Chapter 12 (unedited)

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Anaya's P.O.V   I woke up the next morning hearing my phone ringing.  "Hello." I groaned sleepily picking the call. "Good morning you too. Looks like you aren't up yet." I heard a female voice saying. "Who is it?"  "It's Saakshi. You didn't save my number?"  "Yeah, I did but I didn't look at the caller id." I said still in a sleepy voice. "Well I'm calling about the classes today."  Shit! I completely forgot about that.  "They had been canceled as Mr Ambrose isn't well. So it's your lucky day!" Saakshi said. Thank God. It had been canceled otherwise I would have missed the class.  "Thank you so much Saakshi. Who told you about that?"  "Well as you know I'm the vice captain of the class and Ethan is the captain so he has already advertise half the class and I have to advertise the other half." Saakshi told me "Oh, well I'll leave you to your duty then."  "You are talking like the head council when you use the word duty." Saakshi said. "I'm not like Gabe! Don't say that!" I felt hurt as she compared me to Gabe the leech. Gabe is seriously a leech, always on our back.  "Lol yeah. Anaya talk to you later. I still have to inform the rest of the class." "Sure Saakshi. Bye."   I disconnected the call and went to brush my teeth. It was nearly nine when I did so. I took a shower and went downstairs. I'm so happy when my dad is home. I just hope it doesn't change. "Hey dad. What's up?" I asked him as I walked in the kitchen and started making toasts. "Good morning honey. I'm good and you? Last night you came back quite late. I thought you would be home before nine. Snoopy and I were waiting for you but as we were both tired, we finally decided to go to bed." My dad told me as he patted the doggy's head and ate his muesli. "I'm fine too. Yesterday, I had lot to discuss with Troy about the Food&Fun day. Sorry for keeping you guys up till late. But dad, since when do you go to bed so early?" I asked curiously. He goes to sleep around 11.00pm or midnight and I remember him going to sleep around 1.00 a.m or even later! "I'm not that young anymore. I'm getting old and tired and even sleepy at times. You are organizing a Food&Fun Day? I didn't knew about that!"  "Yes papa. I'm organizing a Food&Fun Day and the funds we will be receiving will be given to disabled children. We will also be doing a couple of activities and a lunch for these children. I haven't planned the last part yet but next week during the meeting I certainly will. I just hope everything goes well." I said and sigh because I seriously need everything to go very well if anything goes wrong I may get into trouble. "Don't worry. I'm sure everything will go well. It's you who is organizing, how can anything go wrong." My dad said as I smiled and walked with my bowl on cornflakes and sat next to him. "Dad, I forgot to tell you. I am going for an internship at Rollins&Co Enterprises."  "Internship? How come?" "Actually dad, I scored above 40 in a test which was given by our lecturer last week. Andrew too will be going and John, another student." I explained him a little. "That's great. When will you be starting?" My dad asked me. "I'm starting next week on Monday. As soon as my class end, I guess. I haven't yet read the mail about the instructions."  "Okay. But when will you be practicing your dance and revising?" He questioned.  "I'll find time to do so. It's not like there's a lot." I said. Seriously? There's really a lot. "So, have you thought about your studies? Will you be competing next year. It will be finals, right?" My dad asked as he wants me to take over the company. I haven't yet thought about it.  "I haven't yet thought about it dad. Maybe I'll be competing. It's too early to say." I said and continued eating my cereals. "Sure." He simply said and took a sip of his tea.    Once breakfast ended, I started washing the dishes. Maggy is coming today to do some cleaning so I'm not gonna clean everything. I walked to my room with Snoopy in my arms. He hate walking at times. My dad was in his room, doing some work. Once I was in my room, I sat at my office and started studying some notes. "Sssshhh baby. I told you. You are MINE."  His words were still on my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Does he love me? Why did he kiss me? Did he really meant the kiss? All those questions were on my mind. I couldn't concentrate due to these thoughts. I gathered all my courage and grabbed my phone. I called him. I called James Rollins.    As soon as I heard the called being picked up, I talked straight away. "I want you to meet me at White Flora Park at 12.00p.m. If you are not there on time, then forget this number." With that I disconnected the call, not waiting for his reply. I can't believe I did it.    Will he be there? Is he gonna come? Will he answer my questions? Will I even be able to talk to him about that? And his feelings, has he some for me? And mine? Do I have feelings for James Rollins? Is he the one for me? If ever he does, will I ever be able to forget my past and marry him? Am I just a time pass to him or does he seriously love me?    Soon, I was brought out of my thoughts hearing the doorbell. I guess it's Maggy. Snoopy started barking and ran down the stairs I picked him up as I opened the door. Maggy was there standing and giving me a bright smile.  "Good morning Maggy. How are you?" I greeted her as she entered the house.  "Good morning you too sweetie. I'm fine thank you and you? What a nice puppy you have!" She greeted me back. She also patted Snoopy's head. He is so lovely, no t loving him is impossible. "I'm good too thanks." I said.   I told Maggy that dad was home and not to disturb him. Once I was done with some revisions I checked my calendar and I had a to be at Amborium around 4.00 p.m and of course practice. I checked the time and it was already 11.20 a.m. I should get ready. I took a shower. Once I was done with shower, I walked to my closet and after a five minutes thinking, I decided to wear a pink kurti dress which ended a little above my knees and its sleeves which ended a bit over my wrists. It had embroideries on the front and also on the end of the sleeves.    I did a puff hairstyle and applied some makeup which is mainly some eyeliner and pink lipstick. I accessorized my outfit with a pair of earrings and a big bracelet.    Once I was ready, I drove to the park. A lot of thoughts were going through my mind but I had to concentrate on the road. I arrived at the Park at 12.00 p.m sharp. I parked my car, took my bag and walked out. I entered the park and sat on a bench in front of the lake. I wonder what's gonna happen when he will be there. But my answer was already decided. I don't know what's gonna happen but I'll face it.    I was deep into my thoughts when I saw someone sitting next to me. He was wearing a black suit and sunglasses. As expected it was James Rollins. He seriously looked like a Greek God. But maybe good things are meant for me.   "James Rollins" he said extending his hand. As if I didn't knew that. A'hello' would be more than ok. "Anaya Khan. But I'm sure you already knew it." I said taking his hand. He slightly smirked. "Well, you wanted to talk?" He asked still not looking at me. Seriously! How can he behave like nothing happened last night!? "About last night.... Did you really mean that....kiss?" I said these were more difficult to say than expected. "As we can say, we are both adults. Yes, I knew what I was doing. I wanted to kiss and I did. We did." He said those words so easily, like he is used saying it. I was about to reply when I saw a lot of men wearing black suits around me. Which I found really weird.  "Who are those guys around us?" I asked pointing at one behind me. "They are my bodyguards. I don't go anywhere without them." He replied and shrugged. How can he walk with so many persons around him!? "Why do you have so many? I mean don't you feel it weird having so many men in black suit around you?" I asked him. "It's a normal thing to me. I'm a C.E.O and it's essential for me to have them as there might be emergencies like someone trying to shoot me. It's mainly for my own security." He explained me.  "You are right. You need one." I said and laughed a little at a certain thought. I faced death. I don't believe bodyguards help. "What are you laughing at Miss Khan? Don't you believe that danger can be anywhere around?" He asked looking at me. It's very hard to look in his eyes due to his shades. "Well, Mr Rollins. I believe that death is everywhere and anywhere. When the time comes for him to strike, no one and nothing can help. Nothing stops him." I explained him. "Is that your thought then? That death is anywhere and everywhere?" He asked looking in front of him. His voice seems like he is in deep thoughts. "Yes, that's what I think. For example on my way back home I might end up dyi.." I was stopped with a palm on my mouth and I could feel those butterflies again. "Don't you ever dare say that!" He said as he removed his shades revealing his mesmerizing eyes. "Why do you even care?" I asked. Hearing my question his eyes showed anger. "How can you say that after yesterday's kiss?" He said. Seriously? Like yesterday he didn't went away. I laughed sarcastically, his eyes went wide to my sudden action.  "How can you say that you care after literally running away after that kiss yesterday?" Now I'm upset.  "I know I went away but you can't say that I ran away!" He said maybe he is furious now. I only sigh and rolled my eyes. "I might be scared that's why I 'ran away'." He said in al low voice. Somewhere in me, I know I'm falling for him but I also know that he deserved better, another part of me is not ready yet. I'm sure it's better for both of us to be apart. He will find better than me. There is better than me.  "Only cowards run away. I'm sorry but all this is a mistake. I'm sorry for taking your time." I said as I stood up. I can't stand him. I'll fall even more for him otherwise. "Anaya, you can't say that yesterday was a mistake! The way you kissed me! I know you have feelings for me!" He said in rage as he stood up. Has someone ever rejected him before? "YES! It was all a mistake!" I said. I just want to end it.  "Unbelievable." He said as he laughed sarcastic and shook his head. "Anaya Khan don't ever forget one thing. I always get what I want and if I can't have, I won't let anyone own it." He said emphasizing on each and every word. He then started walking slowly but like a predator towards me.  "Remember one thing, you are MINE." He whispered in my ears which made me shiver. "Goodbye Anaya. We will be meeting soon." He said and left   I couldn't move. I can't believe what just happened. I may have feelings for James Rollins but he will never be mine, nor I can be his. Sorry James.
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