Episode 70

247 Words
Bryce stares at Sam with a mixture of anger, disappointment and puzzlement. He can’t understand why Sam is acting up, it’s not like him. “Sam...look at me,” he softly demands. Sam reluctantly peers at his father, he is ashamed to face him. “Is there something you would like to talk about?” “No” he curtly responds while shaking his head. “Sam...you can talk to me about anything, you know that right?” He insists. “Uh huh,” he nods is head. “So tell me what’s going on,” he implores. “It’s my mother,” he blurts, his head hanging low. “Hmm I had a feeling she had something to do with this,” he rubs his face and leans back against is chair. “What has she done or said now?” He asks. “She doesn’t want me calling your wife my mother,” he announces. “Why? And why now all of a sudden and why would you listen to her?” “Because she is my mother and I don’t want to make her unhappy and end up losing her?” he mumbles. Bryce loses his patience and leaps out of his chair, he stands up straight his hands on his hip and his eyes pointed at Sam. “What you are telling me doesn’t make any sense at all, now start talking sense son, tell me what’s going on?” He huskily utters. 
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