CHAPTER 9 – Mom’s obsession

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CHAPTER 9 – Mom’s obsession Hazel’s POV “See you then, Hazel. I hope you will let me know when you’ll be free for dinner soon,” Xavier said with a charming smile. “Why do you want to have dinner with me?” I inquired because he was impatiently asking for a date and I was not good in relationships with strangers. “Ummm…good question. Let’s say, I just want to get to know you as friends.” He slid his hand into his pants pocket. “To be honest with you, Mr. Xavier, I’m afraid to be friendly with strangers immediately. Besides, I don’t like to involve myself in a personal relationship with professional people,” I clarified, adjusting my pillow behind my back. I was back home, in my own bed. Mr. Xavier brought me home in his own vehicle. It was such an embarrassing situation when the whole school watched as Mr. Xavier carried me in his arms like a bride to his car. I refused to lift my head to see our surroundings. I just prayed to God that I could reach home soon and hide my face. Mr. Xavier was very gentle with me, but the only uncomfortable feeling I had was when strange sparks ran all over my body each time our bare skins touched. “Are we strangers, Hazel? I mean, after helping you to reach your home with my personal vehicle, still, do you consider me as a stranger?” His voice carried a hint of sorrow. “I mean, I just met you today. How can I…” “There is a first time for everything, Hazel. That’s why I am inviting you for dinner, so we can get to know each other,” Mr. Xavier suggested. “Give me some time, Mr. Xavier,” I responded politely with my classic smile.   “Se non sei venuto volentieri, te lo farò fare amore mio (If you don’t come willingly, I will make you do so, my love),” Mr. Xavier muttered something which I didn’t understand, but as each word rolled off his tongue, a shiver ran down my back. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you said, Mr. Xavier? Was that in Italian?” I was confused about what he said.“Yes, it’s Italian, Hazel. I just said that I wish you will let me know a date soon. I will leave now, Hazel. Do take care of yourself.” He raised his hand and caressed my cheek gently, as I stared at him in shock since his action was highly unexpected.  “Thanks for everything, Mr. Xavier,” I said with a smile and he turned to leave. “Sweetheart, are you home?” mom shouted from downstairs. She had dame home earlier than usual.“Yes, Mom. I am in my bedroom,” I yelled to her and soon I heard her climbing the stairs to my room. She entered the room and her eyes grew wide instantly.“Oh my god! Am I dreaming? Someone pinch me please, I am going to faint!” mom screamed as soon as she saw Xavier.“Mom, why are you screaming and jumping?” I asked, baffled by her reaction.“Hazel, this is the famous business tycoon, Mr. Xavier Duncan! I was wondering whose vehicles were parked in front with bodyguards. That’s why!” she exclaimed.“Mr. Xavier was the chief guest of today's school function, Mom. I had a small accident and he volunteered to drop me home,” I explained, pointing to my sprained ankle.“Oh my god, Mr. Xavier. It’s a privilege for me to see you in my home and my daughter’s bedroom,” she screamed again. What is she mean when she said in my daughter’s bedroom?“Mom, what are you talking about? Are you insane? He dropped me here out of the kindness of his heart. Don’t misunderstand his gesture,” I asserted but she paid me no attention. She didn’t even care about my ankle sprain and headed straight for Mr. Xavier, her eyes sparkling. Yup, my mom has gone crazy. “I hope this is Hazel’s mom?” Mr. Xavier's eyebrow arched up at mom curiously.“Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself. I am her mother.” She forwarded her hand to greet him.  “It’s a pleasure to meeting you Ms…”“Oh, I’m Olivia, Olivia Forbes.” Both of them shook hands but my mom looked like she didn’t want to pull her hand away and kept shaking his hand until I cleared my throat loudly. “Oh, I’m sorry, Mr. Xavier. I’ve gone all crazy after seeing you in my home. Would you like to have something to drink? Tea or coffee?” she offered, eager to serve him.“No, thank you, Mrs. Forbes. I’m getting late for the office. I need to go meet a few clients,” Mr. Xavier replied with a soft smile.“Are you still single? I mean, don’t you have a girlfriend or a fiancée?” she questioned curiously.“Mom, what are you talking about? It’s his personal life?” I retorted. What is wrong with this lady today? If dad were here, she will learn a lesson today. “It’s totally fine, Hazel. Every mom asks me the same question. For your kind information, Mrs. Forbes, yes, I am single and I don’t have a girlfriend. In fact, I am looking for a lovely girl to marry soon,” Mr. Xavier said his last sentence staring directly at me. Why is he looking at me? This does not feel good. I need to send him out of here soon. Why I did allow him to take me back to my house? “Oh, I’m glad to hear that, Mr. Xavier. Hazel is also single,” mom suggested coyly. All right, that’s enough! “Mom, you need to stop it right now. You’re really annoying me. You didn’t even ask a word about my ankle and instead, you keep asking him silly questions like a media reporter,” I screamed making both mom and Mr. Xavier look at me with their raised eyebrows. “Hazel, you are wilder than I thought. Do your students know that their sociology teacher can get this anger?” Mr. Xavier asked in a mocking tone. “She is like that sometimes, Mr. Xavier,” mom laughed and I rolled my eyes at her. “By the way, Mrs. Forbes, I invited Hazel to dinner, but it looks like she’s ignoring it for so many reasons.” Mr. Xavier, I am gonna kill you now! Why can’t you keep your mouth shut? Now, she will charge at me with her nagging after you go. I cursed myself for having a sprain on my ankle because it was the reason that everything happened.   “Really? Oh, I’ll make sure to send her for the dinner, Mr. Xavier,” mom replied with a smile and flashed me a menacing look that translated into ‘you and I gonna have a little chat, daughter.’ “All right, Hazel. I hope that you will obey your mom’s words.” He winked at me as his lips curled into a teasing smile. “Thanks for everything, Mr. Xavier,” I expressed politely as I gritted my teeth. “Hazel, just call me Xavier. Mrs. Forbes, see you another time,” he said and kissed mom’s cheeks. She looked like she was floating to heaven and her eyes started to spark. I will definitely tell this to dad, mom. Soon I heard his footsteps disappearing from the staircase. “Hazel, why did you speak to him with disrespect? I think he likes you. Sweetheart, he is a multi-billionaire and every girl's dream, the ideal bachelor of the States. Did you see the charm he had?” mom screamed as soon as Mr. Xavier was gone. “Mom, first of all, stop behaving like a kid, okay? Second, yes, I did see his charm. You need to understand one thing, Mom. These billionaires are playboys. They charm girls, use them, and then throw them out like they’re a piece of trash. Do you want to see me in that state, Mom? Who knows, I might be left to live alone with a baby also, so don’t keep your hopes up, Mom,” I pleaded. “Every man is not like that, Hazel. I just want to see you have a happy future. He won’t invite everyone, Hazel. He cares about you, that’s why he brought you home safely,” mom explained, stroking my hair comfortingly. “Mom, try to understand. First, they show their fake face like they are the most innocent or best guys compared to all the men in the world. Then, once they are fed up with us, they show their real face. Mom, why did you behave like you were seeing God? You didn’t even ask about my ankle! All you did was admire him,” I complained, my lips pouting at her sadly. “Hazel, just give him a chance, my sweetheart. I feel that he’s not a bad person. He’s just you out dinner, he’s not asking for your v-card, baby,” mom advised, standing up from my bed. “I don’t know, Mom. I have to think about it,” I muttered softly, my mind bugged with worry.  “I will prepare dinner, Hazel. You rest.” She kissed my forehead and headed back down. Is she telling the truth? Is he a nice person or a devil with an angel face? Should I go for dinner with him? Maybe he is just inviting me to become friends with him and continue the friendship. What did you get yourself stuck into, Hazel?    
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