Chapter 9

2011 Words
They are all suprised to see Mrs King, Mum what are you doing here ? , how long have you been standing there ? ,long enough to see everything. . Stella is shy and standing behind Moffat. I brought you food , especially for my daughter . she can't eat food from here , Mum why are you here? ok I missed you alot and the house is empty it's just me and your father , what's wrong with being alone with Dad ? ,he will be fishing or playing golf . so we should go back together ?, yes if you don't mind. . and you can finish what you were doing just now . when we get home. I love you two ,. She holds their hands , am happy that you are getting along . Ok let's go we can't leave Dad alone in that big house , they leave to go back home Stella has fallen asleep. They reach the estate ,he carries her inside and takes her to her bedroom. she wakes up and finds Moffat staring at her ,. You look beautiful says Moffat She kisses him lightly and he pulls her close . we will be late am going to bath first .She gets up and goes to the bathroom . she takes off her pajamas and goes on the shower . She starts bathing he enters the bathroom. and takes off his pajamas and stands behind her,he holds her and kisses behind her neck, she's startled and tries to turn but he holds her . An not going to do anything I just missed you already. The water pours on both of them and he's just holding her ,she turns around and holds him ,he kisses her , .And he bathes her, she's shy and closes her eyes . don't close your eyes , I love your body. your are very beautiful don't be shy open your eyes . She opens and he gives her a scrub . she starts also bathing him ., she's feeling very shy to look at his lower body ,she closes her eyes and she starts washing him down there ,she holds it and shuts her eyes tightly ,he laughs at her . she feels it growing big and shes screams opens her eyes and looks at his big ,hard d**k , . this is how you make me feel says Moffat, she blushes shyly . they finish bathing he goes to his room to dress up. the moment he leaves the bedroom. Mrs King enters her bedroom. Morning my beautiful daughter, what would you like to eat . Thank you mother and anything is fine ,as long as it's made by you . Where's Moffat ? , he's dressing up. ok . She puts on a tight peach skirt and white blouse . peach heels , and peach lipstick. she looks cute ,they have breakfast and leave for the office. hes looking very handsome in a checked shirt . You look good she tells him. ,Thanks and for me it will be hard to see all those men drooling over you . ,how will you see ? we are not in the same office. , I just see ok. mmm ok ,. They reach the office parking lot ,he pulls her for a kiss and while kissing her ,he unties the hair band touches her hair .I love it like this . she smiles and they get down . They enter the company , everyone is looking at them ,how come she's always with the CEO. And she dresses in expensive things . I bet that's the girlfriend. . what no !! she can't be . .Then who is she ? They enter the elevator with the body guards , I will Miss you . Can you acompany me for lunch ,ok . he kisses her and she goes to her office. She is called by the director, Miss Stone . you just started working recently and you got permission for a week , but you came after 3weeks . Yesterday you were absent . I don't want to surrender you to the CEO. I don't want your lack of commitment to the company to put me in trouble, am sorry sir it won't happen again. I know it won't. Thank you sir . How did she join this company ? She comes in with the CEO. I need to know who she is? thinks the director Stella goes to the bathroom and on the way back she meets Richard,he tries to grab her and sees people coming their way he takes back his hand . Stella goes to the ceo's office. Before she enters , Claire stops her ,hey do you have an appointment. You can't just enter the ceo's office. Yes I have an appointment. What type of appointment is it ? asks Claire , it's personal Stella tries to open the door but she stops her again Miss you can't go in there , the phone rings on her desk . Claire what the hell are you doing !! let her in , Ok sir . you can go in , Stella steps back and looks at Claire. What are you doing He has said you can go in . . Then open the door and announce my arrival , since you are doing your job. Claire walks back to her desk . moffat is watching what is happening , my little bully she just can't let it go. I don't have time to argue with you little bitches . what !! did you just say? Stella goes to the desk she's pulled back before she can even slap her . what did you just say ? says Stella struggling out of his hold . Calm down Stella says Moffat. he holds her tight . Claire sees her fellow secretaries and breaks in tears .. She's pretending . You lying b***h let me give you a reason to cry . She is lifted up by Moffat and enters the office and sits her on his lap. . why did you stop me . she's very arrogant, she insulted me . he tries to kiss her and she looks away . I can tell you a secret I know the route she uses when going back home. Really!! she tries to get up . but he pulls her back and he kisses her ,he leaves her lips ,were are you going ? I want to go back to my office, no way you are not going anywhere. Moffat the director warned me today .I can't let you go now you promised to eat lunch with me . He sits her on the desk and looks at her . kisses her and she kisses him back . he calls Tony, go to the director and tell him Stella is with me . And I don't want anyone to disturb me. ok sir He pulls her close and stands between her legs , her skirt rolls up. he holds her ass and it's naked and slaps her ass . he kisses her ,she unbottons his shirt . he lays her on the table and sits on the chair,pulls her p***y towards his face and eats her out . she cums hard and he gets up takes off his trousers and briefs he rubs it on her and enters ,she trembles and squeezes him hard he moans loudly and lifts her up from the table and she wraps her arms around his neck . he holds her ass and f***s her hard. Stella is screaming and moaning ,she's trembling , this goes on . the people outside cant stop blushing because of the ambiguous sounds coming from the ceo's office. Claire is heart broken and shes trying not to cry she's embarrassed to face her friends. .Mmm the boss has stamina it's now 2hours . is that how he is with you Claire? asks her fellow secretaries and they laugh at her , keep dreaming girl he's never going to be yours . at least we know his type. laughs another one. Stella is very tired and she can't even move she's shaking and trembling ,he goes to the bathroom and wipes her . pulls down her skirt and and lifts her up he sits on the couch and she's on his lap she's resting her head on his chest . he opens the food and starts feeding her. Stella is very happy she holds his waist, Thank you Moffat. For the desert or for the food. She buries her head on his chest ,you are welcome my wife . ,she kisses him , Moffat I will go to see Angel tonight. will come back tomorrow. Are you going to the wedding ? Stella asks , why can't she come here . We have plans . Stella. just tell her to come And we go to the wedding. Ok then let's go together ,she kisses him feeds him too. he looks at her . I don't know what you are doing to me , Nothing . says Stella. ,can I go to my office now. Ok see you after 2 hours she gets up and sits back down . So wife is it 2hours already ? why are you back. , her legs are shaky . I just need some time. He carries her to the resting area and lays her on the bed , I don't want to sleep , no I just want you to rest . And he lifts her legs and massages them . You have beautiful legs . The officials of the ceo's office are told not to speak of anything that happened ,or heard . If a word of the ceo's personal affairs is spread in the office . you will be prosecuted and fired . Stella goes back to her office. beauty were did you disappear to ? , asks Trey I had some work outside oh ok . her cellphone rings and she sees a strange number picks up. Hello . I miss you already. says a deep voice .She smiles and laughs , me too. . they knock off and go to the estate They pack up . Mrs kings is sad and wants them to stay. Grace do yo really want to marry Richard,when you have seen that stupid girl marry a handsome, rich man ,why Grace ? ,Mum I know what am doing and you will be proud of me . . I know my daughter now am just worried. Stella is coming tomorrow and rubing on our face how she's living. I want to kill that little w***e. Grace goes to her room and looks at the picture of Moffat. you will be mine tommorow. she has been failing to sleep wakes up in the middle of the night when she remembers ,what happened on the plane from France. She hates Richard for lying that he slept with Stella. She has been scheming this plan for weeks and it must succeed this time. on the other hand Claire is frustrated. Baby what's the problem? asks James . I know you are friends with Moffat. But he I hate him . Why can't you let him go . he's married now. What? when, how ,why didn't you tell me ? The marriage is of high status his wife doesn't want to be exposed or known. This is interesting. he's having an affair on his wife ,with that little w***e. what!! Moffat is cheating on his wife? , hey hey don't tell him that you know. I will be in trouble. They f****d so loud today and we were told not to say anything about it .you know they king's company , everything is sealed. that can't be released.. ( if you can cheat on your wife with Stella , then you can cheat on her with me . ) . this is my bargaining chip now .
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