Chapter 5. Dinner

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“Girls, let it move on!" Mom said." We coming the both said."  “Cherry, I do not want to go to dinner.” “Derrick is going to be there." “You know how I feel about him." “He makes fun of me." “You know he is there.” “Derrick is always with Wade." “Of course, they are there their cousin and best friend Cherry said." “We are fine Sherry." “Just try to stay away from him."  “Oh, Okay sis she said and took a deep breath."  I am trying to keep Sherry calm because she always worries about her bully. Yes, all of us girls are bullied by the gang that is Wade is mine, Derrick aka D-Man is Sherry’s, Ryan is Samie Marie, Will is Vanessa aka Nessie, finally, Wyatt Richardson, is Sammy, Wade cousin.  It is strange really? Why all of us have a bully. How about that, they all are freaking friends. Being sarcastic. Cherry thought.   “Cherry," if you want, I can fix your hair and do your make-up, for yeah sis." Sherry said."  “Sure, why not Cherry said with a smile."  You should wear, that beautiful red and gold dress you bought for the eighth grade, last dance".  Cherry" was thinking to wear something simple. But it is nice to wear something pretty for the change. She thought.  I changed into my red and gold dress. It has diamonds around the heart-shaped neckline.  It one of the beautiful dresses I own. I looked in the mirror, I was shocked I look like this. I mean beautiful.  I came out of my closet. I put on my red heels. I do not have a big heel on my shoes.   “Sherry, gasp, oh sis, you look beautiful.” " thank you." I said."  “But Sherry you look beautiful too.” And she does because her dress fit her body perfectly. We almost got the same dress the only difference is the color. Her is Navy blue with silver on the dress. Mine is Red and Gold. “I love dresses. Sis Sherry said." She had a smile on her face. I gave her a look. I have this feeling she is dressing up for someone.  Well, she told me she has a crush on Derrick aka D-Man Jefferson, at Church Camp. Yes, you got it Samantha aka Sammy our new best friend.  She is twins with D-Man. She goes to a private school.  “Sammy funny and a wonderful person. I don't know how she sister with That thing lol Sherry said." I giggled, or sis you know you're in love with him." She stared at me the look in her eyes told me the store.  Yes, my sister in love with Derrick aka D-Man Jefferson her bully. She never tells me if he ever hurt her or is around her.  Sherry looks sad. “Sis, you okay? I asked her."  “She sighs, why sis does he hate me? Sherry started crying."  “Oh, is I don't know to hug her." I kissed her forehead; it’s going to be okay sis." We go to dinner. Let get finish ready for the party dinner. So, Sherry wipes her eyes. " cleared her throat. "  “Come sis Sherry said.” “Let get your hair and makeup done.” 30 minutes later...… “Oh, my goodness sis Sherry said. With a gasp. You look gorgeous!" I look at her, “look how talking. Wow sis you look beautiful I told her.” “Thank you she blushed." She does look beautiful.  I love her makeup it little but the lips rosy red. Her eyes have a little blue eyeshadow with a wing with black eyeliner. Sherry does not need fake eyelashes. Her eyelashes are simply perfect. “So, we don't need to put fake one on."   Sherry's hair halfway up with a braid with little curls in her hair.  I love to have she did her hair and makeup. Mine is almost the same, but the one thing different is my eyeshadows it is dark red. I got a smoky thing going on with my eyes.    30 minutes later... “Hello Todd, Ben said. My father and mother are best friends with Wade's parents."   My mother hugged Wade's mother Emilia, they giggled. Talked about work and how life in general. They have been besties for 20 some years now. It started in 2nd grade and now.  I love how Mrs. Jefferson treats us like family. I just love her. She never treated us badly. But Wade is another story she sighed. “I heard a gasp, Mrs. Emilia Jefferson." So, you and Benjamin going on a trip she winked at my mom."  I want that with someone when I get married. I want what my parents have... I want my soulmate. But I got to wait until I know when he comes along. Like my parents are soulmates. I was in my daydream again. I chuckled inside my head."  “Cherry!" Said Sherry in a whispered in my ear."  “Yeah!" Sis."  “Mrs. Jefferson, coming toward us."  “Hello girls, Mr. Jefferson said.” “Hello, Mr. Jefferson, we said."  “Aww... you girls look beautiful Mrs. Jefferson said." She has a beautiful, smile.  Wade looks like his dad. Wade got his smile from his mother.  She hugged us and kiss on our cheeks.  She lets us go. Come in, Come, in."  She said to us all."  Mrs. And Mr. Jefferson took us outside the backyard with a grill and its nice place. They have a pool but they not going swimming. She is so a warm and friendly lady. I and my sister just love her and Mr. Jefferson.  they are good friends to our parents.  “Oh, my girls are beautiful. " Sherry and I blushed, thank you Mrs. Jefferson we said." She smiled with a wink. I remember when you were in the hospital, she had tears in her eyes. " Well, Emilia, we are the God Parents and I am with a smile. Mr. Jefferson said with a smile."  “Ben, you better watch out for the boys, Mrs. Jefferson said with a smirk." “These girls are beautiful. " We just blushed and smile. I do not understand why she keeps on telling us that we beautiful girls.  I don't think that pretty. We not ugly or anything."  I am happy with the way I look. I got reddish and brown hair and light blue and green eyes.  I got a button nose and plump lips. I was just thinking about the way I look."  I wish Wade, would like me. I do not understand him. Why pick on me. My momma always told me when a guy picks on you. That means he likes me. And guess what happened. Yep, Wade, D-Man out in the yard passing the football around.  “Sherry oh no... just ignore them" They didn't see us yet." Well, we almost got away. " But they saw us." Hey Wade, look what we have here man".  Wade, had a look in his eyes." Why you are doing here he growled." At me." We were... invited for a dinner party by your parents. " we don't want ugly bitches here he said with a smirk and wink." Sherry gave him the finger." His and Derrick smirk drop."  Derrick grabbed her took in the pool house." Hey! Let me go now". Derrick." Sherry yelled." He picked her up and put her over his shoulder and smacked her ass. “Ouch, she said”, while ponded on his strong wide back. Derrick is a big guy. Not as big as Wade is a little bit bigger than his friends. “Put me down you asshole." He chuckled. "  They disappeared through the door of the pool house. " I heard her yelling and crying at him." There nothing. I started walking up to the pool house, see if my sister okay and get her away from her monster but someone grabbed my waist. “I gasp, I know who grabbed me. Wade Jefferson had me in his arms. Oh boy, he is strong.  He whispered in my ear seductively and he said. “Where do you think you are going? He growled in my ear” I didn't know what to do. I am so scared. I try to get out of his arms.  But I stilled steal." Don't f*****g move you ugly b***h, he told me."  “No... let now me go Wade, our parents are looking"  “We need to find them. Sherry, Derrick. "  “Oh, you know, they busy talking, and drinking" to worry about us." We are an alone baby." He started to kiss my neck and toward my lips."  “Aww.... ouch, he bites my lip. I took my hand up towards my mouth I saw blood on my hand." I looked up and his eyes are weird, and he smiled at me with blood on his mouth.  He stared at me. He started kissing me. I felt hot and cold at the same time" He is so hot and cold at the same time". He grabbed my ass with one hand and the other grabbing my breast.  He is being extremely aggressive with my body." Please stop, you are hurting me." Let me go please Wade". “You're going to dress like a w***e, I show you how you be treated like one? He growled towards me. “Wade, please you're scaring me?’”  “I am sorry let me go, please.” He was so angry at me saying let me go. He does not like someone telling him No! and stop. He always gets his way, or he will punish you. “No! He said growled."  He smacked my ass. His hand roaming my breast to my stomach and his hand stop right there. Why do I get myself in this situation with him touching and kissing me?  “Oh, baby you feel... so damn good." He said." He squeezed my breast. I started crying." I am trying not to cry but it hurts."  “Stop, I moved away from his hand."  He got mad I am trying to take away his toy. He doesn't like that.  “Kids, food!" Mr. Jefferson yelled."  Wade let me go I started walking away from Wade. I looked back that was a terrible mistake. " Wade had his eyes on me. I need to stay away from here. Do not be alone with Wade Jefferson. I told myself.              Hello everyone, thanks for liking and reading my book. I need more followers and reads, likes. Thank you. If you do the three things I said. I will write more about what is going on with the twins and cousins.  God bless you all. Be safe out there. ALS Steele
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