Chapter 3

1281 Words

The bell above the coffee shop door rings and I look up, smiling as I see my cousin walk inside. "Hey, Clover." "Morning," she says brightly, slipping around behind the counter and dumping her bag. "You all ready for your tour?" I nod. "Sabine should be here already," I respond. "Then I"m late." "Not at all. Everything"s set up and you"ve got a couple of quiet hours ahead of you if the past couple of days are anything to go by. You could probably get some work on your cookbook done." "I could, except that I"ve finished." I stare at her. "You have? That"s so exciting." "Mmhmm, and I"ve managed to find an agent who is currently working on finding me a publisher, they"re positive I"ll have an offer within a few weeks." "That quickly?" I"m certain my surprise comes through my question

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