CHAPTER 4 – For the sake of moon goddess

1387 Words
 CHAPTER 4 – For the sake of moon goddess Xavier’s POV "Good morning, Alpha!" they all greeted me. I was still in the packhouse and I was due to leave after having my breakfast. "Xavier, did you go for a lesson?" Mom asked when I am entering the dining hall. The dining hall is giant and it can seat 800 wolves at a time. We have a separate kitchen staff including three chefs and 20 helpers, who were all wolves. I had the meal menus prepared based on the advice from a nutritionist since wolves needed to be strong and healthy. I also designed a special menu for she-wolves who were pregnant and who were in their heats. The kitchen had five ovens, three microwaves, four huge gas cookers, and many more kitchen utensils. "I went for a martial art lesson with the pups, Mom. They were all excited to see their Alpha training them," I replied, taking a seat at the table. "Have your breakfast. You can have many pups after finding your mate." Oh, here we go. She’s going to bring up this topic again. "Not again mom, not the first thing in the morning, please. I have to have my breakfast and rush to the office." I fixed my eyes down and took a bite of an omelet angrily. "Have it slowly son. I won't talk about it. But this is a serious issue to talk about, Xavier. If you don’t find your mate within this year, we need to organize a Luna competition to select a suitable Luna for the pack," mom warned, her voice stern and clear. "Tell her that we will only love our mate and I won't f**k any other p*****s other than our mate." A piece of omelet lodged in my throat when I heard Loki’s words. Mom quickly gave me a glass of water and patted my back. "Mom, please give us some time. I’m sure that we will find our mate. She is out there somewhere waiting for us to claim her. Loki is strictly rejecting other girls and she-wolves. He is eagerly waiting for our mate," I tried to convince her. “Good morning, Alpha.” Mason approached the table with his mate. “Good morning, Alpha” Caitlyn, Mason’s mate, greeted me. “Good morning you two,” I greeted while scanning them closely. Mason was carrying Caitlyn in his arms.   Their mate bond was amazing and their love awesome. Mason carried his mate everywhere and all the time as much as he could. He fed her, cared about her, and made love to her every day. Sometimes the whole packhouse could hear their moans and pleasure screams. They mated five months ago and at any moment Caitlyn could be pregnant. I am sure they would continue their lovemaking sessions every day and night. "Don't worry. We will have a good time with our mate. She will scream our name when she is beneath us," Loki assured with a determined voice.   "Alpha, are you leaving for New York again?” Mason asked while feeding Caitlyn.   "Yes, I have my work to complete. Take care of the pack until I return.” I nodded and flashed him a grateful smile.   "Of course, Alpha! Don’t worry about it." Mason nodded back in response. I stood up from the dining table and headed to my room. I packed my bag and walked to my SUV. I drove the vehicle this time and my bodyguards were already in their vehicles. We started our long journey towards New York. The packhouse was located in a faraway forest from the city. By car, the drive usually took one and half hours from packhouse to my office. I was heading there since I had some business meetings with my clients. I also had two private jets. One had been taken by dad to fly to France and the other pilot’s mate was delivering her baby, so I didn’t want to bother him. It was the most valuable time of his life, so he had to be there to encourage his mate. As I was driving, I suddenly received a call. I checked my phone to see that it was none other than my manager, Kendrick. I turned on the car speaker and answered the call. “Good morning, Sir!” Kendrick greeted me. “Yes, good morning, Kendrick. To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?” I questioned him. “Sir, we have a few meetings today with foreign clients and we need to discuss tomorrow's New York High School event,” he clarified. “Kendrick, I told you that you should go to that prize-giving ceremony. I am not in a position to go for that event,” I told him, shaking my head with a sigh. I stopped my car at the traffic light and noticed a few girls looking at me, whispering something to each other as they waved their hands to me. I turned to look at them, and all of a sudden, one of the girls lowered her blouse zipper, exposing her b****s to me. I quickly looked away to the other side and concentrated on the conversation. “Yes sir, we have discussed this before and I’ve already informed their principal that you are not in a position to participate in tomorrow's event, and on behalf of you I’ll be coming. But the thing is we didn’t discuss what we should present to them. I mean, are we gonna offer some cash as a donation or any other physical gift or something else?” Kendrick explained lengthily. “Oh, yeah, you are right, Kendrick. Just give me fifteen minutes. I’m on my way to the office,” I informed him before ending the call. Eventually, I reached the office. It was a tower that stood tall over all the other buildings. The only thing taller was perhaps the World Trade Center. My bodyguards quickly got out of their vehicles and surrounded me. They always did as such, not because of my rivals or terrorists, but rather, it was because of those crazy girls who wanted to touch me. It was like a war for them to protect me until I stepped into the VIP elevator, which only stops at my floor. “Good morning sir!” greetings from all four corners of the building reached my ears. I simply nodded and greeted them. We got into the elevator and reached my floor. “Good morning Sir!” Kendrick stood right in front of the elevator door. “Good morning Kendrick! Can I have a coffee?” I requested. “Sure sir, I’ll order one,” Kendrick nodded and we both entered my office. “Okay, Kendrick. Today is going to be a hectic day for both of us,” I sighed while unfolding my laptop. “Yes sir, we have meetings with foreign customers. Also, we need to decide what we should give the school tomorrow,” he explained with clarity. “We should go there tomorrow!” Loki suddenly interrupted my mind. “Why are you so impatient and insistent to go there?” I demanded annoyingly. “We need to be there. What if we find our mate there?” Loki argued with me. “Are you saying that our mate is going to be a school kid?” I asked him in confusion. “I don’t know, but for the sake of Moon Goddess, we need to go there!” Loki insisted with a firm voice. “You are a stubborn wolf!” I replied. “I am an Alpha, I should be,” he responded with a proud voice. “All right then, we will go,” I gave in and cut the mind link. “Kendrick, I’ll go tomorrow,” I informed my manager. “That’s great! I was just thinking about how I would lie to them. Then, shall we decide what you are going to give to them?” he said. “Let’s offer a check as a donation for them. You handle it. Also, order fresh rose bouquets for all the female teachers and tie pins for male teachers,” I instructed while typing an email. “Noted sir!” Kendrick replied with a smile.    
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