The Party

1268 Words
{Lilith’s POV} I quickly got dressed in one of the lingerie outfits they had picked out for me. It was solid black, there was see through lace that went over my stomach and it’s deep v neck line showed off my large bre****. I looked over my body, examining it, and hooking my leather body harness around my waist and thighs, holding up my black stockings. I checked over myself in the mirror and tossed on a pink, silk robe over myself. I walked out into the room, looking around there were so many people here, they were already sitting at tables, and talking about business. That’s when I saw Drew make his way to the center stage. I walked quickly backstage and waited for him to speak. “Alright, Alright! Everyone settle down! This year, we’ve decided that we all deserve a little break from the constant business, and all of the stress it brings. My cousin, one of the CEO’s and I have put together a little show for you all! I hope you all enjoy, ladies, please take your places!” He said cheerfully. Whooping and whistles could be heard from the crowd as some of the girls made their ways to the poles. Not me, I was going for the center of the room, the hanging silks. While all of the men were distracted I made my way to the silks and wound myself up to the ceiling. Once all of the other dancers had finished I saw a smirk across Drew’s face. “Gentlemen, this young woman has impressed me many times now since I met her last night, watching her show was so beautiful, and enchanting I couldn’t help but ask her to fill this position. Please give it up for this beautiful lady, on the silks above you!” The spotlight turned to face me, and that’s when I knew it had begun. I removed my robe tossing it down from my place in the air, reveling my outfit to the group below. I quickly released my hold on the silks and began tumbling down to the center of the room, I caught myself right before hitting the ground and did the spilts upside down. I began winding myself back up, and started spinning the silks. Once I was spinning around the room I put on the dance of my life. Every ounce of strength and precision I had accumulated over the years going into this dance, my heart pounded in my chest as the music started fading out, as I slowly descended from the silks, sliding gracefully to the floor and bowing to the crowd. I smiled grabbing my robe and making my way back to the stage. I could feel eyes on me, and not the normal eyes I felt, almost like this burning hot gaze that hadn’t moved off me since I appeared. I felt a tugging in my chest, pulling me back out to the crowd but instead I slipped back stage and panted out loud. What was wrong with me? This gaze was lighting a fire in me, one that I needed to extinguish. I slid down the wall backstage and soon Drew followed behind me. “You we’re amazing!” He said before turning to see my form sitting in the floor beside him. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He said getting closer to me, his body too close for my taste at this point. He was beginning to look like a glass of water, and I was so thirsty. I shook my head. “I don’t know, I felt eyes on me, burning into me the whole time I danced.. then there was this tugging in my chest, trying to pull me back out there..” I said my face flushed. “That sounds like..” he paused for a moment, a look of realization dawning on him. “You’ll be alright, let’s get you some water!” He said and walked over to a cooler pulling out a bottle of ice cold water. “Drink this, and when you begin to feel better you can either come out to serve drinks, or begin your next dance. Whatever you prefer for now!” He said a smirk on his face. What was with him? Why was he smirking like that? What was so da** funny to him? I thought to myself. “It’s funny because you don’t know!” A voice rang out in my head again. I looked around for the source of the voice that kept talking, but I saw no one. “I’m not out there, I’m in your head dear, I’m your wolf, Kyra. You’re finally waking up enough for me to come out. Must be all the contact you’ve had with werewolves the past couple of days!” She said excitedly. “Let’s go back out there, I sense our mate, and he smells yummy!” She said, I could literally hear her licking her lips. “My what?” I asked back I looked around and tried to find Drew. I saw him sitting at a table with a massive, bulky, god of a man. In between my legs began to spark to life at the sight of him. He was the one, the man with the burning gaze! I closed my eyes and turned back around looking around backstage. I clenched my thighs together tightly. There was no one here, I was alone.. I could.. I shook the thought out of my head. No! Im not going to do that here where anyone could just walk in on me! Soon I heard footsteps approaching me. “Looking for me?” I heard Drew’s voice ring. I was slumped against the stage panting heavily when his head peaked around looking at me. “Are you okay?” He asked, a smirk across his lips. I shook my head, “His eyes! They’re burning me from the inside out!” I cried softly. The smirk grew even larger, “Don’t worry honey, he doesn’t bite.. hard..” he laughed heartily. He peeked back out around the curtain. “Honestly you should worry about his brother, he’s the one who bites!” He laughs more. A blush spread across my face, and I looked back out to see his eyes still on me. A heat burned between my legs, causing liquid to pool in my lingerie. Drew stopped laughing and leaned down close to me, pinning me to the wall. “You’re going to want to stop that! Every unmated wolf in here can smell you right now!” He said warningly. “Unmated? Wolf? What are you talking about?” I asked trying to understand his words. He looked shocked for a moment, and his eyes traveled up and down my body. He leaned in closer, putting his face into the crook of my neck. He inhaled deeply then pulled back, looking deeply into my eyes. “I can see your wolf in there, do you really not know? You smell of wolf as well, you’re definitely one of us, how could you not be aware. Hasn’t your wolf said anything to you?” He asked looking over me. This man is crazy, they’re all crazy.. wolf.. mates? I don’t understand any of this nonsense, but then it hit me. That voice, the one that’s been saying all of those things.. she called herself my wolf.. is this real? I felt my body shiver, and before I knew what was happening the room was spinning, and I blacked out.
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