Episode 36

1141 Words
The door-bell rings a few minutes later and Kiana doesn’t make much of it, she assumes it’s probably a neighbour or the kids being dropped off. Selena excuses herself to attend to the door, “Selena thank you so much for doing this I bought you a few of your favourite chocolates just to say thank you,” he mentions as he lifts up the gift bag for her to see. “Aww thank you but you didn’t have to, I’m happy to help you are like family to me just promise me one thing. If you do get her back don’t mess up again or break that poor girl’s heart or else you will have me to deal with,” she threatens in a friendly way. “I promise I won’t be that stupid ever again, so where is she?” “In the dining room, we just started eating come along and join us before the food gets cold.” “Guys look who is here,” Selena shouts. Kiana tilts her head up and lays her eyes on the man she has been day dreaming about, her face turns red and she drops down her fork. Bryce is looking enticing and attractive in his blue jeans, round neck white t shirt and his canvas sneakers. He takes a seat across from Kiana who hasn’t said a word to him, she is not sure of what to say and she is afraid her voice just might come out trembling. Pete and Selena enjoy watching the two of them become nervous and uncomfortable around each other. “What are you doing here?” she manages to ask with a calm voice. “Well hello to you too” Bryce is a little bit offended. “I’m sorry, that was rude. How are you Bryce?” she gathers her manners. “Thanks for asking I’m doing great and how about you?” “I’m…I’m okay so why are you here?” “This is my best friend’s house and I just thought to pay him a surprise visit.” “Right, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked.” There is uncomfortable silence for a minute, Selena tries to break it, “when I heard Kiana is back in town I asked her to join us for dinner. I wasn’t sure if it would be a good idea to invite you as well but now that you are here please go ahead and dish out for yourself.” “Well thank you Selena, that’s very kind of you.” Kiana is too nervous to look up to face him, she does not want her eyes to clash with his because she doesn’t want him to notice the confusion he causes her. Before he came back into her life she was set to marry Harkins and build a future with him and adopt his daughters, she knew where she was headed but now all that has become a big blur, she is no longer certain of what her tomorrow holds. “Kiana may you please pass me the casserole dish,” he politely requests. She lifts the dish up and hands it to him and as he extends his hand to receive it, their hands touch. With his hands stretched out, the leather bracelet on his wrist is exposed. She observes it for a few seconds and realises it’s the same bracelet that she bought for him six years ago. She did not expect him to still have it let alone to wear it around. Is it his way of remembering her and the memories they shared together or it’s just a fashion bracelet with no emotions and memories attached to it? Everyone starts eating, conversations turn to general topics politics, work and so on. Kiana and Bryce keep stealing glances at each other through-out the entire evening. Following dinner, Kiana helps Selena to clear the table and wash the dishes. Soon after she excuses herself to leave stating she needs to sleep early as she has a meeting to attend to tomorrow early morning. Bryce was going to offer to drive her home but the lady has her own wheels, damn! He has no idea that Pete had already thought of it, when Kiana was busy helping Selena set the table he snuck out to disconnect her car’s fuel pump so it wouldn’t start. Kiana is perplexed and a bit embarrassed when her car refuses to start, being a lady she doesn’t know much about cars. Pete offers to take a look at it, “there is something wrong with the sensor It needs to be removed and cleaned but it takes quite some time I think it’s best you leave it here and I bring it to you tomorrow late afternoon,” he proposes. “I don’t understand it was okay just now and it has never given me any problems before.” “It’s really nothing to worry about Kiana these things happen all the time just from out of the blue, don’t worry about it I will fix it for you.” “I was actually about to head out so I can give you a lift home,” Bryce offers and she has no choice but to accept his offer. He enters her address into his navigation system to get directions to her apartment, he has never been to her place before and he is eager to. It’s a quiet drive all the way to her place neither of them say a word to each other. Bryce pulls up after ten minutes of driving, “please let me walk you in just to make sure there is no burglar waiting for you inside your apartment?” “Bryce as you can see Rosca Tower is one of the most secure buildings in town, there are security cameras and security guards outside as well as check inn for everyone who walks in.” “Kiana! Do you not know that smart criminals always find a back entrance into buildings, be it underground tunnels, fire escape staircase, the ceiling and so on?” “Now who is watching too much crime investigation channels?” she bursts out in laughter as she recites the very first day she met Bryce and him telling her to stop watching too much crime investigation. “You have already been to my house and my best friend’s house too so why won’t you let me see where you stay or do you not trust yourself alone with me?” he whispers seductively causing shivers through out her entire body. “I’m not afraid to be alone with you,” she argues unconvincingly. “Good so prove it,” he dares her. “Fine! Let’s go,” she says as she hops out of the car.
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