CHAPTER 5 – Mistakenly chief guest

2136 Words
CHAPTER 5 – Mistaken chief guest Hazel’s POV It was finally the day of the prize-giving ceremony. I never thought that my life would be turned entirely upside down after this day. In fact, I did feel something strange but I didn’t know what it was. As usual, I woke up in the morning and went for my morning jog. I ran around the park for two kilometers and came back to the center for the exercises. “Good morning, Hazel!” Mrs. Grace greeted me. “Good morning, Mrs. Grace.” I smiled at her sweetly. “Your face is glowing brightly today, darling. What’s the reason? Did you meet your future partner?” Mrs. Grace started to tease me. Frankly, I didn’t know what kind of glow I had on my face. “Oh, come on Mrs. Grace! Stop teasing me first thing in the morning,” I said while doing the sun salutation. I love yoga and I believe it gives me inner peace. “But we see something different in your face, Haze. Who knows, you might meet your prince charming today,” she laughed and I followed suit. “Okay, Mrs. Grace. I’ve got to go now. I have a tight schedule today. See you soon.” I waved my hand to her and ran to my car. I returned home and quickly got prepared for the school function. I was a firm believer that teachers are role models for their students, and that is a powerful reason why a teacher must always dress elegantly without looking out of sorts. The outfit I chose to wear was a perfect look for a teacher who wanted to look more inspirational. It was a knee-length long-sleeved dark blue plain dress with vertical buttons along the front. I even added a belt to my waist to give it a more professional look. Both the dress and the belt tightly hugged my medium-type body. I choose a brown handbag and wore my brown coat with a pair of high heels. I applied a little make-up and a light shade of lipstick. I looked at my reflections in the mirror and gave myself a flying kiss. “Hey, Mom! What do we have today? I need to have it quickly and rush to school,” I told her while sitting on the dining table chair. “Hazel, you look amazing today. I’m afraid that some handsome prince charming will kidnap my girl today. Come here, I wanna give you a kiss today.” Mom walked up to me and gave me a warm kiss on my cheek. “Oh Mom, not again. Please don’t drag that topic again. I’m hungry! Quickly feed my tummy, mummy.” My lips formed into a pout and I flashed her my puppy eyes. It was 6.45 in the morning when I finished my breakfast and drove towards school. I turned on the radio since I enjoyed listening to music while I drive. I knew that today was a tough day but I was relieved that it wasn’t going to be difficult since Mr. Xavier wasn’t attending. Instead, his manager would attend the ceremony as the chief guest. Thank God, since I heard that Mr. Xavier is an arrogant type of person. I sighed when I got close to the school. I parked my vehicle and got out of the car. “Good morning, Ms. Forbes!” Around me, students started to greet me. They were eyeing me from top to bottom, making me feel a little uncomfortable. “You look pretty, Ms. Forbes,” a blonde girl complimented me with a smile. “Thank you,” I humbly replied and quickly rushed into the staff room. Everyone was busy with the prize-giving ceremony. I even had a checklist prepared since I was going to be the one in charge of the chief guest. After speaking to the teachers who handled chief guests previously, I noted down the essential things to do when dealing with the chief guest. Time passed quickly and I headed to the stage to inspect it. It was beautifully decorated with flowers in an elegant way. I double-checked everything and soon, students started to enter the main hall slowly. The time was getting closer for the arrival of the chief guest so I quickly walked towards the main gate to welcome him. Within minutes, I saw a brand new Range Rover, two brand new BMWs, and two Audi’s reach the main gate. This person is such a rich man! It was surprising the number of vehicles he sent along with his manager. I wonder if he comes to this event how many vehicles will be parked in front of our school main gates. Everyone’s eyes were pointed towards the Range Rover. The bodyguards quickly got down from the vehicles and came towards the Range Rover to open the door. Like spies, they looked around carefully before knocking on the back door tinted glass. That could only mean that the manager was seated in the Range Rover. We had invited the Mayor, the previous principal as well as our guest of honor, but trust me, this Xavier person got all the attention even though he sent his manager to the event. The back door of the Range Rover opened and a handsome man got down from the vehicle. He adjusted his suit and scanned the crowd near the gate who were there to welcome him. I was one of the people in the crowd, ready to greet him with a flower bouquet. He looked so young and too good for just a manager position. He had ocean blue eyes, my favorite color. His eyes searched the crowd attentively like he was looking for someone.   “Hazel, go and give him the flower bouquet!” Mrs. Horthone reminded. I quickly snapped out of my train of thought and slowly walked in front of him. I thought facing Mr. Xavier’s manager would be easy for me, but I felt really uncomfortable and uneasy. I walked towards him and he noticed me immediately. The handsome gentleman looked at me intently as he removed his sunglasses. His gaze was too strong and intense, urging me to look down. “Good morning, Mr. Kendrick. Welcome to New York High School. Please come this way. I will lead you to the main hall. Everyone is waiting for you,” I greeted while offering the flower bouquet to him. He didn’t utter a word but instead, I watched his Adam’s apple move up and down as he gulped his saliva. “Are you….” Someone came behind me and Mr. Kendrick raised his palm towards him, silencing him without peeling his eyes away from my face. “Shall we, sir?” I suggested, stretching out my arm towards the path to the main hall.  “Sure,” he said briefly. As we made our way to the main hall, I introduced Mrs. Horthone and other teachers. I showed them to their seats and I didn’t go to sit with the other teachers since the front row chairs were reserved for senior teachers and other guests. I just stood in a place where Mr. Kendrick could see me so that I could assist him anytime he needed me. His bodyguards sat in the back row and some roamed about the hall for security. Soon, the ceremony began and my attention my fixed on the stage. But, I could feel like someone was staring at me. I turned to see Mr. Kendrick gazing at me intensely and every time I looked at him, he didn’t look away. For no reason, I felt the need to look into his eyes, as if there was a strong magnetic force, pulling me to him. What the hell is wrong with you today, Hazel? Concentrate on the function and make sure not to create any drama. Don’t screw yourself and spoil the school name! I closed my eyes and mumbled to myself, psyching myself to focus. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, “excuse me, ma’am. Sir is looking for you.” It was one of Mr. Kendrick’s bodyguards. I nodded and approached Mr. Kendrick. “Sir, did you call me?” I inquired, leaning down towards him. “Yes, I did. Miss, I need to go to the restroom. Can you please show me the way?” he asked in such a kind and polite manner. “Sure, sir. Please come with me,” I replied with a smile, his voice somehow adding peace to my soul. We both exited the main hall started to walk towards the restrooms. Everyone was seated in the main hall, that there was no one outside. Mr. Kendrick even instructed his bodyguards to not follow him. The tapping of my heels and his shoes were the only sounds that were breaking the silence between us. “Haaah… I feel a big relief now.” The composed gentleman suddenly sighed and stretched himself. A giggle escaped from my mouth when I saw his childish actions. “Sir, are you all right? Is there anything here making you uncomfortable? Tell me, I will make sure to ease your discomfort,” I suggested. I was worried that if he felt uncomfortable or annoyed at something, he would tell Mr. Xavier and we won’t be able to gain any funds from him. “I just hate these kinds of functions and events,” he confessed, the corner of mouth twitching into a smile. “I guess, you must be familiar with these things since you accompany Mr. Xavier to his parties.” My fingers fiddled around nervously, unsure of how to comfort him. “Oh yes, that’s why I hate crowded places. By the way, haven’t you ever seen Mr. Xavier before?” he questioned, his eyebrows raised with surprise. “No, never. I’m not interested in business. But I guess he’s not a humble person like you,” I expressed bravely. Mr. Kendrick stopped in his steps and turned to look at me, “why do you say so?” “Actually, the principal, Mrs. Horthone first invited him, but he rudely rejected it and sent you on behalf of him, claiming that he is on a business tour. Do you think is that ethical? I mean, I agree that he is a multi-billionaire, he has a lot of business decisions to be taken with a day, but there are some things call ethics, am I right? This is a prize-giving ceremony for students. If he attends and gives a motivational speech, think of how many students will be inspired and use him as a role model for their lives.” I explained with passion, as he listened and hung on my every word. “Of course, you are correct. Believe me, I’m also working with him cautiously. I must advise him not to do these things in the future,” he replied with an assuring smile. “But, I’m glad that you are here. You are totally different than him. I heard that he is arrogant and I’m afraid to deal with those types of people. Frankly, I was glad when I heard that he’s not coming and on behalf of him, his manager was coming,” I blurted out, resting my hand on my chest in relief.     “Here is the restroom area, Mr. Kendrick. I’ll be outside. Take your time.” I flashed him a sweet smile and stood outside the restroom. After about five minutes, he came back out. “Shall we head to the main hall?” I asked politely and he nodded with a charming smile. Gosh, his darn smile! We arrived at the main hall and the Mayor was giving his speech. As soon as he ended the speech, the students gave him a round of applause. “Now it’s time for the speech of our chief guest, Mr. Xavier Duncan. Mr. Duncan, we would be glad to hear few words from you,” the announcer declared. Did I hear it correctly? Did he say, Mr. Xavier Duncan? This must be a mistake! I quickly rushed on the stage and approached the announcer. “Oh no, no. This is a mistake. He is not Mr. Xavier. This is his manager, Mr. Kendrick,” I informed the announcer. “Are you crazy, who doesn’t know Mr. Xavier? That is the multi-billionaire Mr. Xavier Duncan!” he said with confidence, his voice 100% certain. I quickly checked the internet, my hands shaking with anxiety. Oh god! Oh no! I am in big trouble. It’s him. It’s Xavier Duncan. I gulped my saliva as I watched him walk towards the stage. He looked at me intently before winking at me!       
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