Chapter 8-2

1085 Words

“No, Paw, not that I know of”. “No, I thought not. Your mother thinks that it is a combination of the work and the travelling… it’s wearing him down… slowly but surely. Now, I’m consulting you on this, because he is a friend of yours and we wouldn’t want to make things awkward for you… I can see he’s got a shine on you - yes, I’m not such an insensitive old duffer as some people think - so, how would you feel, if we offered to put him up in a small shed in the garden? “It wouldn’t be anything elaborate, mind you. It would just be somewhere he could lay his head a few nights a week to save him the journey home”. “I think that Tom would be very grateful, Paw, and I think that it is very considerate of you both to think of him”. “We could string two hammocks in there and his brother could

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