Chapter 27

3127 Words

It’s been three weeks since that day, the day I became Queen of the Seelies. It was hard, since I was once again given more lessons. This time, the lessons were different though, and they were more fun, and challenging. Ronald kept reading with me, except it stopped being a lesson and turned into an hour to just relax, unwind, and read together. He would have a book and read on the couch, and I’d grab a book and read in the chair. We always spent an hour every week talking about the books we’ve been reading, seeing if the other had read them as well, and bonding over our joined interests. It made me happy to spend time with him, my grandfather, but at the same time, I felt greedy for it. I was able to have time with him, all to myself, when my mother barely knew who he was anymore. She sti

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