CHAPTER 8 – Call me Xavier

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CHAPTER 8 – Call me Xavier Xavier’s POV Where the hell did she go while I was stuck taking photographs with the students? The girls were greedily looking at me, but she didn’t give a damn to look at me. When I shook hands with her on the stage, I knew that she felt the same as I did. I had heard that strong mate bonds make sparks go through their bodies when they touch each other. When her soft skin and fragile palm touched my hand, Loki came to the surface. I fought with him strongly and he went back down. I was sure that she noticed my change in eye color which made her scared of me.   “We’ll have a lot of explanation to do to our mate,” Loki said. “Yes, I agree. Now, where did she go?” I looked around and clenched my teeth in frustration. “Where is Ms. Hazel? She was supposed to be here with me, Mrs. Horthone? Isn’t that her duty as the person handling the chief guest? Ask her to come here and have her refreshments with me,” I ordered with a firm voice. The principal was startled and immediately sent an office assistant to bring her to me. “Go slow with her. She is so naïve and innocent,” Loki reminded me protectively. “Of course. I don’t wanna hurt her,” I mind-linked him. After a while, she arrived at the VIP room. When I saw her, I felt my whole body tingle. If I feel so restless by just looking at her, how would I feel when I make love to her? “We need to get to know more about her,” Loki advised. “Yup, you are correct. We need to think of a plan to meet her again.” My mind was squeezing for ideas. I knew that she won’t fall for me easily. Then, suddenly, I got an idea. “Ms. Hazel, I would like to invite you for dinner with me,” I said to her. She took a step back, startled by my invitation. She never thought that I would invite her for dinner. Plus, I assumed that she was probably still scared of the incident that happened when she misunderstood me for Kendrick. “I…Uhh…..I…Uhh…” she stuttered. I knew that she was looking for reasons to avoid the invitation. I had to be cleverer than her. Oh, mate, you have no idea with whom you are dealing. “Oh, come on, Ms. Hazel. It’s just a formal dinner. You took really good care of me during my visit here and I want to show you my gratitude, that’s it,” I explained kindly.  “When will it be, Mr. Xavier?” she asked. If I tell her a date, she won’t come. I knew that she would definitely create a reason to avoid me. “You suggest a date, Ms. Hazel. I will decide the venue. Fair enough?” I replied. Oh, Amore Mio, you are trapped now.  “All right, Mr. Xavier. I need to check my plans first. I will let you know,” she responded with a tight smile. “Totally fine, Ms. Hazel. Now, come. Have a seat and have some snacks,” I invited her to sit next to me. “No, thank you, Mr. Xavier. I just had a sandwich. You enjoy your refreshments,” she politely retorted. “Then have some juice.” I offered her a glass of fruit juice. “Thank you, Mr. Xavier. But, I only drink watermelon, those are mango. You have it instead. I’ll stay here. I believe our principal has a lot of things to discuss with you,” she clarified. “We got a cunning mate. She is trying to push us away from her. But at least we found out that her favorite drink is watermelon juice,” Loki said. “Don’t worry, I won’t let her go,” I mind-linked Loki. “Mr. Xavier, we have planned to start a new project for our proposed swimming pool,” Mrs. Horthone began her explanations. Do I look like I care about it? I knew that she was doing all these things to expect some donation from me. But my attention was on my mate, who was in a discussion with Kendrick. Why doesn’t she look at me? And why does she smile and talk like a free bird with Kendrick? I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists in annoyance. “Mr. Xavier, are you listening to me?” Mrs. Horthone suddenly inquired, disturbing my chain of thoughts. “Ahem! Yeah, Mrs. Horthone. Kendrick, come here,” I called Kendrick, signaling him to come closer with my finger. “Bring that check here,” I instructed Kendrick to bring the donation cheque which we planned to give the school. “Here, Mrs. Horthone. This is a small amount from my side for your project.” I handed her the check for $100 million. Her eyes went wide when she saw the huge amount. “Oh, Mr. Duncan. Thank you so much!” she humbly expressed.   “I need to leave now, Mrs. Horthone. Can I talk to Ms. Hazel alone for a few minutes?” I requested permission from Mrs. Horthone. “Sure, Mr. Duncan. I’ll wait outside.” She stepped outside the room and Hazel started looking down uncomfortably. I knew very well that she couldn’t tolerate my gaze. “Ms. Hazel, please just relax,” I assured her with a soothing voice and she looked up at me worriedly. “Mr. Duncan, what do you need to talk to me about?” she inquired. I slowly got up and approached her in long strides. She retreated and her back hit the wall, but it didn’t stop me from moving closer towards her. “Ms. Hazel, I just needed to thank you for everything you have done during my visit here. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I forwarded my hand to shake hers. I just yearned for another chance to touch her.   “It was no problem, Mr. Duncan. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding that I had. I never meant to disrespect you,” she apologized and shook my hand. As soon as I touched her hand, sparks went through my body. She got startled by the touch. I squeezed her hand tightly and she tried to pull it away hurriedly. “Remember to provide me a date for the dinner, I will be waiting. Oh, and don’t try to neglect it, Ms. Hazel,” I warned, staring directly into her fearful eyes. She nodded and pulled her hand away. “All right, Ms. Hazel, shall we go?” I stretched my arm towards the exit of the VIP room. “Sure.” Hazel nodded and walked before me, leading me out. Her slender waist and her perfect b***y were inviting me to hug her from behind, to bury my face in the crook of her neck. As she was walking, she failed to notice that there was a small step parting the VIP room’s wooden floor and the ceramic floor outside. She was in such a hurry to escape from me and move out of the room. She accidentally tripped her leg on it and was about to fall to the floor. “Aaaah!” she screamed and I quickly jumped forward, catching her in my arms. I held her fragile body, tightly wrapping my arm around her waist. Her eyes were closed in anticipation of hitting the floor.   She tightly held the collar of my blazer, our faces just a few inches away from each other. Her lips were trembling, inviting me to claim her. The sparks that I felt were much stronger than previously since our bodies were so intimately close. “It’s okay, I got you. You’re safe,” I whispered comfortingly. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me, scared for her life. Her hazel eyes were so inviting, drawing me to claim her. I think it’s because of her eyes that her parents named her Hazel. After a while, she realized that my arm was wrapped around her waist and she wiggled uneasily in my embrace. “Ms. Hazel, are you scared of me?” I lowered my face towards her ear and whispered in her ear with my husky voice. “, why should I?” Her soft voice was shaking. “Then don’t struggle. I will slowly release you from my arms,” I advised and gently let her go from my embrace. As soon as I did, she started to walk away. “Ow! My ankle!” She tripped again, this time in pain, and once more, I captured her in my arms safely. “What happened, Ms. Hazel?” I questioned her worriedly, looking at her leg. “I think I sprained my ankle. I can’t walk,” she cried out painfully. “Our mate is in pain, we need to help her. Our mate is hurt!” Loki quickly mind-linked me anxiously. “Let me have a look,” I offered. “No, no. It’s okay, Mr. Duncan. You can leave, I will manage this,” she said, gritting her teeth in pain. “Oh really? You’re asking me to just leave you here alone and go away. Ms. Hazel, you’re not in a position to walk. Please let me help you.” I insisted and carried her fully in my arms. “No, put me down. What are you doing?” she wiggled again. I like her cute wiggles. “Please sit here and let me have a look.” I made her sit on the couch and removed her shoe. Her cream-colored legs were inviting me to bury my head in between them. I closely inspected it and noticed her ankle was sprained. Her ankle was bruised red and I gently ran my fingers over it. “Ow! No, it hurts,” she cried out.   “I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt you,” I apologized. Mrs. Horthone entered the VIP room at the same moment. “My god, Hazel! What happened to you?” she inquired, looking at her ankle in concern. “I tripped on my leg and sprained my ankle, ma’am,” Hazel replied softly and painfully. “You need medical attention, Hazel. I’ll send someone to help you. You should go to a medical center.” Mrs. Horthone pulled out her phone to call someone. “Mrs. Horthone, I’ll handle this. I will call my personal doctor to come here and check her ankle. He will prescribe her some medicine,” I suggested and Mrs. Horthone nodded in response. “There’s no need, Mr. Xavier. I will go to a medical center. Thank you for your kindness,” she quickly refused. This girl is too stubborn to handle. “Come on, Ms. Hazel. Why are you rejecting my help all the time? You looked after me so well during my visit here. It’s now my pleasure to help you,” I replied politely. “Mr. Duncan is right, Hazel. You can’t walk to a medical center. Let him help you.” Mrs. Horthone saved my day. “Kendrick, ask the doctor to come here immediately. Send a vehicle to pick him,” I instructed Kendrick and he quickly contacted the doctor. My poor Hazel kept rubbing her ankle painfully, making me feel so sad and worried to see my mate in pain. I wanted to hug her and console her, help reduce her pain, but I had to control my emotions. After about half an hour the doctor arrived and he immediately inspected her ankle. “Ow! Doctor, it hurts a lot!” she screamed in pain. “Be gentle on her, doctor. She is in pain.” I gritted my teeth at him, protective over my Hazel. “Forgive me, Mr. Duncan. It looks like some tissues of the ankle are damaged. That’s why she is in such terrible pain. I will give you an injection, then I will apply this medicine and bandage on your ankle,” the doctor explained and move to touch her ankle. “I will apply it.” I stopped his hand and took the medicine to apply to her ankle. Everyone in the room looked at me with wide eyes, surprised by my actions. The truth was I didn’t want any other male to touch her. She is mine and only mine to touch. “No! Mr. Duncan, what are you doing? Give me the ointment, I will apply it by myself.” She touched my wrist with pressure, stopping my hand. “Ms. Hazel, you can’t apply this by yourself. I will gently apply this on your ankle.” She still held my hand, refusing my gesture. But, I ignored her. I removed her hand and started to apply the ointment to her bruised ankle. She hissed in pain but after I gently rubbed the ointment on her ankle, her pain probably subsided, based on her reaction to my touch. “Thank you, Mr. Duncan,” she expressed gratefully. “Call me Xavier. After we are getting to know each other this much, there is no need to be so formal, Hazel,” I said, my lips curling into a smile. “But, I’m sorry. I can’t do that,” she retorted. Once again, I ignored her. Instead, I took the bandage and gently wrapped it around her ankle. By the way, she leaned her head on the couch when I touched her ankle, I assumed she must have felt a sudden wave of a soothing feeling. “How are you going to drive home now, Hazel?” Mrs. Horthone asked. “I will drop her at her house, and I’ll ask one of my bodyguards to drive her car back there. Is that good with you, Hazel?” I asked her coyly. “Whatever...” she scoffed, annoyed that she had lost to me. Finally, my mate accepted that I don’t care about her rejection.
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