from the documents he was reading and looks at the plan. wow impressive not bad . . Then he looks at the people standing in front of him. once his eyes land on Stella. is this the planner ? . yes sir . Am giving you 4 hours to redo your plan . and he throws away the plan. . The director is now scared . he thought by taking Stella with him . the CEO will fancy her and will always be favouring the planning department. But he thought wrong.
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