Episode 69

204 Words
 .... "Alright then...that's good to know," Bryce states. "Now that we have got that out of the way, what should I make you for breakfast?" She simpers. "I'm not really hungry," he pouts. "Come on breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you need to eat something," she urges. "Okay fine...make something light," "Like what?" She thoughtfully twists her lips. "Pancakes are easy and fast," he says. "Right! Pancakes and honey syrup," she brilliantly says. "While you get busy with that I'm going to go check on the kids," he squeezes her arms and kisses her forehead before strolling away. He finds the kids glued to the television, "Sam...why are you letting the kids watch TV so early in the morning?" He frowns. "What was I supposed to do? Kiandra throws tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants and I was getting tired of her crying every minute, at least the TV manages to shut her up," he pouts. "Sam...that's not a nice thing to say about your baby sister," Bryce sternly scolds him. "Well she is not really my..." "Don't you dare go there, what's wrong with you today?" Bryce scowls at Sam who's face suddenly falls and turns sullen.
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