The Hospital

1436 Words
{Lilith’s POV} “Lilith..” I could hear a voice echoing somewhere far away, the pitch sounded worried. I looked around, the room was pitch black, there was no one here. I was back in my apartment, it was all a dream. I sighed getting up from my bed and looking around the dark bedroom. There was no sound, and only a very little bit of light shining in from the moon outside. Carson staggered in, in his usual drunk state. “You we’re supposed to wait for me before you came to bed!” He yelled. “Carson.. I was tired, it’s after two in the morning, I’m not staying up all night just because you have no concept to time.” I huffed. I remember this fight.. it was one of the worst. “You b****!” He screamed, storming across the room and dragging me out the bed by my hair. “You’re mine, and you will obey me!” He spat in my face. He threw me to the floor and began kicking me in the stomach. The pain was immense, and my fear quickly rose. He pinned me to the ground and pulled out his pocket knife. “I told you I’d teach you a lesson if you kept back talking me. You’re mine, and now everyone will know that forever!” He screamed as he carded his initials into my thigh. I cried heavily, running my fingers through my hair. What is happening, why am I seeing this again? Why did I have to relive this trauma? Suddenly my body was lifted from the floor and flung backwards until I jumped awake in my hospital bed. “Are you okay Lilith?” Levi said. He was sitting on the bed with me his eyes filled with worry. I nodded my head slightly, then decided it was better not to lie to them. I shook my head and began to cry, all of the fear and pain just came out as I wept. They all stood watching me with pained expressions. Levi picked me up and laid back on my bed. He laid me on his chest, with my legs straddling him then covered us both up with the blanket. He held me while I sobbed, and pet my hair trying to calm me. “I’m so sorry Lilith, we should have been more careful..” Levi whispered. I sat up looking around the room, tears streaming down my face. I shook my head again, and began trying to see a notebook. “Why aren’t you talking to us?” Sebastian asked, hurt evident in his voice. I pointed to my throat then tried to talk, nothing came out. The four of them looked at me with a petrified look on their faces. “You can’t speak!” Lucas asked. I shook my head again, then I got a great idea. I made phone gestures with my hands and Silas brought me my phone. I turned on text to speech and began typing. “Raphael said that the wolfsbane damaged my voice box. He added that he didn’t think it was permanent, and when my wolf wakes up she should be able to heal it.” I typed out and my phone spoke the words. The look of relief on their faces when I said it wasn’t permanent was so sweet. I went back to typing. “I had a nightmare about that night, the night I got my scar..” I looked over at Sebastian. “What night? What scar?” Silas asked, Lucas looking equally confused. I looked over to Sebastian and typed angrily. “You didn’t tell them yet?” “We were all enjoying our time with you, I just didn’t want to ruin it.” He said looking down at his hands. I nodded.. honestly I didn’t want to think or talk about it either. My heart broke every time I remembered it, or looked at my thigh. I looked over at them moving my blanket and lifting the hospital gown they had on me. Leaving my scar out in the open for all of them to see. “C.M.G..” Lucas read out loud. “What the h*** does that mean?” He asked looking at it. The nightmare still fresh in my head brought tears to my eyes. Remembering the trauma that he put me through, made my heart feel heavy. I wish I had met my mates sooner, then I never would have had to deal with Carson. Lucas and Silas were staring at me, but I couldn’t bring myself to look at them. Instead I turned my head away and cried. Levi walked over pulling me up into his lap and holding me. He pulled the blanket up around me and cuddled me in his arms. “It’s okay little Luna, we’ll tell them.” He said kissing my head. “It’s her ex’s initials, he.. he carved them into her.” He said looking at Silas and Lucas. There it was, now all of my mates knew just how much I suffered in my last relationship. Silas and Lucas both looked like they could kill. I buried my face in Levi’s chest and cried softly. “When I first met her she had a busted lip. Not to mention when I followed her home, he was cheating on her. When she stood up to him, he hit her. I almost killed him right there, but the girl he was with would have been a witness. Not to mention the probability of upsetting Lilith more than she already was.” Sebastian added. I buried my face in Levi’s neck, my breath slightly ragged. I couldn’t talk, my throat still hurt, and I was upset about the nightmare, but for some reason all I could think about was kissing his neck. It was right here within reach, he smelled amazing, all of their scents together here in this room was beginning to be too much. I leaned up slightly licking softly across his neck. He shuttered, his entire body shaking and his grip on me tightened. “L-Lilith, what are you doing?” He asked nervously. I gently nibbled across his neck and moved my body around to where I was straddling his lap. I ground my hips into his and kissed up his neck to his ear. He smelled amazing, he tasted amazing, and I wanted more. I nibbled his ear lobe and he mo****, his d*** hardening in his pants and straining against the zipper. “Lilith!” He jumped slightly as my hips dug into his, my p**** grinding against his c*** that was making his pants uncomfortably tight. My other mates just stood there watching, too shocked to move. Silas snapped out of it first and ran over to me pulling me off of Levi and held me bridal style against him. I squirmed, trying to get myself turned around. He went to adjust me in his arms and I licked up the side of his neck. He mo**** and gripped me tighter. “Lilith, you’re in heat, so let’s not do anything you’d regret later. You’ve been upset, and you’re still hurt. You need rest!” He said looking over to Lucas. “Go get Raph, and tell him we need heat medicine now!” He said. Lucas shook his head, snapping out of his daze and ran out into the hall. Soon he returned with Raphael, and he had a bottle of pills. He pulled one out and handed me a bottle of water. I was so thirsty I grabbed it and began drinking some. He popped the pill in my mouth and I drank it down with my water. Once the bottle was empty he took it back, I held onto Silas as if my life depended on it, and all I could think about was the small kiss we shared. I wanted to kiss him more, to feel his lips on mine. I wanted to kiss all of my mates.. maybe even do more than kiss. After a while I began to feel better, Silas walked me to the bed and laid me down, pulling the blanket up over me. “Alright, let’s get you rested, and hopefully your wolf will help heal you soon. She’s been out for a while too, so maybe she’ll wake soon, for now, lay back and rest!” He said. I couldn’t help but listen to him, my tired eyes slowly closing and I drifted off to sleep again.
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