Chapter 10

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What is he doing here ? shouts Angel. sis I can't leave my husband. says Stella loud enough for Moffat to hear , Whose getting the bags out of the car . he smiles when he hears Stella's words . Stella pulls Angel inside and whispers,he refused to let me come, then I insisted that he comes to . This scheming man ,he played you.. No I played him . I miss mum ,is this what she cooked for me? yes she pretty much misses you too. So tommorow are we going to the wedding ? , so your sister is marrying that lying man ? Yeah they deserve each other . Have you picked a present for her . Not really replies Stella . Why ? she didn't give me any . it was the other way round on my wedding. Stella notices Moffat is looking at her . she gets up . I will be back soon Ok Mrs King says Angel, she walks to him . are you alright ? , no , whats the problem ? .I can't fall asleep with you not around says Moffat. Ok let's go. she looks at Angel and mouthes her , am coming . Angel gives her a ok sign. They go to the bedroom ,she removes his shoes ,shirt and trousers she also gets in bed he holds her, and she counts up to 20 , he's fast asleep. she gets out and goes back to the living room. Sis are you doing it ? Stella blushes and nods her head. wow . My friends told me that the second time is sweet and you will forget the first time . Ooh really . says Stella. So how are things going with you and Lucas , any progress? no .I don't even have his line. can I invite him to the wedding . I will be thankful Stella. ok sis and don't let him off this time ok . yes boss. Ok goodnight .I better get back in bed before he notices am gone. ok love birds . she goes back and snuggles in his arms, where did you go? asks Moffat. to the bathroom . kisses her head and they sleep. Moffat wakes up early. makes breakfast . His phone rings Stella wakes up and takes it to him . Moffat your phone has been ringing for so time . he calls back , sir everything has been arranged . ok see you soon. Stella looks at him ,she tries to go back and he hugs her . it's Tony and kisses her neck , aah she gets out of his hold and runs back to the bedroom. Moffat is already dressed in a black suit and black shirt. he looks very handsome and cold . , she's walking naked in the bedroom Angel comes in , oh my goodness sis your breasts have grown big ,what's your secret ? I think am just eating alot. Moffat enters the bedroom , Whats going on in here. Stella dress up he throws her a towel but she doesn't catch it ,it falls on the ground. you can't be naked in front of Angel . Oh brother so she can only be naked in front of you ? . Stella if you don't dress up you know what I will do to you , says Moffat in a cold voice am not joking, Angel get out . shouts Moffat. no Angel don't go says Stella , Moffat shes helping me pick what to wear . you could have told me to help you. No Moffat you are a man. . Stella goes to the suitcase and she turns her back on Moffat and Angel , Moffat looks at Angel very angry and she leaves the room quitely ,he walks behind her and holds her , Moffat let go , Angel is here she will see us. that's what you wanted when you were walking around naked ,he slaps her ass and it vibrates on his hard d**k . ooooh he bites her ear , Stella trembles. She turns around fast and holds him tight and burries her head on his chest. Am sorry I will never do it again. You won't be walking around naked when am not around . She nods her head , she looks cute Moffat smiles and chuckles . Ok I won't do it now , But tonight you should be ready for me ok ,says Moffat . Am always ready for you says Stella has she looks at him. , he kisses her hard and let's go . how do you do it , from being a sweet little girl to being a seductive little demon. She looks at him and doesn't say anything. She takes a blueballe lingerie ,Moffat says no . Why ? no pants no bras he says in a commanding voice . Yes sir says Stella. She wears a elegant tight bearback dress ,her back is exposed . and a cashmere coat . stilettos . she Combs her beautiful black hair to the back . No on the side , I want to be touching and looking at that beautiful back . Yes sir says Stella in a seductive voice . Say that again and I will have you facing the wall. . Sorry sir . ohh you little devil he holds her I see you don't want to go to the wedding. Am sorry have stopped . they go to the kitchen have breakfast and leave. The wedding ceremony starts Grace looks beautiful and walks down the isle with ken . Stella is seated with Moffat and she can't stop smiling at whatever he's saying in her ear . Grace is furious ( that should be me ) , Richard is suprised to see Stella with the ceo ,the chairman and his family. Why is she with the king's family ? asks Richard . Before Grace can answer they see Moffat kissing her and she's smiling, She married to the CEO . Oh my god . Richard is excited and hurt to see Stella with another man . He has always liked her and wanted her. Now Grace was throwing herself on him . Lucas is seated with his girlfriend and Angel is not happy about it. . When the ceremony ends Angel pulls Stella to the side ,sis help me . ok Stella asks Moffat . Lucas is here. is that his wife ? Moffat looks in Luca's direction. No he's not married and that's just some hired girl for tonight's event. Ok . They see her go to the bathroom. Stella holds Angel's hand . follow me . They enter the bathroom she's inside the cube . oh my god they will definitely be a fight tonight. Luca's wife just came with her arrogant friends . Am sure he didn't tell the girlfriend. Says Stella. Oh my god and his wife is psycho . Last time she had beaten up that actress and disfigured her face. says Angel. She has big nails. Am not going to greet her. , let's hurry up and leave this party. Stella and Angel live the bathroom and stands by the Conner to watch her leave . She goes to Lucas and they can see them arguing and she leaves. . the wedding reception has been sponsored by the king's at the most luxury and expensive hotel which belongs to them. The guest are all excited and the leave to go to the hotel. Grace is now happy and she's excited that the hotel belongs to the kings . There's the high table for the bride and groom. They are looking very beautiful together. Moffat whispers in Stella's ear . we are spending the the night here . this was our wedding reception And our first night was supposed to be here. . They open the first dance and everyone starts dancing. Angel walks to the dancefloor alone . and some guy offers to dance with her . before she can accept his hand . she is pulled back and hits a hard wall. She touches the wall it's bumpy she look up to see the handsome Lucas smirking at her . Hello wifey .What !! ,she tries to get out of his hold but he's strong. you owe me a dance and a f**k , you chased away my date. ,I don't understand what do you mean ? (ooh I Know what he means . I can't wait husband) . You and you scheming sister in-law. , I don't know what she said but she lied to you . says Angel. There were two women . one is very beautiful like ,the most beautiful person she has ever seen . and I knew that it's Stella. and the other is very attractive with a beautiful Angelina Jolie face and a seductively hoarse voice . and I knew it was you wifey. Am not your wife. Yeah my wife is psycho. you fit the description Wifey. let's just dance people are watching us . They dance beautifully and Stella winks at Angel. ,She blushes Woow you look beautiful says Lucas. And wants to kiss her but she looks away . Moffat is fuming with rage . ,he has his fits clenched and Stella holds his hand . He looks at her and she's smiling beautifully at him ,he touches her beautiful face and kisses her . Ken and Robert are watching them . I don't know what happened but they are inlove . Her mother would be proud of her. Am also proud of my son for falling in love. But I have to kill that one , he points at Lucas . I don't care if he's the son of the president I will kill him . Nancy has heard everything and walks to Grace . daughter do you know that handsome man dancing with Angel . No mother I saw him at Stella's wedding. he's friends with Moffat. What's his name mmm Lucas . he's the son of the president says Nancy. That's our Target now. No mum I only have eyes for Moffat. he's the one i want . But it's too late he's inlove and you have no plan . I have a plan mother . He's handsome but Moffat he's very handsome and everyone is looking at him . Mother he's the one I want . The bride has asked for the family to gather at the table for they eat together. I would like my sister to sit close to me says Grace, oooh how nice sis. Stella hugs Grace and they sit together. Moffat tells Stella if they can exchange sits . she agrees Moffat sits next to Grace , Grace is excited and happy. Moffat gives a signal to Tony. After some time the food is brought in . The compliment of the hotel . Everyone is excited. The food is expensive and top class to eat in this hotel . They are served and ,the bride is in a hurry she opens the bottle of wine and winks at her mother ,she tries to pour but Moffat grabs the bottle. Grace is scared the mother and daughter looks at each other, sister in-law let me do the honours ,says Moffat. He pours for the bride and groom and for himself. Stella you want some asks Grace . No sis am not feeling well today. Christine looks at her suspiciously. she counts it's been a mom and the pads in her bathroom are still in place , Christine is excited and tells Robert, you will be a grandfather 8months from now. How do you know? your daughter in-law has a big appetite these days and has stopped drinking wine or coffee. So she's aware she's pregnant, why hasn't she told Moffat?. She is waiting for the right time I think . grandmother don't spoil the suprise for him . ok says Robert. I promise . he's happy and kisses her. I will have my grandson to accompany me fishing laughs Robert happly. Moffat is busy talking to Stella , Grace puts a pill in his drink . . Tony tells him . Boss it's done her cup is empty . Moffat turns to look at Grace. Did I tell you that you look beautiful. Mr Kent here's to you and your wife ,A marriage of happiness and joy. Mrs Kent's cup is empty ,the waiter comes and pours her wine . they all drink . The waiter leaves with the bottle puts it near the bar . Grace is thrilled to see Moffat drink the wine . Richard is excited and asks for more wine . the waiter comes back and it seems like it's the same bottle. Moffat whispers in Stella's ear. My wife am going to the room. I will be waiting for you don't take long . Moffat has started to feel the effect of the drug. . He excuses himself and leaves . Grace gets up too she follows behind him. She's blushing and feeling hot. she she sees him walking in the hallway and out of the hotel . ,she follows him , across the road , she calls his name but he doesn't stop. she walks fast that she catches up with him . She starts feeling hot. Hey sexy were are you going ? look at her she's beautiful in a wedding dress . this is my wife . Stella goes tothe room and finds Moffat there naked waiting for her . He holds her and starts kissing her takes her to the bed and rips off her clothes . Stella can sesnse that he's not ok . She's scared that he can hurt the baby. she has no choice but to tell him . Moffat stop . he doesn't listen to her . she breaks in tears . who did this to you. she can see that he's drugged . Stella am sorry my little wife . Says Moffat and before he can enter she whispers in his ear . Am pregnant and you will hurt the baby if you do this. He freezes and looks at her holds her beautiful face kisses her forehead , he gets up from her and goes to the bathroom. ( I could have hurt my child ,oh my god am a Dad . my beautiful wife is pregnant . ) YES shouts Moffat from the bathroom. Stella laughs and joins him , the shower is very cold . She turns turn it off. Promise you will be gentle. No Stella I can't touch you . She jumps on him . and bites his earlob . I miss you , I want you. . Make Love to me tonight she kisses him And he's under her spell. He enters her and she trembles and he holds her tight and walks back to the bed .
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