
1394 Words
{Lilith’s POV} I awoke to the sound of music pouring in from a room that seemed so close. As I sat up a wet rag fell from my head, I looked down noticing I was under a huge coat. I peered around the room, feeling those same eyes on me again. That’s when I saw him, his eyes were a pale blue that shot electricity through me every time they narrowed in on my body. He was massive, one of the tallest, most muscular men I had ever seen in my life. He was at least 6’4, and his build was incredible. His hair was a deep brown color, it was shaved on the sides and longer on the top, it was fixed to make him look more business like. He had a thick, well trimmed beard, that fit perfectly on his chiseled chin. He said nothing, just looking over me with those dam*** eyes. I could barely move under his gaze, and my breath became ragged in my chest. How could a single man have his effect on me. “W-What happened? Where am I?” I stuttered out, not really sure how I felt about being alone with this man that made my body feel so strange. He snickered under his breath, his voice was deep, and calm. “Well, it seems you worried yourself into a frenzy, worry not love, I had the good doctor look over you. He said you’re fine, just needed a little rest.” He stood never taking his eyes off me, his body growing even more, showing me every inch of him as he began stepping closer, and closer.. my body filled to the brim with anticipation. He quickly closed the gap of space between us and got down on his knees in front of me, placing a hand against my face. “Hmm.. you still feel a bit feverish..” he smirked leaning in closer, my nip**** gliding against his shirt. The sudden friction making a sound, I wish I could take back, escape my mouth. “Do be careful of that love, those noises, mixed with this intoxicating smell of yours is making it hard for me to hold back. All I want to do is explore your body, with my hands..” he kissed my shoulder. “My mouth..” he kissed up my neck. “And my c***.” As the words left his lips I could feel a pool grow in my underwear. His lips grazing my earlobe and a sensation I can’t explain sending jolts through my entire body. “Little mate, you’re mine!” He whispered in my ear. I nodded my head softly, “I-I’m..” I began to agree with him before remembering that I’m in a relationship, it may be a crappy one, but I would never cheat. I pushed him back, snapping out of whatever trance he had on me, and making my way to the door. I quickly ran out, grabbing my things from the dressing room and leaving the building. I can’t believe that someone could do that to me.. and moreover that I didn’t want him to stop. I had never felt that way before, I was on the edge teetering over with only his words. Imagine what he could do if I would have said yes. The thought racing in my mind, and my heart pounding loudly in my chest. I haphazardly tossed on my dress and grabbed my keys from my purse. I started up my motorcycle, and as I put on my helmet I saw him, he was looking for me. I quickly floored it and drove away, I felt his eyes narrow on me once more, and then I was gone. Away from the man I wanted to be close to for some reason. As soon as I got home I burst in the door, looking around the room I could see clothes, a bra, and underwear thrown across the room. “What the..” I paused for a moment, then I heard it. Moa**** coming from our bedroom. “No.. no..” I said taking small steps closer to the bedroom door. I paused as my hand grasped the handle, I took a deep breath in, then let it out. I opened the door and that’s when I saw them. Carson was on top of this girl, her hair was a greasy mess, her makeup smudged, and her eyes shot to me. “Ahh! Carson who is this?” She shrieked covering herself in MY blanket. “Lilith.. what are you doing home so early?” Carson stuttered out, obviously surprised to see me. I stood there, staring at that woman’s hands on my blanket, and his d*** inside of her. I turned walking out of the room. My patience wearing thin, my heart breaking. The thing that I could never do, he just did. He has no empathy, no remorse.. I grabbed a kn*** from the counter and ran into the room. I looked at the girl, “You have 10 seconds to get out of MY bed, and out of MY home!” I screamed at her. “Lilith, don’t..” Carson started, his tone angry. He was angry? HE WAS ANGRY? I looked to him, and with every ounce of my being locked in on his useless face, I said. “You too Carson, and I never want to see you again! Take only the things that you bought, all of the things that I bought you, leave them! We are over!” I screamed. He shook his head, his eyes narrowing in on me. “I don’t think so, you don’t get to break up with me!” He shouted stalking towards me at a fast pace. He pulled back, and punched me in the mouth, then again on my eye. I fell backwards, and suddenly felt a wall of muscle behind me, and a hand reached out catching Carson right before he was about to hit me again. He grabbed his wrist, and cracked it backwards, a sickening crunch could be heard as Carson screamed out in pain. “She said leave!” I heard a deep gravely voice say, the same voice from the party, he followed me home. Carson fell to the ground, his bone sticking out from his wrist. His cries were pitiful, “So who is this then? Are you cheating on me?” He squealed. I looked down, where there was once love, all I could feel now was pure rage. I kicked him in his chest, with a force I didn’t know I had and placed my high heel on his sternum. “I never once cheated, even when you hit me, called me names, made my life he**, all I did was care! But now, when I catch you sleeping with another girl, you have the nerve to say such a thing to me!” I turned to the girl who was throwing on her clothes. “Times almost up!” I said shooting her a glare that could cut someone down. She nodded grabbing her purse and running out of the apartment. “Now for you..” I said callously looking back down to Carson. “You will leave with nothing but the clothes that she tore from you, and if you ever step foot in my home again, I’ll k*** you! Do you understand me?” I asked. He shot me a glare, but nodded, his fear beginning to set in. I let him up, and he ran out grabbing the clothes off the living room floor and walking to the door. “You’ll come back to me, you always do!” He sneered before walking out of the front door. I closed my bedroom door behind me, and slid down it, looking into the living room, not daring to go back to looking at my bed. He had her there, he’s had her in my home! How could anyone do this? I began to cry, mostly because of the irritation I had with myself for coming back to him even when he was a horrible person. He’s right, I did always go back, but not this time. This time, I couldn’t even bear to look him in his eyes, he’s the devil!
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