Chapter 15 (unedited)

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Anaya's P.O.V I woke up around 5.30 a.m and brushed my teeth. I took a pair of jogging and a sports bra which I quickly put on me and went for a thirty minutes jogging.  Once I was back home after jogging, I went shower and dressed into a long skirt and a long sleeved grey top. I also wore a pair of black sandals and also applied some make up, eyeliner and lip gloss. I took my bags and walked downstairs. I gave Snoopy his kibbles and took some cornflakes with milk in a bowl. My dad wasn't up yet so I didn't want to wake him up. He needs rest. I drove to school and walked in the building. It was nearly time for the class to start so I rushed to the lecture room. As I walked in the class, I looked for Andrew but he was nowhere to be found. I then sat next to Keshni. "Hey Anaya, how are you? Not sitting next to your bestie today, huh?" Keshni greeted me. "Hi Keshni, I'm good and you? He is nowhere to be found." I said and looked around.  The class started and we were all busy copying notes when we heard the door open. "Mr Rollins, to what is due your lateness?" Mr Ambrose told him in a serious tone. "Personal problems sir." He said shortly and went to sit in his place.  He didn't really paid attention to where I was. He only said at his place and copied the notes.  About half an hour later, the class ended. Keshni and I bid goodbye. I was packing my stuff as I felt a presence behind me. As I turned around I realized that it was no other than Andrew smiling at me. "Hi, sorry for last night. I shouldn't have said that." He apologized. It really did hurt me and the way he replied back yesterday. "It's okay." I sigh and turned around to continue packing. He didn't budge.  "It's not okay. I'm really sorry! What should I do to get a proper pardon from you?" Andrew said or nearly begged.  "I don't know." I said and shrugged. "I'll treat you lunch." Andrew said. s**t! Lunch, Troy. I completely forgot that! "I've lunch with Troy. I completely forgot that!" I said and quickly grabbed my stuffs. "Wait, you and Troy are dating?" Andrew asked raising an eyebrow. "No, we are not. Got to go bye." I said and turned around to walk to the door. I didn't want to argue much with him, I really didn't want my mood to get spoiled. I walked out of the class and made my way through the corridor when I heard the fire alarm. Maybe it's just a fake alert, just for the 'Fire Exercise'. I shrugged and continued walking. Suddenly, a guy racing to the exit pushed me and I fell down. "WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed but he didn't look back.  "Anaya. All okay?" Andrew said as he helped me to stand. "I'm fine. What happened? Why the alarm?" I asked.  "I don't know. Hurry, we need to be out of here." Andrew said as we both walked out.  All the students were already standing along with the lecturers, the assistant director was checking if any student was missing. "I'll be right back. Wait for me here, okay?" Andrew said as I nob. He then made his way to the head boy. I walked next to Keshni. "Hey, you know what happened?" I asked her. "No. Maybe a computer had a problem which caused it catch on fire."  She said tapping her chin. "Yeah maybe." I said as I noticed Mr Simpson literally running out of the building. Soon, a black Land Rover along with a Porsche Cayenne made their entrance through the school gate. It was no other than James Rollins getting out of his Porsche. As I had my spectacles on, I noticed him wearing a dark blue suit. He was in a quite hurry to enter the building.  "Anaya. They are asking for you in the office." Andrew said. Why the hell do they want me there!?  "Why?" I questioned him in disbelief. "I don't know. Come on let's go." He said as he started walking, I followed behind still thinking why they were asking for me. I entered Mr. Simpson's office and all the eyes were on me. Specially those of Mr Rollins.  "Good evening." I managed to say. "Miss Khan. Glad you are here. We are in some kind of trouble and I think you are the only one who can help us out." Mr Simpson said. Me? How can I be of any help to them? "Why do you need my help, sir? I mean I'm only a student. I won't be of any great help." I said looking down at my nails. I don't know whether it's the situation or the intense glare of James on me which making me uncomfortable.  Mr Simpson was about to reply when James interrupted him. "I knew she wouldn't help us. We should call some I.T man." James said. Woah, since when has he started being so rude. Well, he is known to be someone heartless.  "Sir, she is capable of doing it. I'm sure." Mr Simpson said giving me a smile. This one was unexpected.  "Yeah bro. Simpson ain't wrong." Andrew said, looking at the computer then me. "Come on Ana, I know you can." Andrew said giving me reassuring smile. Oh God! Please help me out. "Ok, what's the problem?" I said and sigh.  "Well as you see my computer is blocked." He said and motioned me to come next to him, I quickly did so. Looking at the state and also at the screen, it became pretty clear that some had hacked the computer. "I tried entering the password several times but it's of no use." "Was there any important documents in it? Which could be of any use once being stolen?" I questioned trying to restart the computer. "There was a few plans of the new computer lab and also the potential contract of a plot of land for another campus." On of James' bodyguard said.  "Hmm ok." I said as I opened my bag and took out my Mac air. I connected it to Simpson's computer and started installing a private program.  After 20 long minutes of installing the program, I was finally able to get the access to Simpson's computer' main memory.  "What have you just done?" Andrew questioned his eyes glued on my screen as he saw Mr Simpson's desktop appearing on my screen.  "As I installed this program, I'm now able to see all the information that were on his computer, I have free access to his desktop and if ever the hacker installed a virus in his computer, I'll know about it without it to harm my laptop. With this program, I can stop the virus from harming any computer connected to Mr Simpson's computer." I explained then and meanwhile, everyone was surrounding me looking at my laptop. "What the... How come you are able to do that?" I heard James questioning still in disbelief.  "Where have you got this program?" A bodyguard of his questioned. "Actually, I created it." I said. "WHAT?" All of them said at the same time which made me jump a little. Is it that hard to believe? "What what? It wasn't that complicated." I said and shrugged. "Anyway, I still have to check the documents. If they are still here." I said as I searched for the documents. "The one about the computer lab was stolen and deleted." I said still trying to figure out how to get it back. "How?" Simpson said shocked. It was a bit obvious that such a thing had happened.  "I don't know." I stood up and as I turned around I saw all the men looking at me. "Excuse me." I said in a weird tone. Seriously, do I look that dumb? I took my iPad out of the bag along with my glasses as my eyes started hurting.  "Is there any computer connected to your computer?" I asked Mr Simpson.  "The computer of the vice director is." He said and I nob. I walked to the computer and connected it to the computer. "It's still on this computer." I said and sigh, relief. Simpson hurried behind me. "Check if it's the document." I said and stood up. I took my strawberry shaped pen-drive and walked back to the computer and saved the file. "The weirdest part of it, is that a hacker who made so many mistakes while hacking a computer. There's surely something fishy." I said in deep thought trying to figure out some possibilities of future actions.  "I think it's all I can do for now." I said as I stood up taking my iPad and walked to my bag.  "Hmm Mr Simpson, do you have a laptop? So that I could put your desktop on it." I asked. I got another weird look from Andrew, the bodyguards and without forgetting James. "Can you do that too?" James asked me. I only gave a slight smile and nob.  "Yes. Give me a minute." He took his laptop out of his bag and gave it to me.  I took the laptop and installed everything which was on his computer. Once it was done, I handed Mr Simpson's laptop back.  "What was that all?" Andrew question still not believing what I just did. "Yeah." I said. "Thank you so much Miss Khan." Mr Simpson said. "I really underestimated you. Thank you for your help." James said looking straight in my eyes. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. "You are welcome but I need you all to do me a favor." I said. "Sure." James replied. "Could you please keep today's episode as a secret. I don't want anyone else to be aware of my computer program." I said. "Sure. I'll make sure that no one else knows about it." James said and I gave him a slight smile and mumbled a little thank you.  As I check my wrist watch, I realized that it's nearly 3.00 p.m. s**t! Practice classes! I hurriedly took my stuffs and walked to the door of the office.  "Anaya. Where are you going?" Andrew asked me which made turn around to face him. "Oh Andrew. I have to go to Amborium. I have practice. Will call you later." I said and turned around. As I was about to open the door, my action was once again interrupted by my dear best friend. "What you going practice without having lunch!?" Andrew said with his hands on his hips. He seriously acts like a mother sometimes. "I can manage. Mummy!" I said and exclaimed the last part. "No. You are not going. Not before having a proper lunch!" Andrew said. God I swear. He is even more caring than a mother at times. I was about to reply when I was cut off. "Who's not having lunch?" I heart someone say and as I looked behind Andrew, it was no other than Mr Six-packs. s**t!  "So, who is not having lunch?" He asked as he walked forward and slightly turned to Andrew.  "Actually bro, Anaya has her practice classes but she isn't having a proper meal before it." Andrew explained as I gave him a dead look. "Why don't you join us Miss Khan? You could accept that as my gratitude towards you for your help today."  "It's okay sir. I don't want to bother you." I said looking straight into his eyes.  "Come on Anaya. It would be fun!" Andrew said giving me puppy eyes.  "Okay then." I said and gave them a smile.  "Great." James said and smirked. His phone started ringing then. "Excuse me." He said and walked out.  "You. You I'm gonna kill you." I said looked at Andrew with an angry face.  "Oh you really gonna." He said and laughed. "God! Yo...ur" Andrew said in between laughter.  "Andrew. Why did you force me to accept?" I asked him in a stern voice. "Anaya. I know you have a crush on my brother. Admit it. He is quite handsome, not as much as I'm but he is." Andrew said still faltering himself in the end. From a certain point of view, James is way hotter than Andrew. But on the other hand.... No there's no but James is way more handsome. "He is but."  "There's no but Anaya."  "Andrew please."  "Just give it a try. And if it doesn't work, just forget it." Andrew explained and I must admit that he is not totally wrong.  "Okay. I'll but you don't interfere and also not tell him about my past."  "Ana, please. I won't. Promise!"  The door then swung open.  "You guys are ready to leave?" James asked. "Yeah, we are." Andrew said as I nob. "f**k!" Andrew cursed.  "Watch your tongue." James said in a really stern voice.  "Sorry bro. It's just that I've to practice for the upcoming football match. Sorry guys, I won't be able to make it up today. But it's okay, you two guys can go." Andrew said. At this very particular moment, I just wanted to slaughter him. Slaughter is a quite big word but seriously, how will I manage lunch with Mr Arrogant? Last time we talked, it ended up in pure disaster. God, please help me!  I was brought back to my thoughts by Andrew hugging me goodbye. And after exchanging a few words with his brother, he left.  "So shall we." He said as he motioned me to walk forward. I gave him a nob and smile.  We were walking through the corridor side by side. We were now passing through the building entrance. "Is that your car?" He asked as he pointed to the parking.  "Yeah. The Audi of course not the Ferrari." I explained as Troy's red baby was parked next to my car.  He nob and gestured me to walk forward. Maybe where his car is parked. We walked in the same silence when he suddenly asked me question. "Do you like Ferraris?" James asked. "Yes, I do. I mean, they are so awesome." I said trying to keep the conversation quite normal not showing how nervous I was.  He only nob and we both continued walking. Soon, we arrived at his car. He opened the left passenger backseat door for me. Such a gentleman. I mumbled a little thank you and sat in the car. He walked to the right and sat. The car started moving and we were both in the same silence.  I then heard a 'ting' from my phone and I saw text from Troy.  'Sorry Anaya . Lunch plan cancelled. Call you ASAP'  I smiled at the message but was suddenly cut off of my actions. "Whose message is it?" I heard James stern voice.  Great, it's gonna be fun! 
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