Chapter 2

1691 Words

I push the door to the flat open with my back, being careful not to spill the tea and cake I have on my tray. Even before I venture further into the flat, a stream of what I assume are curses comes from Sabine"s old room, though Azíl seems to have resorted to his native language in order to fully express his dislike of putting furniture together. "It"s me," I call out so he doesn"t spook when I enter his new office. I stop in the doorway and stare at the mess within. Azíl sits in the middle of the floor with several different pieces of wood strewn about. He"s gotten a lot less done than I expected him to. "Do you want tea in here, or do you want it in the living room?" I ask, trying not to sound too amused by the situation. "I want the furniture to do what I tell it to," he responds, s

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