Episode 37

1179 Words
Rosca Tower is a beautiful twenty story building located in the heart of Alandro town, it is built with greyish stones and glass, the sliding entrance glass doors are automatic with sensors to detect when there is an incoming object signalling them to slide open. The floors are covered with porcelain tiles and the walls are painted using expensive oil paint. The reception is decorated with expensive frames and flower vases. Bryce is required to sign in and produce his ID card, he complies and soon after they take the elevator which stops at the eleventh floor. “This is it,” she informs and they both walk out of the elevator, “wow I wonder what you would do if the elevators suddenly stopped working,” “I can easily take the stairs to the eleventh floor Bryce I’m very fit I work out five times a week. You should also know that this place is very well maintained it has eight elevators and they can’t all stop working at the same time and if one of them malfunctioned it would be repaired in less than 24 hours,” she smirks. “Hmmm okay I see.” She stops by apartment 11-08, takes out the key card from her bag and swipes it on the lock for the door to open. “Feel free to take a tour around the place,” she shouts on her way to her bedroom to take out her high heels and slip into her comfy fleece slippers. The apartment has a grey stainless steel fitted kitchen, with grey porcelain tiles. The living room is furnished with a grey U shaped eight seater sectional sofa and a two tier glass centre table. Her 80 inch Television is mounted on the wall and the beautiful side tables are decorated with flower vases. He wonders how much she makes to afford such a lavish apartment. Kiana finds him looking around in the spare bedroom, “it’s a two bedroomed apartment, Maliah uses this bedroom when she visits,” she informs. “Wow I must say your apartment is stunning Kiana, you must be paying an arm and a leg for it,” “I heard Rosca charges their tenants $4200 USD rent per month.” “You heard?” “Yes, I’m not renting this apartment I own it,” she enlightens. “Ooh really wow! You have done well for yourself I’m highly impressed.” “You have done well for yourself too Bryce, you were my inspiration. I remember the first time I saw your house, I told myself one day I’m going to work hard and buy myself a beautiful apartment, you made me realise it’s all possible.” “I remember you telling me you want to be a manager just like me and you were only nineteen at the time but here you are now, I’m so happy for you Barbie,” he grins before pulling her into a tight hug. She can feel that his happiness is genuine and he is neither jealous nor intimidated like some men would. When he lets go, they remain standing very close to each other, it’s tempting and weakening so she turns away. “Would you like some coffee?” “Yes please.” He studies the photographs of Kiana with Remy that are displayed on the fire place mantel and it makes him feel uncomfortable. Kiana brings hot coffee for the both of them, she takes a seat on the couch next to him. A part of her is thrilled to have him in her apartment and to hear him praise her and be proud of her achievements. For some reason his compliments mean more to her, had it been someone else complimenting her it wouldn’t have left her feeling like a chuffed kid. “Why are you still wearing that?” she asks pointing at his wrist bracelet. “You really want to know?” “I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.” “After I lost you, this bracelet became my most special possession, it’s all I had to hold on to the beautiful memories we created. Kiana I know you may not believe me but I never stopped loving you and I never forgot about you. Breaking your heart was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life and believe me it tormented me every night, that’s the only reason I had a break down when I found out Janet’s child wasn’t mine because that’s when I realised that I let you go and broke your heart all for nothing.” “I don’t want to hear this Bryce, it was your decision to cut me out instead of telling me the truth and not making decisions for me, I would have stayed with you Bryce. I wouldn’t have left you for impregnating a woman who seduced you months before we met. You chose your son over me, over us and that hurts and it will always hurt. If Sam hadn’t turned out to be another man’s child and if Janet hadn’t cheated on you do you think you would be here right now huh?” She breaks down into tears. “Kia I’m so sorry, the thing is I grew up without a dad and I have always wondered what my life would have been like if I was raised by both my mother and father. I didn’t want my child growing up to ask himself the same questions. I didn’t want my child hating you because he thinks you are the reason his mom and dad can’t be together. I didn’t want you to bear the pain of being a step mother to Janet’s child and watching us constantly getting together because of our child. I just thought it was going to be too complicated and painful for you and you were so young for all of that, I just felt you deserved better but now I know I was wrong and I’m sorry.” “It’s no point talking about this, please leave!” She yells with her finger pointing at the door. “No! I’m not leaving! You need to break off your engagement to Harkins.” He demands. “What? Have you lost your mind?” She gapes at him with astonishment. “Listen to me! I will not let you make the biggest mistake of your life like I did six years ago, you are still in love with me Barbie, I can see it in your eyes. You can’t marry Harkins just because you are afraid to feel guilty for breaking his heart and disappointing his daughters. You don’t know what it’s like to force yourself to spend every single day with someone your heart doesn’t beat for instead of making hot passionate love you will only be having s*x just to satisfy their needs and to relieve yourself, you don’t want that life of settling trust me please don’t make a bad decision like I did.”
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