chapter 1

1004 Words
Lydia pov. Today, you will be crowned the Luna of the Moonlight Pack. You will lead us to victory and continue the legacy your father left behind. "Hail Luna Lydia!" "Hail Moonlight Pack!" "Lydia, stop!" My mom's voice echoed, causing me to halt in my tracks. I turned to face her, sensing her anger even before she spoke. "What is it, Mom?" I asked, my voice filled with concern. But before I could utter another word, she swiftly slapped me, leaving a stinging sensation on my cheek. "Mama!" I called out desperately, my voice echoing through the house. With an unsettling fury burning in her eyes, my mother approached me, her steps heavy with anger. "I brought you into this world, Luna Lydia, and I will always be your mother. You will marry John, and that is final," she declared, her words laced with an unyielding determination. Helpless and bewildered, I watched as my mother turned away, her retinue of maids trailing behind her. Overwhelmed by confusion and feeling utterly depleted, I sank to the floor, unsure of what my next move should be. My mother insists on arranging a marriage between me and John, the son of my father's best friend. But I refuse to become like them. I can't fathom marrying someone so wicked. After my father, the Alpha, passed away, my mother desired for me to be like him. She wanted me to become as ruthless as he was and engage in warfare with other packs, just as my father did. I am Lydia's mom, and I am different from my father. I don't want to be like him or marry his best friend's son, John. I cover my face with my hands and let out a scream. Why does my mother have to make my life a living hell? I stand up and walk to my room, slamming the door so hard that I feel the anger coursing through me as I sit on my bed. I wish I could just run away and leave this pack behind, but where would I go from here? If anyone finds out I am a Luna of the Moonlight Pack they will surely kill me and make me pay for my father's sins. I sit there, my mind filled with thoughts, as if there is no hope left inside me. Just then, a knock interrupts my thoughts. I stand up and walk over to the door, opening it to see one of the maids bowing before me. "My Luna, the Queen asks for your presence." I look at her, nodding, and ask her to leave. Why does my mom want to see me? What can I do to make her understand that I will never marry John? I walk out of my room and head to the living room, knowing that my mom will be waiting for me. But as I enter, I stop in my tracks when I see John seated there, laughing alongside my mom. "There she is," my mom says, slowly walking over to them. "Luna Lydia," John says, opening his arms for me to hug him. I look at him and then at my mother. "You asked to see me, mother. What's going on?" I don't care to look at John, but I notice he keeps his hands down and sits back in his seat where he was before. My mother smiles, looking at John and then at me. "Your future mate is here to discuss the preparations for your wedding." I look at my mother and then back at John, and with so much anger, I yell, "What?" My mother stands up upon hearing my outburst and walks over to me. "Remember, Lydia, as I told you before, you will marry John because that was your father's decision before he died. Anyway, I have finalized the date of your wedding. You will marry John tomorrow at the Moonlight Hall, and that is the decision I have made." I look at my mom in shock, not knowing what to say. Is she serious? "Mo..." She doesn't let me say anything as she grabs my hair, causing me to scream. "I am your mother, and I know what's best for you. No matter what you do or say, it won't change anything. You will marry John and become one with him. That's the final decision," she said, forcefully pushing me to the floor. "Stay here and have a talk with your mate," my mother commanded before walking out. I sat there, shocked, as my eyes filled with tears. When she left, I saw a hand extended towards me. It was John. I swatted his hand away as I stood up, staring at him with a deadly gaze. "Why can't you just let me be?" I yelled in his face. All he did was chuckle. "I don't love you, and I never will." As I turned to walk away, he pulled me back, and I landed against his body, our eyes locked. "You know, Luna Lydia, no matter what you do, our fate has already been sealed." I broke free from his grasp, slapping him hard, and then stepped closer to him, anger rushing through me. "Listen here. Just because our fathers are close doesn't give you the right to think you own me." Once again, I tried to walk away, but he pulled me back, his hand gripping my waist. "We are both in the same situation, Lydia. Look around you. Who else will marry you? Consider yourself fortunate that I chose you as my bride, especially when other kingdoms despise yours and mine." I pushed him away, running to my room and slamming the door shut. I collapsed onto my bed, tears streaming down my face. I didn't want to marry him. I didn't want to become like my father. With tears still in my eyes, I lay down, unable to stop thinking about my mother's words. Am I really going to marry John tomorrow? Oh, Goddess, help me.
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