Episode 35

1324 Words
“What’s going on Kiki, are you still in love with Bryce even after what he did to you?” She expectantly stares at her with narrowed eyes. “Maliah kindly stay out of it because there is a lot you don’t know,” “Okay then tell me about it.” “Not now, there isn’t much time left I have to freshen up and prepare to leave.” “Can I come too? Is Bryce going to be there? It’s been ages since I last saw him, is he still sexy and drop dead gorgeous like he was six years ago?” “No! He is smoking hot and dishier than ever before,” she blushes red with dreamy eyes. “Oh-oh,” Maliah chortles. “What?” “If Harkins saw the expression on your face when you were saying what you just did and the tone that you used hmmm he would have died a thousand deaths.” “Maliah you are crazy! Harkins has nothing to worry about, I will drop you off at home on my way to Selena’s, now leave me alone I’m going to shower.” “Kiana! Wait,” Maliah yells. Her young sister hardly ever calls her by her full name unless she wants to say something important to her, she turns back and heads towards her. “What is it?” “I just wanted to tell you the truth,” “okay I’m listening.” “I have never seen you as happy as you were with Bryce. I know Remy Harkins is a very good man, he is also handsome and he loves you to death but when you guys are together I just don’t see you glowing in love the way you were with Bryce.” “Maliah what are you saying, are you trying to say that I don’t love Remy? Would I agree to marry a man I don’t love?” “Of course not, I know you love Remy because you are naturally a sweet loving person and it’s impossible for you not to love anyone who gets close to you but the thing is you love Remy but you are not in love with him and you have never been because even after six years you are still in love with Bryce.” “I….I…” Kiana stutters. “Listen you are my favourite big sister and I love you, please don’t lie to me and most importantly don’t lie to yourself. No one can understand how the heart works but it always forgives the people we love and paves a way for second chances. If your heart still longs for Bryce then don’t dare rob it of its will,” she pauses to take her sister’s hand into hers. “If he still loves you, then forget about the past and build a better and a stronger future with him. You have my blessing and I won’t judge you but you need to come clean with Remy and her girls and let them go, the earlier the better. I know it’s going to be very hard and you will both get hurt but he is a good man who wants you to be happy, I really believe he will understand,” she advises. Kiana admiringly stares at her sister and simpers proudly, “Maliah are you sure you are eighteen?” “Yeah, why?” “Because you really sound like a wise forty year old,” she teases. “Thank you so much for the advice I appreciate it and I really needed to hear this.” The two sisters hug each other and Kiana gives her a peck on the cheek before rushing to the shower. “And by the way I have never heard you say Remy is smoking hot,” she yells. “Maliah! When are you ever going to stop?” She hollers. Kiana dresses up in black skinny jeans, a beige long sleeved V neck blouse and high heeled beige ankle boots. She doesn’t tie her hair but parts it with a centre shade and leaves it to hang loose. “How do I look?” she asks Maliah as she spins around. “Perfect, we don’t want you to be over dressed,” “right because I’m just going for dinner at a friend’s house and nowhere fancy,” “exactly!” agrees Maliah. “Let’s go, I don’t want to be late,” “of course you don’t,” Maliah rolls her eyes. “Hey what’s that supposed to mean?” she mutters as she locks up her apartment. “I just think someone is overly excited about this dinner, hmmm I wonder why?” “Come on you annoying little sister, nobody said Bryce is going to be there.” “Yeah but I bet you are hoping and praying he will be there, am I lying?” “You are really annoying, you know that right?” Kiana arrives at Pete and Selena’s house a few minutes after dropping off Maliah. She checks herself by the rear view mirror before getting out of the car. Selena doesn’t take long to open the door for her after the door-bell rings. She bought champagne and a bouquet of beautiful flowers for Selena and she hands them to her as soon as she walks in. As warm greetings are exchanged she feels good to have people who are happy and pleased to see her. She is given cheerful and welcoming smiles, hugs and kisses. There is only Pete and Selena in the house, the kids were sent to their grandma’s place. She is disappointed to realise Bryce isn’t there and Pete and Selena are gladdened when they observe that, it tells them she still longs for him and there is hope for the two of them to get back together. “I will help you set up the table,” she offers. “Oh no, you are my guest please sit down and let me serve you,” Selena objects but Kiana insists on helping out. She refuses to sit down and do nothing. Selena prepared a lot of yummy looking dishes, cranberry roast pork, pasta casserole, meat ball kabobs, garlic chicken and Mexican rice. Thai salad and Greek salad are also among the dinner menu. “Hmmm everything looks so tasty and mouth-watering. I made no mistake marrying you,” Pete comments as he unfolds his table napkin and gets ready to bite his tongue. Kiana worries talk will soon turn to marriage and the diamond ring on her finger, she doesn’t want to talk about Remy and their engagement and so she prays no one asks her to. One taste of Selena’s food is enough for her to start showering her with compliments, “you have to share your recipes with me Selena, your food tastes way better than restaurant food,” she gushes. Kiana wishes to improve her cooking skills to impress her future husband, who-ever that will be, she can see how happy it makes Pete to have a wife that can cook delicious food. She can imagine cooking dinner for Bryce and watching his face brighten up at the taste of her food. She has always had the desire to please and impress him from the moment they started dating. She wishes he was there so she could relish in his presence and be amused by the sound of his voice and laugh. She wonders if perhaps Selena invited him and he refused to come because he didn’t want to be around another man’s fiancée? Unfortunately, she doesn’t feel comfortable to ask Selena if Bryce was invited or why he is not there, she feels it wouldn’t be right considering he is her ex and she is engaged. She takes a glimpse of her engagement ring and regrets not leaving it at home.
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