Episode 68

223 Words
Bryce gazes at his wife with a look of shock and disappointment. "I asked you a question Kiana," he says after she fails to respond. She slowly looks up at him, "I didn't think you'd refuse that's why I went ahead and posted the ad," "So why didn't you talk to me about it then?" "I don't know...I guess I didn't find the time," "You didn't find the time?" He lifts an eyebrow. "Bryce...I know I was wrong not to inform you first and I'm sorry...can you please forgive me and let this one go?" She blinks. "Okay but in future you shouldn't do that, we are a team and neither of us should make decisions without the other's knowledge and consent," he lecturers. "I know that honey...you are making it sound as if I have already hired someone and brought her home. I just posted an ad without telling you about it that's all," she pouts. He silently gazes at her, "So were you planning to include me in the interviews?" he asks after a moment of silence. "How can you even ask that? Of course, we are talking about bringing a total stranger into this house and making them a part of the family, why wouldn't I want you there to help me decide on who to pick?" She stoutly responds.
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