Chapter 13 (unedited)

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Anaya's P.O.V I walked to my car and sat on the driver seat. I took a large amount of air which I inhaled and exhaled. I drove to Anborium and there I started practicing for two hours, then I packed up and changed into my previous clothes. I put on some perfume and went straight to the main office where I'm sure the rest of the members are waiting.  I walked in the office and was soon welcomed by a smiling Antoine. Along with the other members and dancers, I sat on one of the chairs provided. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen." Antoine greeted us all. "I wanted to inform you that I pre-posed the show, it will be on Saturday. The plan stays the same, the choreography you will be performing stays the same too." As he finished his lines, we could hear some murmuring. They must all be shocked about this decision.  "Sir, we will never be ready!" Amy one of the dancers said. "Sorry Sir, I'm giving up the show. I won't be able to perform! My exams are  on Monday and I'm already an average student and I can't bare failing. If it happens so, my parents will punish me and I'll never be able to dance!" Amy said. She had to perform on a newly released song named Pinga from the movie Bajirao Mastani, this song was supposed to be a main of the show. Looking at Antoine it was clear that he was panicked as he didn't knew what to do. He then looked at me giving me this pleading look. My eyes went wide looking at him but still  I couldn't refuse. I owe him that much, he helped me out in my darkest days. I nob at him and soon his mood changed to a bright one.  "Amy, you don't have to worry. Anaya will be replacing you for the night." Antoine said and soon murmurs were once again heard.  "Anaya, you will be performing along with Shereen. You both girls, should start practicing soon. There's only a couple of days left!" Antoine once again said.  The rest of the meeting went smoothly. Once it ended Shereen hurried next to me. "Hi Anaya! I'm happy to be working with you. When are you free so that we start practice together?" Shereen asked smiling. "I'm glad too. Tomorrow, are you free around 4.00 p.m?"  "Yes, I'm free but do you really think we will be ready for Saturday? I mean we won't be able to practice much together and on Friday we have to do rehearsal in our costume. God! Will Amy's costume fit you?" Shereen said panicking. I giggled at her expression. It reminds me of myself during my early days of career. "Don't worry Shereen. Everything will be fine. The costume is no big deal, I'll talk to Antoine about it. Chill, there's no need to worry." I said trying to reassure her. "And also with an amazing dancer like you, how can anything go wrong!?" I said trying to reassure her again.  "Thank you. I'm sure you will rock it too. You are one of the best after all." Shereen said and looked much more relaxed. Small things affecting her is not good for both career and health but who am I to say that? The one who gets panic attack!  My inner voice laughed at me. I shook these thoughts out of my mind. "Well, I've got to go my mother is waiting for me. This is my number do send me a message so that I can save yours." Shereen said as she gave me a piece of paper with her phone number written on it. "I will be texting you by tonight. Bye" I said as she walked to the elevator. Thinking about what Shereen said previously made me realize how much I wanted to have my mother by my side. Maybe if she was still here none of these would have happened to me. I wouldn't have been burned to death. The thought of being burned terrified me but I quickly pushed these thoughts away. Once I was done talking to everybody and biding goodbye, I waked out of building and reached my car. I got in and drove home. I felt a bit dizzy maybe because I didn't have lunch.  After a fifteen minutes drive, I was finally home. As I walked inside, I didn't see anyone. I know that Maggy has already left. I walked in the kitchen and poured myself a glass of watermelon juice. While drinking, a thought hit my mind. Maybe I should call Andrew and tell him about his brother. Or not. But I know I should as we promised each other to share everything. I felt something on my knees which brought me out of my thoughts and as I looked down, I saw Snoopy greeting me. I placed the glass in the kitchen sink and took Snoopy in my arms then hugged him. I placed Snoopy on the floor and walked to the living room, where I dropped my bags. I took them and walked upstairs. I knocked my dad's door but I didn't get any response, maybe he is at work.  I walked into my room with Snoopy following behind. He quickly jumped on my bed and started playing with my heart cushion. I took my phone out of my bag and dialed Andrews number. "Hottest man ever speaking." He said as he picked the call. I could feel him smirking. "Oh sorry! I thought it was my hideous best friend's number." I said trying to hold my laughter as I can say that his response would be dramatic. "Me hideous!! I'm the hottest man ever! Even Victoria Secret wants me as a model!" I couldn't hold my laughter anymore. I laughed till my eyes started water. Seriously, him for Victoria Secret?! My foot!  "Victoria Secret will be black listed of you do so." I said and laughed again. "Well young girl. Let me tell you, I have billions of girls dying for me." Andrew said "Let me guess. Hmmm. They are blind!" I said and laughed again.  "Haha, very funny." He said sarcastically. "Anyway, how was your day? Today's classes were canceled." Andrew asked.  "Mine was fine, just a bit too much for a day. And yours?" I replied, thinking about how today was full of surprises.  "Home. By the way, I tried talking to my brother and I must say, it wasn't that difficult. Under this thick layer of formal is a kind and nice brother. We are going to the restaurant tonight." He said. I'm glad that he's trying to patch up with his brother. But still, I have to tell him. "Sounds awesome! I'm so happy that you are trying to get along with him." I said. "Yeah, I'm trying too. I'm sure mum and dad wouldn't be happy that both of us fight or even argue."  "That's right."  "Anyway, what happened to that mysterious sender, huh?" He asked. Should I tell him?  "Well, I know you will be shocked. But promise me that you won't over react, okay?" "Okay." "It's your brother, James. Please don't over react and don't tell him. Please let it be our secret." I said and specially the last part was with a pleading voice.  There was a long pause before he reply. "How do you know?" I explained everything to him since the very beginning till the park scene. "Okay okay. In short, my brother is the mysterious sender and you both kissed. You both kissed! It's your first kiss! I thought I would be the first one knowing it! You finally kissed a boy! I thought you were lesbian!" He literally shouted. I will never understand his mood change. First he is calm and then he bursts. "Sssshhh! Keep it low! And you are the first one, I haven't shared it with anyone else!"  "Really! Not even with your dad?" Andrew asked. "No, I haven't. How can I talk to him about that?" Seriously, how can I talk to my dad about that?! "Why? Is Mr James Bond a strict parent, huh?" He replied with a psycho voice. He is too weird to be understood. "My dad is no James Bond!" I replied and sigh. "Whatever. Are you my soon to be sister in law?"  "WHAT!!?" I literally yell. How can he say that!? He started laughing then. He kept on laughing nonstop for about two minutes.  "Jokes apart, what are you gonna do?" He finally asked. "I really don't know. I don't want a relationship."  "But why?"  "You perfectly know why." I replied as he knows my past. "Anaya, whatever happened in your past doesn't matter anymore."  "How can you say that!?" I exclaimed. Seriously? How can he? He knows everything but still! I know my past is not about any relationship but I lost faith in everyone since that very day. Even in myself at times... "Don't get me wrong. Why can't you give love a chance?" Andrew said. "I don't have time for that. I've got other stuff to think about first. Bye, I've got to go." I was a bit angry about his previous reaction. "Listen Anaya. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that your past doesn't matter." He said and sigh. "It's just that, you should forget it. Move on." "It's okay. I need to go." I said and disconnected the call. I know somewhere, I did move on. Even if part of me hasn't yet moved on. I couldn't stop thinking about today. I know I made someone sad and angry today. It's an unpleasant feeling to know that. But what to do? He deserves better. With deep thinking, I know that my profession will also be nuisance to his reputation. And James Rollins is a player and if ever it happened that I fall in love and then he break my heart. I would be devastated. I lost myself in this incident. Whenever I touch my skin, which now has no burn mark I still think about that day. My dad sacrificed a lot for my treatment. I'm not ready yet for any commitment like that. I was never even interested! I performed with many good looking men for shows and events. It's not that James isn't attractive. He is even more than handsome. I'll be working in his company soon. I just hope he treats like a normal employee. I'm not sure of my feelings towards him and I don't want heartache of anybody.  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I walked in the bathroom and took a long relaxing bath. Once I was done, I dressed into a pair of sweatpants and a minion baggy shirt. My hair was tied into a bun. It was a bit late and I was hungry. I called my dad and asked him when he will be home. He told me Thant he will be back in an hour.  I then decided to cook something for dinner. If dad wasn't home, a bowl of oatmeal or cornflakes would be good but as he is home I should cook something that he will like too. I walked into the kitchen and filled Snoopy's bowl with kibbles. I then walked to the fridge and got some chicken along with shrimps. I'll be cooking a Thai chicken and shrimps in coconut milk which I'll serve along with salad and rice. I started cooking and with all the necessary precautions, the meal was ready in an hour. I then started dressing the table and soon my dad opened the front and entered. "Hey dad. What's up?" I asked as he entered the kitchen. Snoopy soon jumped on his knees.  "Hello you little boy." He said as he took Snoopy in his arms. "I'm good honey and you?" He said and hugged me. "I'm good. You won't believe it. Antoine pre-posed the show for Saturday."  "You will be ready, I'm sure. Anyway, what have you cooked?"  "Thai chicken curry." We both had dinner in a pleasing silence. While eating dinner, my dad informed me that he will be leaving on Sunday to go to India as the main office is there. I was very sad hearing that but I can't force him to stay. After dinner, I cleaned the table and washed the plates. My dad was in his room, completing some work. I walked back into my room and checked my phone. I had two miss calls from Andrew and a text message from Troy. I'm sore Andrew must be busy with his brother right now. I won't call to bother. I read the message. 'Hello cutie. How are you? Free 4 lunch tomorrow?' Troy wants to meet again? Why? Maybe he's got new ideas for the games. 'Sure. See you tomorrow! Goodnight.' After replying, I left my phone aside and went to start some revisions. Tomorrow I have half day classes. While revising, I couldn't get James Rollins out of my mind. Maybe I was a bit too rude. God! Even his name is giving me butterflies. I was done with revisions around 11.00 p.m. I walked to my bed and saw Snoopy in a deep sleep on my heart cushion. I wonder why he likes it? I lay on the bed and closed my eyes. Soon I drifted in a deep sleep hoping not to dream about James Rollins.
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