CHAPTER 6 – She is our mate!

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CHAPTER 6 – She is our mate! Xavier’s POV I woke up in the morning and stretched my body on the bed. “Don’t you have to get ready?” Loki demanded with an impatient voice. “For what?” I replied. I don’t remember anything special today. “You have an event to attend. Hurry up, don’t waste your time!” I groaned at his reminder and pulled myself to the bathroom. I was living in my mansion in New York. The statue of Liberty is clearly visible from my bedroom. It stands tall while looking into my manhood! I smiled at my naughty thought. “Why are you so impatient to go for this event? Don’t you know that the media will be there and they’re going to ask me the same age-old question? ‘Sir, when will you be getting married?’ Ugh! I am sick of this question now!” I complained to Loki. “He heee…” Loki laughed at me sarcastically. I washed my face and had a quick shower. I stood in front of my closet and my eyes roamed my choices for a suitable outfit for the function. I had to go as a professional businessman to the ceremony so I had to wear my full suit. A I was deciding, my phone rang. I looked at the phone to see it was Kendrick, my manager, calling me. “Good morning, Kendrick!” I greeted him. “Good morning, sir! I hope you are getting ready for the function. I did everything as you have instructed, sir. I’ll be joining you in fifteen minutes,” Kendrick explained clearly. “Very well, Kendrick! I’ve got to go prepare myself,” I replied and ended the call. I took out my black suit with my blazer and waistcoat. The golden buttons with the respective chains added a wealthier look to me. I wore my Patek Philippe - Nautilus 5980 - Steel & Rose Gold - Blue Dial - Custom Diamond made watch. I didn’t want to show my status, but I only had branded outfits in my closet. I took my Bostonian pair of shoes and put them on. Finally, I blow-dried, combed, and gelled my hair before having a final look at myself in the mirror. “Why haven’t I still found my mate yet? I am handsome and rich. Why would the Moon Goddess do this to me?” I thought to myself these questions as I grabbed my phone. “Don’t worry, we will find her soon. I’m sure that she is somewhere nearby,” Loki assured me with a calm voice, but I knew he was sad too. “Let’s go then.” I exited my bedroom and called my bodyguards. “All right, Alpha.” We all got into our vehicles. I had one of them drive my car while I sat in the back seat. I unfolded my laptop and started to read my emails. The drive took 10 minutes from my mansion to the school.   “Alpha, we are here,” my driver announced. We had stopped in front of the huge gates of the New York High School. As soon as we stopped our vehicle, my wolf, Loki, started to howl and dance. His surprising actions made me extremely confused. "Loki, what is it? Why are you dancing and howling? Behave! We are in between humans!" I warned with a stern voice. "Mate! Our mate! She’s here!" Loki had gone crazy but as soon as the word ‘mate’ hit my ears, I got distracted from my calm mood. "What? Where is she? Are you sure? How do you know?" I demanded eagerly, his words echoing in my mind. "Don't you smell her scent? She smells like Gardenias and Roses," Loki howled happily. I sniffed the air. Yes, he is right. I could smell her even though I was inside the vehicle. I can feel her. I became crazy, irrationality filling me with the urge to find her and take her into my embrace. “How do we find her?” I asked Loki. “She’s close now. You get down from the vehicle and then we can find her,” Loki advised. A bodyguard knocked on my window saying that the coast was clear for me to get down. I felt everyone’s eyes on me as I got out of the car with my sunglasses still on. My eyes scanned the crowd to find her but no one could see my eyes. I adjusted my suit and stepped forward. “Hazel, go and give him the flower bouquet,” a middle-aged lady said to someone. My eyes looked for the source of the voice in the crowd. “There she is, our mate!” Loki howled happily and I couldn’t control him. He was trying to come to the surface and I had to fight with him to control him. She was a pure angel. I had to stop myself from going to her, hugging her, and making love to her. I never thought that the mate bond was so beautiful. She approached me with a smile. She had plump pink lips, her brunette hair pinned into a simple messy bun. She wore a dark blue dress that tightly hugged her body. Her cheeks and cheekbones complimented her face perfectly. I’ve never seen such a beautiful girl in my whole life. I gulped my saliva when she stepped closer to me. I can’t control myself and Loki now! Luckily I was wearing my sunglasses to cover my eyes. Finally, I sent Loki back and removed my sunglasses to see her properly. “Good morning, Mr. Kendrick. Welcome to New York High School. Please come this way. I will lead you to the main hall. Everyone is waiting for you,” She greeted while offering the flower bouquet to me. Did she say, Mr. Kendrick? She didn’t know that I was the famous businessman, Xavier Duncan. “Are you….” Kendrick was going to correct her, but no, I wanted to stay as Kendrick and was interested to know what she thought about me. I lifted up my palm towards Kendrick and stopped him. “Shall we, sir?” she requested. F**k this man, her voice is a melody to me. I wanted to kiss and bite those pink lips. “Sure,” I replied. She introduced me to the principal and other teachers we went towards the main hall. She showed us our seats and moved to stand in a place where I could see her. Through it all, she maintained a beautiful smile on her face. Her heart was visible on her face, she was pure and kind. I kept looking at her and I knew that she felt my gaze strongly. After all, that is how the mate bond works. I wanted to talk with her alone, but there was a huge crowd around us. I squeezed my mind to think of an opportunity. Then, a brilliant idea came to my mind. “Go and inform that teacher that I need her assistance,” I instructed one of my bodyguards. He nodded and made his way to her. “He heee…. now who is the lovesick puppy?” Loki laughed at me, mockingly. “Shut up!” I threatened him. I watched as my bodyguard said something to her. She quickly started heading towards me, making my heart jump up and down with joy. Surprisingly, I felt that she wasn’t just walking to me, her whole body was swaying in the wind towards me. “Sir, did you call me?” My mate leaned down towards me and made me want to swim deeply in her hazel eyes. “Yes, I did. Miss, I need to go to the restroom. Can you please show me the way?” I requested kindly and politely. I need to control myself. “Sure, sir. Please come with me,” she replied softly, but her faint voice made me aroused. “Look who is the pervert now. You’re taking the chance of meeting her alone. Are we gonna claim her?” Loki asked eagerly. “No, not at all. Even though we want it terribly, we can’t do it. She doesn’t know about us and she is a human. First, we need to make her understand that we are werewolves,” I explained to Loki, desperate to calm the excited puppy down. We both walked out of the main hall and started to walk towards the restrooms. There’s no one outside and I asked my bodyguards not to follow us. The tapping of my heels and his shoes were the only sounds that were breaking the silence between us. “Haaah… I feel a big relief now,” I stretched himself and blurted out. I needed some sort of way to start the conversation with her. I couldn’t waste the valuable alone time I had with her. My eyes lingered on her as she walked in front of me. Her body was making me go crazy, the way her hips and butt checks swayed her made me want to hug her from behind. “Sir, are you all right? Is there anything here making you uncomfortable? Tell me, I will make sure to ease your discomfort,” she suggested. Oh, baby. Trust me, you are the only person who makes me comfortable now and forever. “I just hate these kinds of functions and events,” I admitted. I was glad that she spoke to me. “I guess, you must be familiar with these things since you accompany Mr. Xavier to his parties.” She really believed that I was Kendrick. It was odd that she didn’t know since I assumed Kendrick must have informed the school that I was attending the function instead. Anyway,  let’s see what she think about me.   “Oh yes, that’s why I hate crowded places. By the way, haven’t you ever seen Mr. Xavier before?” I asked. Hasn’t she really never seen me on the internet or TV? Didn’t she at least search about me on the internet when she learned that I was their chief guest? “No, never. I’m not interested in business. But I guess he’s not a humble person like you,” she said. Hah! Here comes the cat out from the bag. “Why do you say so ?” I stopped walking and questioned her. “Actually, the principal, Mrs. Horthone first invited him, but he rudely rejected it and sent you on behalf of him, claiming that he is on a business tour. Do you think is that ethical? I mean, I agree that he is a multi-billionaire, he has a lot of business decisions to be taken with a day, but there are some things call ethics, am I right? This is a prize-giving ceremony for students. If he attends and gives a motivational speech, think of how many students will be inspired and use him as a role model for their lives.” I looked at her pink plump lips, desperate to kiss them deeply. I wanted to lift her, put her legs around my torso and kiss her lips, cheeks, and neck. But, I couldn’t. I shook my head to focus back on her. “Of course, you are correct. Believe me, I’m also working with him cautiously. I must advise him not to do these things in the future” I responded with a smile, as I laughed in my mind. “But, I’m glad that you are here. You are totally different than him. I heard that he is arrogant and I’m afraid to deal with those types of people. Frankly, I was glad when I heard that he’s not coming and on behalf of him, his manager was coming.” She placed her hand on her chest in relief but all I could think about was her magnanimous melons. Dio Mio! F**k I want to taste those round b***s. “Here is the restroom area, Mr. Kendrick. I’ll be outside. Take your time.” I quickly went inside and realized my member was already hard. I need to calm down this devil. I controlled my feeling towards her and washed my hands, exiting calmly. “Shall we move to the main hall?” she asked politely and I nodded. Actually, I couldn’t say anything because my throat had gone dry after seeing her. We arrived at the main hall and the Mayor was giving his speech. As soon as he ended the speech, the students gave him a round of applause. “Now it’s time for the speech of our chief guest, Mr. Xavier Duncan. Mr. Duncan, we would be glad to hear few words from you,” the announcer declared. I stood up from my seat and buttoned up my coat. “My gosh! He is so handsome, I could give him a blow job,” I heard the female students whisper as I passed by them.   My poor mate must have been shocked to hear that I am Xavier Duncan. I saw the way she quickly went up the stage, trying to correct the announcer. The announcer said something to her and her eyes went wide. I watched as she quickly typed something on her phone and her jaw dropped. She must have seen that I was in fact, none other than, Xavier Duncan. Got you baby! You will be punished for not knowing me. I got on to the stage and winked at her cheekily.          
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