Episode 38

1177 Words
“Clearly you don’t know what you are talking about, please just get out,” she screams. “I said no! I’m not leaving,” he grabs her left hand and pulls out her engagement ring and throws it away. She responds by slapping him across the face, when she realises that he is not fazed she takes the cushions from the sofa and throws them at him one by one. “Stop it,” he thunders but she slaps him again and starts throwing punches all over his chest at the same time tears flood her eyes. He takes hold of her hands to stop her from punching him. He pushes her to the wall and pins her against it. He glances down at her lips and then back at her, he decides he is not going to deny himself any longer, he wants her and he is going to take her. His lips aggressively cover hers in a long warm kiss that leaves her short of breath, he releases her hands and takes her into his arms and she doesn’t have the will or strength to fight him off. He moves his hands all over her body caressing her and runs his fingers through her hair before pulling it. He goes on to kiss her neck and turns her around to face the wall, he stands behind her cupping her breasts and squeezing them hard causing her to let out a moan of pleasure. One of her hands is pressed against the wall for balance as he hurryingly and forcefully takes down her clothes. “Come here,” he utters huskily. This is not the nice sweet Bryce she knows but a hungry beast who needs to satisfy his appetite. “Are your hands broken? Tear off my clothes, what are you waiting for?” He orders. Like a good little girl, she obeys and takes off his t shirt and pulls down his trousers and oh my, she wasn’t prepared for what she finds herself staring at. His chest is wide and smooth with defined muscles, his sexy inner chest line goes down all the way to his navel. She excitedly runs her fingers on his chest, she stares at his lower body to appreciate his ripped thighs and leg muscles. If anyone could convincingly advertise the physical good results of working out then it would be him. He holds her up using her buttocks, she holds on tight wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips. Bryce last saw her body when she turned nineteen and now she is a grown woman her body has changed a lot since then, her butt and her breasts are bigger and more defined but her skin still feels soft and silky. Her ab muscles are toned as well as her entire body, he realises she wasn’t kidding when she said she works out five times a week. They kiss and touch as their bodies warm up, skin to skin and chest to chest. They continue to kiss while moving towards the bedroom, he carries her in his arms and kicks the door open. He lays her on the bed and spreads her legs open. He kisses her toes moving slowly towards her legs and then to her inner thighs. His manhood is as hard as hell and she is already dripping wet and impatient to feel him inside of her, he lays on top of her and whispers into her ears. “Please tell me you want me,” “I want all of you,” she whispers back. She moans as he enters her thrusting hard and deep inside of her, sense of pleasure feels her entire body as she begins to bite her lips, scratch his back and scream. It feels damn good to have him inside of her, it’s been six long years since she last had this amazing indescribable pleasure. She yearns for more of him, she doesn’t want him to stop and lucky for her because he is far from being done with her. He takes her mouth and plants wet kisses on her, he sucks on her neck while thrusting slowly but deeply. He also lets out moans of pleasure, it feels good to be making love to the only woman he has ever truly loved and it feels warm and gentle inside of her. He starts feeling things he last felt six years ago, no woman could ever make him enjoy intimacy the way she does. It’s not just about the pleasure but the emotions and expressions of genuine mutual love that exists between the two of them. The way her body responds to his and the way her eyes stare deep into his soul confirms to him that she still loves him. Kiana climaxes and comes over and over again, the pleasure is just too much for her she can’t stop screaming. “I love you Kiana,” he declares as he releases fluids that begin to flow inside of her. “I love you too Bryce,” she whispers as if afraid to say it out aloud. It’s six am when she wakes him up, “hey you are going to be late to work, you have to go home,” she is wrapped in a white towel since she is about to take a shower. “Can I shower with you? I will drive home in a dressing robe, find a suit to wear and then dash to work.” “I don’t have spare towels or a spare toothbrush,” “Ugh come on, I will use yours,” he doesn’t wait for a response he takes her hand and leads her to the shower room. She is uncomfortable and she feels guilty about what she has done even though it felt good and right. She worries if she is going to be able to face Remy. “Are we not going to talk about last night?” he gripes as he tightens his hands on the steering wheel. They are driving to his house so he can dress up and then drop her off by her work place since her car remained by Pete’s house last night. “There is nothing to talk about, what happened last night shouldn’t have happened at all. Remy is a good man he doesn’t deserve to marry a cheating whore.” “Hey! Don’t you ever talk about yourself like that okay! And you can’t always think about Remy and deny yourself happiness. I’m pretty sure he does not want that for you.” “You don’t know him,” she argues. “Actually I do, he was my doctor for months and he is the one who helped me get better. Harkins is a good man who puts other people’s needs and happiness before his own which is why I’m certain he wouldn’t want you staying with him when your happiness doesn’t lie with him but with another man.” He confidently states.
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