Chapter 4 . ~Wade~ 2 Days Before H.S

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“Wade! My baby boy" momma said.” She gave me a big hug and kisses on my face ." I am so glad your home with her big beautiful smile. “So, did you, have a good time at the football camp. "   “Yes!" I said with a smile. I did." I got to watch my girl all summer break there.  He thought. With a smirk. His mother kept talking until his father walked in the door.  She stops talking and run to my father's arms, they kissed and hugged. They are Middle and High school sweethearts.  but before that, they hated each other. Dad bullied mom and mom hated my dad. But one day he saved her from getting attacked by his friend Ryan Richardson. dad had no idea she is getting harassed by him. So ever since that happened mom and dad are close since that day. They are soulmate match in heaven.    My parents stop kissing and still holding on together.  She had tears in her eyes. But their happy ones. My father had a smile on his face Emilia!" he said.” “Hello, sweetheart.” and he was talking sweet nothings in her ears. She giggled when he kissed her neck. Oh God gross he thought. I love my parents, but can they wait until I am out of the room or them in the bedroom." Umm... mom and dad, I am in the room he said." Momma looks over her shoulder blushed “sorry sweetie.," dad smirked at her. Smacked her ass. “Aww... Todd" she said with a smile."  She smacked him on his shoulder. “Not in front of our baby boy."  “What? He knows what I am doing" with a wink."  “Don't you boy". dad said with an evil grind."  His momma blushed and changed the subject.   “So, You boys hungry". Mom said." “I said and dad said yeah we're starving."  “Okay, I made your guy's favorite”.  “Meatloaf with brown gravy and mashed potatoes and corn.”  “Did you make a dessert? I asked." “Yes, I did with her big smile."  “Chocolate cake with strawberry icing. She said.” My mom's recipe. It is so good.  “Oh, man! I can't wait until we eat it."  “Thanks, momma." You treat us so well."  “Of course, I do. I love my guys."  We all. Sit down say our grace." We started eating.   20 minutes later... “Oh, man honey my dad said holding his stomach." I know how he feels I feel the same way full and happy. “You are amazing yourself babe!" My dad said.” “Yeah, momma, you make the best meals."  “Thank you guys," she said."  I and my dad looked at each other. We had the same idea. “We do the dishes for you sweetheart my dad said.” “Oh, no... you don't have to..." “No, mom we can do them," I said. “Well... oh okay thank you guys, she came over kissed my cheek and went to kiss dad on the lips. He did not want her to leave. “Todd stop it." Wade, in the room."  “So, he said." Oh, man. They are always like this lovely dovely it gross.  She giggled like a schoolgirl. “Well, I am going upstairs to take a hot shower and read a book."   “My dad asked."  “You want a company with a wink." She grinds and said “No.." my father's smile drop. She ran out and laughed. Dad had a sad face." Hey dad!"  “Yeah, he said." Let us do the dishes."  “Yeah okay. Son." We cleaned up the table and put everything away, “I am surprised we have leftover. " Yeah me to a son he said."  So, he washed the table and I washed the dishes. Dad rinsed them and we both dry them and put them away.   We had a chit chat about football and school.  “Well, son, I am going to head upstairs ". He said." “Oh, ok good night dad." Hugged him. “Good night son. See yeah in the morning.” “Oh ok, love you.”  “I love you too.”  “My mom said. “Wade give mommy a kiss and hug.” I walked upstairs shaking my head.  “You better go son my dad laughed." “Oh okay, but I am getting too old for a kiss goodnight.” “No, your not. my momma said." She heard me I whispered to my dad." “Oh, you are not too darn old for a kiss goodnight. She said.” I walked into their bedroom, I guess my dad taking a shower.  I saw my mom reading a book." She reminds me of Cherry when she read. “Hey, come here baby boy. Kiss momma”  I walked up to her kiss her and hug goodnight.   “I Love you she said.” “I love you too momma.” I walk out of my parent's bedroom. I walked to my bedroom down the hall from them. We live in small-town Smithville Georgia. Populations of 900 people. We owned the Jefferson tire company.  Been in the family fourth generation. We live in our old great grandparent's house.   There a picture of my great-grandparents hanging on the dining room wall. I look like my great grandfather I am named after him. I got his height and built, blonde hair and his, blue bright eyes. We all got the Jefferson blue bright eyes.  Their story almost like mine and Cherry." But mine is worse. But I hurt her. I do not know why I do it. Because I want her so much. I get carried away.  I am in my thought about Cherry and other things. I look over to her bedroom window I see her on her bed reading one of her books she loves to read. I open my window climb out on the tree ledge and watch her. I can watch her for hours. My heart is beating so fast.  She will be mine soon. She is my girl.  I tell all the guys in school to leave her alone. No talking to my girl. They know not to talk to her. She mine!  She does not know what I am capable of. I changed over the summer. I am stronger and I am built.  I do not know why I can change. But I have a bad possessive over my Cherry I do not want to hurt anymore, but I cannot help it. I get so angry when someone tries to take my girl away from me. She mine! But I hope she better stay a good girl. I try to give her space. I did a little bit. She had no idea I was cross the lake from her. My cousin Sammy, told. me to stay away from her friend. She found out I was harassing Cherry over the eighth-grade year. But Sammy was told about me because Cherry and her sister and friends did. So, she asked if it was true, I harassed her and touched Cherry. I said yes. “Why Wade Sammy said. "I stared in Sammy's eyes and growled because she is mine!"  She was quiet and did not say anything. She walked away. “Wade, she looked over her shoulder and stopped. "  I hope you change." You're going to hurt her cousin." I love you. But you need to stop it." Before you regret it." And I will not let you hurt her anymore.”  He knew when his cousin likes someone as their friend. Sammy does not have friends. It is nice she is protecting Cherry. Sammy a friend for life. Once she likes you. She will always be there for you.  But it pisses me off.  When someone tries to get in his way what he wants.  He remembers his talk with Sammy. I am glad Cherry making new friends, but he does not want her attention away from him. He watches his girl get up goes to her dresser grabs her PJ”s and socks and underwear no bra. He smirked. She walked into her bathroom shut her door, no lock., hmm...  he thought. He wanted to go into her bedroom window again.  He wants just a peek. She will not know. Who cares she can't stop him.”? He does whatever he wants he is a f*****g Jefferson.  He opens the window slowly she just turns on the shower. His ears perched up. He had an evil smirk on his lips. Wade gets out of her bedroom window. He walks close to her bathroom door. He opens her door a little bit. He sees her washing her hair and see her washing her body. He likes to watch her showering, sleeping, and eating. But he never goes too far with just little touch there when she is asleep. He wants to do more. But he wants to wait until she falls in love with him. He wants to marry and have kids with her. He wants her so f*****g bad he thought. Cherry filled out nice he thought.  her breast is bigger, and her stomach is slim and tight. I bet she tight he thought with a smirk and he licked his lips. He was in his daydream making love to his girl. He did not know the water stop running. He stands there a little longer looking at his girl and walked out her bathroom door. “whispered". My love." Walked into her bedroom went to her bed saw her new book Pride and Prejudice.  I still got her book the same one she read. I need to show her I have been here. I wrote in the book. "See you for dinner tomorrow. W. I walked to her window climbed out went back on the ledge of the tree. Went through my bedroom window. Got undressed took a cold shower. I need to calm down. I want to save that for her. Got dress in my boxer, I never wear a shirt to bed. Lay down and I was thinking about tomorrow dinner is going to be fun he thought with an evil grin on his face.  D-Man be so happy to. See his girl, Sherry. We are best friends who play football together.  But he is my cousin Sammy's twin.  I am going to text Derrick aka D- Man.   “Hey” “Hey, what's up, man!" D said.” Nothing much just having dinner tomorrow night.  With our favorite girls, he said with a smirk emoji.  D-man text me back right away. One word he put  Sounds like fun with his smirk emoji.  I put my iPhone down. Smiling about tomorrow's dinner.   Oh yes, I get to see my girl dressed up in a pretty dress. I went to sleep with Cherry on my mind.
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