The Tea

1586 Words
{Lilith’s POV} I was sleeping peacefully in my bed until I heard a knock on the door. I assumed it was one of my mates or the doctor again so of course I told them to come in. I was shocked to see a young woman enter the room carrying a serving tray with a tea pot and cup on it. “Hello Luna, I’m Larissa, one of the servants here. I was asked to bring you a pot of tea to help with your illness.” She said placing the tray on my bedside table. She poured the tea into the cup and handed it to me carefully. “Here you are Luna.” She said smiling as I took it into my hands. “Thank you Larissa, that’s very kind of you.” I said bringing it to my lips and blowing it softly. “I was told it didn’t taste very good so you’re supposed to take a big gulp and try to drink as much as possible. It’s an herbal tea, with some medicinal herbs blended in.” She quickly added. I nodded finally content with the amount I have cooled it. I took a huge gulp and downed half the cup of tea in one drink. It felt strange when it first entered my mouth, then it began to burn. By the time I had realized what was happening I had already begun the second gulp. I spat out the tea that was in my mouth and screamed out in pain. It felt like I had drank battery acid, and the pain was severe. I tried to get up to go to the bathroom but I couldn’t see through the tears in my eyes. My blurred vision mixed with the pain I felt made it hard to tell that my feet were stuck in the covers. As I tried to stand I fell onto the floor, tears were streaming down my face and I looked on the floor in front of me seeing blood on the floor where my face was just moments ago. “What is this?” I choked out, my voice barely coming through. She stood above me, smiling down at my pitiful form that was writhing in pain on the floor. “Wolfsbane! It’s poison, a very painful poison.” She sneered out. “Compliments of Atlanta! A useless b**** like you shouldn’t be Luna, she should be! This is her home pack, and she is strong and smart unlike you! You trusted a total stranger, what a joke!” She laughed out. The door flung open and there were my mates. Silas and Lucas ran straight to her both grabbing one of her arms. Levi and Sebastian came to me and held me in their arms. “What happened?” Levi asked scanning my body for injuries. I pointed to my throat and then the teacup. Sebastian walked over grabbing the teacup and sniffed it’s contents. “Wolfsbane..” he said lowering the cup then looking over to the woman who brought it to me. “What did you do?” He yelled walking over and getting in her face. “I-I..” she blurted out in a panic. Suddenly two guards burst through the door and walked to the woman. “Take her to the dungeons and leave her to rot!” Silas yelled. The guards grabbed her, dragging her out as she screamed. “Please, I didn’t do it, it wasn’t me!” She was screaming so loudly my head began to throb. They dragged her down the hall and soon I couldn’t hear her screams, the only thing I could focus on was the burning pain in my mouth and throat. I was spitting up blood profusely, and I could barely breathe. “Raph is on his way, so just stay with us Lilith!” Silas said walking over and kneeling beside me. His arms enveloped around me. “Please stay with us..” he said, his voice seeming to get future and further away. My vision went blurry, I kept trying to refocus, but I could only see blood and the worried expressions of my mates. The only sound I could hear was the beating of my own heart, and the gurgling of blood in my throat. To top it off the only thing I felt was horrible, agonizing pain. My vision continued to blur until it faded completely. When I woke up I could hear the steady beeping of a machine. There were sounds that I couldn’t quite explain, and I had this uncomfortable feeling in my throat and chest. My jaw hurt, then I realized, I couldn’t completely shut my mouth. My eyes fluttered open and as I looked down I could see a large tube sticking out of my mouth. I grabbed the end of the tube and tried pulling it out. Sadly there was a strap that went all the way around my head, and I couldn’t get it off of me. “Raph, when is she going to wake up?” I could hear Sebastian’s irritated voice sound from the hallway. “It’s a waiting game guys, all we can do now is hope for the best. She ingested enough wolfsbane to kill two of you guys. You’re much bigger and are more accustomed to such poisons. We got her stable, now all we can do is wait..” he said. “You’ve been saying that for two weeks!” Silas yelled slamming his hand into the door. I could hear the anger coming from him. I wish I could tell them that I was awake, if only there were some way. I looked around in my bed and finally found the call button attached to it. I grabbed it pressing the button multiple times. After a moment I could hear scurrying coming from outside the door before it burst open. “Okay, we’re here, we’ll get that out!” A nurse said running in and beginning to unstrap the head piece. She got it undone and pulled it off, slowly and carefully sliding the tube out of my throat. I coughed as it slid out, my body jarring up straight as I coughed. “Lilith!” Levi screamed happily running to me and practically jumping in the bed with me. “Are you alright?” He asked sitting back and looking me over. I nodded, trying to clear my throat. “Water..” I tried to say but nothing came out. I cleared my throat and tried again, but no words came out. I looked around panicking. I pointed to my throat and looked at Raph, hoping he’d understand. “Guys, give me a minute to look her over, and go grab her some water please..” he said walking over next to my bed. “But..” Levi began to object, but Silas walked over and placed his hand on his shoulder. “Okay, we’ll be right back Lilith.” He said looking down at me and smiling softly. I nodded and they all exited the room, I looked to Raph with a worried expression across my face. I pointed to my throat then tried talking again, once again nothing came out. “Okay, I’ll check you out, say Ahh..” he said grabbing the light from the wall. I opened wide and he looked down in my throat. “Okay, I’m going to have some tests run, and we’ll see what’s going on for sure.. I can see a lot of damage that was done by the wolfsbane. Here’s what I can say for sure, there are burn scars on the inside of your throat, your wolf healed most of the damage, and saved your life. Thanks to her we were able to get you stabilized. Here is where it gets tricky, there is a possibility that your voice box was damaged. If that’s the case then you’ll be missing your voice, at least until your wolf is able to finish healing you. After doing all the healing that she did, she has been, kind of hibernating. She went through a lot just like you did. So for now I’m going to recommend not using your voice at all. Instead, try to use a paper and pen to write out everything you want to say. Another thing is just to get plenty of rest. The more well rested you are, the faster your wolf will recuperate.” He said placing his hand on my shoulder. “You’ll be alright, we’ll make sure of that, I’d like to get all of these tests run, then keep you overnight for observation. We’ll discuss whether or not if you can go home tomorrow morning.” He said smiling softly. “For now, I’ll let your mates know they can come in, and spend some time with you. They’ve been a mess since this happened, make sure to write down everything that happened so we can help you in any way we can.” He said turning and walking out to the nurses station in the hall, then walked back in with a notebook and a pen. “There is the call button, just ring if you need anything.” He said before turning and leaving. I sat for a moment just breathing in and out, and decided to close my eyes and try to rest some more. I know I just woke up, but I’m exhausted again.
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