The Doctor

1730 Words
{Silas’ POV} As I left Lilith’s side I felt uneasy, I leaned down kissing her forehead and taking in her scent. I felt her forehead against my lips, she was burning up. She had already fallen back asleep by the time I moved back. I stood slowly and walked out into the hall where all my brothers were waiting. Sebastian handed me a t-shirt, I haphazardly threw it on and pulled out my phone. “What are you doing?” Levi asked staring at me with his head co**** to the side. “Don’t freak out, like I know you guys would, but Lilith is running a fever.” I stated, a look of panic began to rise on their faces. “Listen, I’m calling the pack doctor, I’ll be back in just a minute. For now, I want you three to leave her alone, she needs rest until we know what’s wrong with her.” I said before walking down the hall. The phone rang a few times before the pack doctor, our cousin Raphael, answered. “Hey cuz, long time no talk!” He said in a chipper tone. “Hey Raph!” I answered him. “Listen, the four of us finally found our mate, but I need you to come look her over. She is running a fever and she’s been sleeping all day, I’m worried that she’s sick.” I said. “I examined her the night of the party, did something happen?” He asked. “The night of the.. never mind that she’s sick. She’s feverish and fatigued, can you come take a look at her?” I asked, sighing slightly. “Alright, I’ll be there in five minutes, just make sure you and your brothers leave her alone for now.” He said hanging up. I grunted slightly sliding the phone back in my pocket, and walked back to where my brothers stood, still in front of her door. “Okay, Raphael is on his way, he said he’d be here soon. He also told us all to leave her alone until he got here, but I think that we should at least get her an ice pack or something..” I began, but then I realized that Raphael is a doctor, and I should probably listen. “Never mind, he’ll be here soon, then we can get her an ice pack.” I said sighing and leaning against the wall. “So do you want to tell them what you said.. or should I?” Levi asked looking into my eyes. He was the only brother that could make me feel guilty, and he knew that. “I apologized to her.. do we really have to go over this.” I sighed running my fingers through my hair. “You did call her, ‘Another one of your brother’s wh****..” Levi’s said giving me a slight glare. “You what?” Said Sebastian. “She isn’t!” He yelled. His voice getting quite defensive. “What was I meant to think? I saw her come from your room late last night, dressed in a bunny costume, and she was glistening with sweat. It was pretty obvious what was going on in there!” I yelled back. “Actually, you’ve got it all wrong!” Sebastian giggled. “What do you mean?” The three of them snickered as if they knew something that I didn’t. “Follow me!” Sebastian stood and walked to his bedroom door, he opened it and inside I saw something I didn’t think would be here. A pole stood from floor to ceiling in the corner of the room. “She was dancing?” I asked, a little jealous that I didn’t get to see. “No, she was teaching me how to. It’s kinda fun, and it’s pretty good exercise.” He laughed. “That’s why she was worried about my fall.” He finished. I nodded as I heard some steps coming up behind us. Raphael stood with his bag in the middle of the hall. “Alright, I’m here to see the Luna.” He said smiling at us. “And my cousins!” He laughed. He embraced us all one by one then lifted his bag. “Is she in the Luna suite?” He asked. I nodded. “None of us have bothered her, just like you asked.” “Good, I’m going on in to look over her, I’ll let you know what’s wrong.” He said before he knocked on the door. “Come in..” I could hear Lilith’s voice quietly say on the other side of the door. She sounded so weak and frail, as he opened the door I caught a glimpse of her. Her skin was much more pale than it was this morning, and her face was flushed with color. The door closed behind him, and all of us were silent. {Lilith’s POV} I awoke to the sound of a knock on my door, I didn’t know what to say so I just decided to invite the person in. A man walked in, he was tall, probably around 6’0. His eyes were a deep green, even darker than mine, and his skin was tanned. He had deep brown hair, and a clean shaven face. “Hello Luna!” He said bowing to me as he closed the door behind him. “Lilith is fine.” I spoke softly, I sat up, but my body felt weak. “Of course Lilith.” He said nodding to me, he pulled out his stethoscope and walked over placing it on his ears. He listened to my heart, my stomach, my lungs, then he pulled the stethoscope off placing it around his neck. He felt my throat, and looked in my ears, nose, and throat. “I brought some tests with me, if you don’t mind!” He said. He swabbed me for strep, and the flu, then began running the tests. While they were going he turned back to me and finished his exam. “You’re running a slight fever, you seem to have fatigue..” he sighed. “There are only a handful of things I could think that you have, but for now I’ll wait until the results come in.” He said walking over and checking them. “No strep!” He said cheerfully. “No flu!” He quickly turned to look me back over. “Well, it seems you’re healthy, the only thing I could think of that is causing these issues is heat. Though, you don’t seem to be experiencing any of the other symptoms. I’ll come back tomorrow to check you over once again, until then I’ll send in a prescription for the pills we use to quell heat. If you are in fact in heat, they will help you. If you’re not in heat, the only thing I could think of is exhaustion from shifting, that normally only happens with a first shift though, and normally it takes out a large strain on the body.” He said packing back up his bag. “Thank you doctor, I did just shift for the first time, but could I ask..” I began. “What is heat?” “Heat is your body’s way of telling you that you want to, mate.. with your mates..” he said awkwardly. “As for the shifting, we’ll have to wait and see if that’s what’s wrong.” I blushed, feeling equally as awkward and covered my face. “Thank you for your help!” I said. “If you don’t mind I’ll go back to sleep now!” I shrieked pulling the cover over my head and hiding. How embarrassing, I’m sure they don’t normally have to explain these things to the people here, I hate not knowing anything, but awkward encounters with the people who live here are worse than not knowing! I hid under the covers until I heard the door open and close. Once it closed I pulled down the covers, what I didn’t expect to see was all four of my mates staring at me. My already red face began to burn with heat. “Lilith, you seem to be burning up!” Levi said sweetly walking over and placing his hand on my forehead. He was so close that I could feel his breath on my face. His closeness made between my legs heat up, I didn’t know what to do or say so instead I bit my bottom lip and closed my eyes. “Lilith, stop that..” Sebastian said. “Stop what?” I asked, not truly understanding what he meant. “Stop biting your lip that way, you have no idea how hard it is to hold back when you look at us that way!” He said walking over and sitting behind me. I felt his ere***** on my back and my heart fluttered. “S-Sebastian!” I gasped jumping slightly in surprise. “Come on guys, we should let her rest! We also need to go get the pills for her as well!” Silas said motioning for everyone to leave. They all gave me a kiss on my head as they walked to the door, each of them telling me goodbye. Silas was the last one in the room, he leaned down to kiss my forehead, and I leaned up to ask him a question, suddenly his lips met mine. Sparks shot through my lip causing me to mo** softly. I pulled back and touched my lips with my fingertips. “I-I’m sorry.. I was going to ask you a question.” I said, my face burning at this point. “It’s okay, we’re going to go pick up your medicine just in case, get some rest, you can ask your question when we get back.” He smiled leaning down and kissing my forehead softly. “Sweet dreams Lilith.” He said before laying me back, grabbing my blankets and tucking me in. I laid in my bed and watched him leave the room, my fingers came up to trail my lips where he had kissed me. I had never had a kiss like that before.. I wonder if it would feel that way with all of my mates?
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