Chapter 16 (unedited)

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Anaya's P.O.V "Whose message is it?" I heard James stern voice. "A friend." I replied simply. Why does he wanna know?  "And what's his name?" He said looking at me.  I sigh and locked the phone. "Why do you bother?"  "Yeah right. I shouldn't." He said curtly and took his phone out of his pocket.  The drive was a silent one. What could I have expect? After thirty minutes, the car stopped in front of gastronomic restaurant, Altoona. His driver went out and opened his door. He then hurried to open mine. I mumbled a little thank you. We both walked inside the restaurant and I must admit, it was simply wow. The people there were of a such class and the cleanness was perfect. The main colors present was olive green and white, a simple color combination yet classy.  "A table for two." James said to the waiter. The waiter looked in his mid fifties.  "Sure sir." The waiter said and escorted us to our table. There was a single red rose in a vase and two Anthurium in both sides.  I sat on the chair and James sat in front of me. The waiter gave us both the menu. I smiled and thanked him whereas James only nob, not even looking at the waiter. I found his attitude quite rude.  "So, what will you take?" James asked me looking up from his menu.  "Hmm, I don't know. I'm not so used of gastronomic restaurants." I said and looked down to the menu.  "Here the seafood is very nice, I'm used to order the seafood paella." James said.  "I think I'll have that. Advised by an expert." I said as he smiled lightly.  The waiter came and we ordered our food. James took a beef steak and me a seafood paella. After that, there was a dead silence between us both.  "So, since how long you created this marvelous program?" He asked. "Actually, I created it since last year. I always liked I.T and all, but never thought about it as a career choice maybe because I enjoyed it as a hobby." I explained him.  "Such a hobby is very rare, Miss Khan. I thought your hobby was dancing." He said and took the glass of water in front of him.  "Dancing is my profession." I said looking down as I felt his gaze on me.  "Strange, I know girls whose hobby is dancing and profession software engineer." He said still looking at me.  "It's good to distract from normal people, Mr Rollins." I said this time looking into his eyes. "You're an amazing distraction Anaya." James said making me blush. Soon, the same silence was back. The waiter then came with our order. We ate in the same silence and I must admit that it wants that bad.  "I wanted to ask you something." James said as he wiped his mouth with the napkin. I nob. "Will you accompany me to a gala Friday night?" He asked. My eyes suddenly went wide. What the hell! "Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief.  "Yes I'm." He said like nothing happened, as if he was used to ask random girls to accompany him to galas. Doesn't he care about his image? If ever he changes girlfriend like ties, what will the persons around him think? They will think that he's a playboy. Most importantly, what will they think about me? That I'm a one night stand. The image that I avoided being thought as all these years. I don't want others to have the idea that I'm an easy girl. And beside that, nothing forces me to accompany him. Not forgetting that my dad will be leaving soon too. "Sorry, I'm not free on Friday." I finally replied.  "Why? Is it my company that you don't like?" He asked showing a bit of hurt but quickly covered with rudeness. "No, it's not that I don't like your company. I have other things to do." I said avoiding the eye contact. "Like what?" He immediately snapped. Seriously?  "It's none of your business." I snapped curtly. "Quality time with your boyfriend." James said loudly, gathering the attention of the customers and waiters. "Can we leave? I don't want to continue this conversation with you." I said about to stand. Why did he say that? My boyfriend? I don't even have one! "Sure." He said as he stood up abruptly. Won't he pay the bill? We were walking out of the restaurant when suddenly, I felt someone pulling me. As everything happened by leaps and bounds, I ended in someone's arm.  "What the..." I said as I looked up, but I was dumbstruck by the face in front of me.  Himanshu Tyagi. 
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