Chapter 14 (unedited)

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James P.O.V I was in my office completing some work when I got a phone call. Looking at the caller I.D, I was more than shocked. Why is Anaya calling? I could feel the adrenaline rising in my blood.  As soon as I picked the call and about to greet her, I was cut off. "I want you to meet me at White Flora Park at 12.00p.m. If you are not there on time, then forget this number." She said and disconnected. This girl is no messing around with. Why is she so reserved?  "Maria, cancel the lunch with Seth Cooperation." I pressed the intercom and said. This lunch is important for the fruitful future of the company. But I'm sure I'll get better deals. Anaya is a priority to me. "Sure, sir. Anything else?" "Yes, do inform my bodyguards that I'm leaving the office for the White Flora Park at 11.45 a.m"  "Yes sir, will that be all?" "Yes" Was the feelings yesterday common to both of us? I did kiss during all my one night stand but never like that.  I was done with a few phone calls and called Taylor telling him that I'm leaving the office. I walked out of my office and two bodyguards who were waiting in front of the door walked me to the elevators. I reached the ground floor and saw many employees greeting me. I only nob at them.  As I walked out, Taylor opened my Porsche' passenger back door for me to enter. I sat on the leather seat and took out my iPhone. Taylor was in the front driving. My bodyguards were following behind. I can't take any risk specially going to a park, anything may happen.  After a ten minutes drive, I finally reached my destination. I walked out of the car and made my way into the park. My bodyguards followed behind. The sun was unbearable so I asked Taylor to get my shades. After putting my sunglasses, I started searching for Anaya. There wasn't a lot of persons in the park. There were a few couples sitting on a benches, eating ice cream or giggling. This could be Anaya and me but I'm a monster. This thought unknowingly hitter my thought. But it wasn't a lie, I'm monster for putting aside my feelings and focusing more on the business. I closed my eyes and shook thoughts out of my mind.   I started searching for Anaya and soon my eyes were attracted by a beautiful lady, her profile was so perfect and her brown hair simply wonderful. I walked toward the bench where she was seated along with my bodyguards following. I sat next to here with and she looked at me. She is so beautiful that even words can't describe. Her dress exposed perfectly her long beautiful legs. Her hazel eyes still had those sparkles and the power to get myself loss in it. "James Rollins" I said in a business tone, extending my hand for a handshake. I feeling a bit strange, I don't know how to react when I'm around her. "Anaya Khan. But I'm sure you already knew it." She replied taking my hand. She is quite confident for a student. I smirked. "Well, you wanted to talk?" I asked straight away. I'm not sure about the way of starting a conversation with her.  "About last night.... Did you really mean that....kiss?" She said and it was clear that she was a bit embarrassed of asking this question to me. Is she that innocent? "As we can say, we are both adults. Yes, I knew what I was doing. I wanted to kiss and I did. We did." I explained, trying to find the appropriate words being sure that whatever I'm saying doesn't make her feel like running away. That's what everyone wants to do when they are around you. A voice inside my head which I really wanted to shut up, said. As I looked at Anaya, her attention was diverted. She was looking around us.  "Who are those guys around us?" She asked pointing at Raulf, one of my bodyguards who was behind her.  "They are my bodyguards. I don't go anywhere without them." I replied casually and shrugged.  "Why do you have so many? I mean don't you feel it weird having so many men in black suit around you?" She asked. I could have expected that question. "It's a normal thing to me. I'm a C.E.O and it's essential for me to have them as there might be emergencies like someone trying to shoot me. It's mainly for my own security." I explained her. If that day, there were bodyguards with us, maybe mum and dad would still be there. "You are right. You need one." She said and laughed silently. Why is she reacting like that? What's funny in having bodyguards? "What are you laughing at Miss Khan? Don't you believe that danger can be anywhere around?" I asked her as I could feel anger building slowly inside of me. "Well, Mr Rollins. I believe that death is everywhere and anywhere. When the time comes for him to strike, no one and nothing can help. Nothing stops him." She explained me. How can her thought be like that? Maybe it's associated with the death of her parents. I'm sure she had been through a lot. "Is that your thought then? That death is anywhere and everywhere?" I asked her still thinking about how she felt on that day.  "Yes, that's what I think. For example on my way back I might end up dyi.." Her words were like a nightmare. I placed my palm on her lips forcing them closed. I could feel the same weird feeling again.  "Don't you ever dare say that!" I said as I removed my shades. She looked into my eyes and me into hers. I won't let anything happen to her.  "Why do you even care?" She questioned. Her words brought me in rage. How can she say that!?! "How can you say that after yesterday's kiss?" I asked trying to control my anger. As I heard her laughing, an evident sarcastic laugh. I was now more than angry. "How can you say that you care after literally running away after that kiss yesterday?" She said as she looked like being upset. "I know I went away but you can't say that I ran away!" That's it, I'm furious. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "I might be scared that's why I 'ran away'." I said in a low voice. A lot was going through my mind now. "Only cowards run away. I'm sorry but all this is a mistake. I'm sorry for taking your time." She said as she stood up. What!? How can she say that!? "Anaya, you can't say that yesterday was a mistake! The way you kissed me! I know you have feelings for me!" I'm now more than furious. How can she reject me!? "YES! It was all a mistake!" She said. Please tell me that's all a lie and that she wants me...! "Unbelievable." I said and laughed sarcastically. Now it's my turn. I shook my head trying to regain my cool. "Anaya Khan don't ever forget one thing. I always get what I want and if I can't have it, I won't let anyone own it." I said articulating each and every word making her understand the whole sentence. "Remember one thing, you are MINE." I told her and I meant every single word. I swear on all my possession, she'll be mine. "Goodbye Anaya. We will be meeting soon." I said and left. As I walked to the car, this conversation was on repeat mode in my head. Maybe it's a punishment for all the bad I have done. "Taylor, I'll be going to the penthouse instead of the office." "Sure sir." I nob and continued replying some mails on my mobile. After a twenty minutes drive, I was home. Home is such a nice word, a place where we feel wanted and loved. Unfortunately, not all of us can feel like being home. I walked out of the car as Taylor opened the door for me. I asked my bodyguards to take the rest of the day off and to spend it with their family.  I walked into the penthouse and charged my phone. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. During the whole time, Anaya wasn't out of my mind. Maybe it's better for her not to be around me. I was done shower in less than ten minutes. I dressed into some pajama pants. Soon I heard my phone ringing. It was an unexpected call, my brother calling. Why is Tejveer calling me? Didn't he get his pocket money? "Hello Tejveer." "Hey Arjun, what's up?" "Well, I'm at my penthouse and you?" "Nothing great too." He replied. "Bro, I wanted to ask you something." "Yes, go ahead." I wonder what he wants. He never asked me anything.  "Are you free tonight, for dinner?" He asked like he was asking me on a date.  "Yes Tejveer, I'm free. At what time will it be okay?"  "Great! I'll reserve for 8.00 p.m, is it okay?" "Yeah it's fine. I'll pick you up. No need to drive."  "Thank you brother. See you later."  "Bye" I said and disconnected the call. As I was checking my mailbox, Shaheer called me. "Good evening Shaheer." I greeted him, taking his call. "Good evening James. How are you?" Shaheer greeted back. "I'm fine and you? How come you called?" "I'm good thanks. I wanted to throw a party. As you know the deal we signed is a very fruitful one which with time will only be for both companies' profit." Shaheer explained. But why a party? The whole office team worked hard for this to be a success, it deserves a party. "Right Shaheer. I'll ask my party organizer to start doing it right away. I'll also ask him to contact you."  "Thank you James. Glad you liked the idea." "Most welcome Shaheer." "I've got a flight to catch for Dubai. Will call you later."  "Sure Shaheer. Have a safe flight. Bye." I said and disconnected the call. I completed some work and walked to my closet to change. I heard a ding from my phone and checked. 'Anaya Khan leaving Amborium and heading home.'  Should I keeping spying her like that? Maybe I should ask Michael to stop spying her and informing me. But I want to be with her, to know whether she is okay or not. God, this girl will be the death of me. I sigh and took a pair of jeans along with a polo shirt. I put on my shoes and walked out of my room. It's the first time in six months that I'm meeting my little brother. Why does he suddenly call me brother and all? Flashback: "Mum! I'm back." I said as I entered the house. "Oh beta, you are here. How was your day?" My mother asked me with a bright smile as she gave me a glass of water. My mother is an Indian, she has a very fair skin and bright blue eyes.  "It was nice mum, and yours? By the way, where's Tej? He isn't around." I said scanning the room for any trace of my little brother. "I don't know Arjun. He was very quiet today. He didn't even eat. He went straight to his room when he was back home. I don't know what's wrong with him." My mother said as her face showed a worried expression.  "I'll talk to him mum, don't worry mum." I said, thinking what might be bothering him that much.  "Arjun, do you want me to serve you some food?" My mum asked me. She is very caring and loves doing some chores in the house. According to her, a wife and mother should always be there for her husband and kids.  "Yes mum. What's the menu?" I asked removing my shoes. "I cooked carrot halwa." She said smiling as she knew that we all loved her carrot halwa. I only gave her a bright smile and she walked in the kitchen. She was back in the living room with a bowl of halwa. I ate it gusto. Each and every spoon I took of the halwa I could feel the crunchy of the almonds and the sweetness of the dried grapes. It was what we could say a signature halwa. I was done eating and talking to my mom. I walked upstairs to my room. I was waking in the corridor when I heard someone crying. I listened carefully and heard that it was from Andrews room. I walked in his room and sat next to him. As he felt my presence, he wiped his tears away. Who had bothered my little Andrew that much? Whoever that person is, he will suffer. "Hey little brother, what happened?" I asked him patting his shoulder. "Nothing bhaiya." He said and continued sniffing. "Andrew, you can trust me. If you have any trouble, do tell me. I'll always be there for you." I said trying to comfort him. "Actually, there's a teacher Mr Paul. He gave a test today and I got the lowest mark." He said as I could see tears building up in the corner of his eyes.  "Don't worry Andrew. I'll help you everyday and you will be first in class, promise." I said trying to comfort him. Why is he crying? He never bother about his grades and marks. "It's not that bro, he insulted me in front of the whole class and slapped me." Andrew said and cried. I could feel the rage building inside of me. How can he touch my brother!?  "Don't worry Tej. I promise, he will never do that to you or any other student." I said as my eyes were glued on the wall. I turned to face him and gave him reassuring smile. "Mum made carrot halwa. Go eat some." I said. Andrew slowly nob and stood up, leaving me sitting on his bed. "And bro, don't hide such things from me again, ok?" "Yes big bro." Andrew said and walked out of the room.  I stood up and took my phone out of my pocket. I dialed Kaleb's number. "Yes James." Kaleb said as he picked up the call. "Inform the rest of the band. We are going to Rudolph Paul's house. That b*st*rd dared hit my brother." I said. "I will. I'll take the guns along." "Seems great man. See you at 6.00 p.m sharp." I smirked thinking about the look on his face when he will see those guns. "Yeah man. See you." I disconnected the call.  An hour later, I dressed myself in a black shirt and a pair of black jeans. I completed my look with a black leather jacket and black Chelsea boots. I walked to the garage and climbed on my black Ducati superbike. My black aviator Gucci sunglasses made my look even more bad-ass as I drove to that damn teacher house. A few meters I saw my friends waiting for me. I drove in the front and they followed behind. It's cool to a some kind of mafia boss. We arrived in front of his house and our dear Rudolph was watering his plants.  We all stopped our bikes. I walked in front of his gate and opened it. "You boys. Get out of my property!" He started yelling at us. "Oldie just shut up! My ears can't bear your girly voice." I said covering my ears.  "Get the hell out of my property!" He yelled again. Seriously, can't he just stop yelling. "I won't." I said straight and he was fuming. "If you don't then I'll call the police." He said in a serious tone. I not sacred anyway.  "Go ahead." I said and slightly moved my jacket, showing the gun in my pocket. Seeing me doing so. The boys also did so and the face of that teacher turned in horror. "Wwhat do you want." He said still trembling in fear.  "What have you said to Andrew Rollins today?" I asked as Robin gave me a baseball bat, I walked towards the Rudolph like a predator on his pray. Seeing me doing so he started moving backwards. "Nothing." He said. The liar, how dare he?  I took the bat and beat him on his leg. He fell down and started screaming in pain. "Don't you dare lying to me! I don't have much time to waste with you. It's an advertisement, don't you dare doing this once again. You will see the worst side of me. This time we only showed you our guns. Next time, I promise you will feel every bullet in your head." I said and turned around, leaving him on the ground. I was about to walk out and I saw a red BMW 3 series. Recently bought I must say. Without wasting any minute, I broke the windshield with the bat.  I didn't give a single glance back to Rudolph and walked out. The next day, I saw a smiling Andrew coming back home. Today, I went to fetch Andrew at school on my bike.  "Hey buddy, you look very happy today!" I said as I patted his head. "Yes big bro! Remember that teacher I talked to you about." He said getting on the bike. "Yes and?"  "Today he gave his resignation letter. He won't be our teacher anymore!"  "That's a great news bro! We will celebrate it. Let's go for ice cream." I said getting on my bike too." We drove to the park where we both are ice cream and seeing the joy in my brothers eyes was more than a reward. End of Flashback. I asked Taylor to take the BMW 4 series convertible out of the garage. I'll try patch up with my brother. Maybe these old days aren't so forgotten. 
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