The Youngest Brother

1314 Words
{Lilith’s POV} As I laid up against the door, the tears finally stopped falling, and that’s when I felt them. Big, strong arms lifting me off my place on the ground. He cradled me in his arms, and lifted me so effortlessly. He began to carry me to the couch but I shook my head. “I don’t want to be here anymore.. not where he..” I began and laid my head down on his chest. “Alright little mate, I’ll take you home with me, you can stay there for the night.” He said, at this point I was too exhausted and hurt to fight back. I nodded my head, and decided to fall asleep in his strong embrace. The last thing I remember is voices, I could hear Drew and the man talking, and I could feel the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed in and out. My eyes stayed closed, and finally sleep took over. When I woke up, I was in a massive bed, all alone. I looked down noticing my clothes had been changed into a huge t-shirt, and some underwear. I looked around the room for my clothes, but I couldn’t find them. Suddenly I heard a knock from the large wooden door. “W-Who is it?” I asked. Pulling the blankets up around me to keep myself covered. “Oh you’re finally awake!” A young woman’s voice called out. The door handle turned and she quickly entered the room with my clothes from the night before hanging on some hangers. “So sorry about that, when you got here the Alpha said I should change you, and get your clothes washed up.” She said bowing to me. “I’m Laura, Laura Greenwood at your service!” She said before hanging up the clothes on another door. “This is the bathroom, she said opening up one of the doors, here is the closet, the one with your clothes hung on it.” She smiled, “I’ll bring you up some breakfast you must be hungry!” She said eagerly. I shook my head. “No I’m not.. thank you though..” I said lowly. “If you don’t mind though, I will have a shower.” I said standing and making my way to the bathroom. “Where is the man who brought me here?” I asked. Her face shook with an expression I couldn’t quite make out. “Oh you mean Alpha Sebastian?” She said. “His name is Alpha?” I asked laughing slightly. She giggled, “No silly, that’s his title! His name is Sebastian!” She said in a friendly manner. “I believe he is in a meeting with his brothers and the some other companies!” She stated. I nodded, smiling at her, “Thank you Laura, I’m going to go wash up, thank you again, for everything..” I said before walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind me. There was no lock on the door, but it should be fine, people don’t normally bother others when they’re washing up. As I walked into the bathroom I was amazed, it was huge, there was a double vanity sink, along with a giant jacuzzi tub, and a massive walk in shower. I looked back and forth before running a bath, this was just what I needed. I stripped off my clothes, the ones Laura gave me before making my way over to the mirror and washing off my makeup. That’s when I saw my swollen split lip, and my black eye. It looked worse now with the makeup off. Once that was done I hopped in the bath, carefully sliding down into it. A mo** escaping my lips at the sudden feeling of relief and warmth crashing over me. I lean back into the tub and close my eyes. The water covering me in a warm embrace. Then I’m reminded of last night, that man, the one Laura called Sebastian.. the way his arms caressed me, and the way he could teeter me on the edge with just his words. I wanted to see him again, this is his home isn’t it? So why isn’t he here in his room? I closed my eyes thinking of him, a heat beginning to burn between my thighs. I slid down, allowing my head to go under the water then slowly came back up. I brushed the water from my face, and went back to thinking about Sebastian. His large form hanging over me last night, his lips against my skin and how it lit little fires in me every single time our skin touched. I swore it was like a tingly, shocking feeling! Thinking about him began to get me all hot and bothered. I couldn’t believe I was even thinking of such a thing right now. I should be more upset about Carson, but to be honest, I both loved, and hated him. I feel like I was always looking for an excuse to break up with him, and maybe this was just what needed to happen. I closed my eyes, thinking of Sebastian’s lips against my skin, not caring about anything else right now, one hand went down between my legs, while the other grasped a br**** lightly, rubbing my ni**** between my fingers. I let out a soft mo** and threw my head back enjoying the sensations, along with the dirty thoughts of him grazing his lips all over my body. Suddenly I heard a deep, throaty chuckle. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” I looked over to see none other than Sebastian himself standing in the doorway. I straightened up, covering my body, my face turning a bright red color. “W-What are you doing in here?” I asked, embarrassed. “This is my room, and my bathroom, you’re my guest, I guess I didn’t expect you to make yourself quite so at home!” He said snickering. He pointed back to my body, and smirked a devious smirk. “Continue, please, don’t mind me!” I blushed more, and for a moment I considered it, but just as I was thinking it over a knock came at the door. “Sebastian!” An irritated voice growled out. “What do you think you’re doing? You left our meeting with no explanation, and now you’re hiding out?” The male sounded angry, his voice carrying a certain authority. My heart pounded inside my chest. “Why is your heart beating so fast?” The voice asked. “That’s it, I’m coming in there!” He shouted. I sunk down more into the water trying to cover myself with the bubbles. “Why are you just standing in the bathroom doorway? What on earth are you..” he asked before walking next to Sebastian and peering in. That’s when I heard it, that blasted voice in my head again. “Mate!” She called. I shook my head, answering her inside my head. “No, you said Sebastian was our mate!” I said a little more irritated than I already was. “They both are!” She said, practically drooling in my head. I could see why, the other man looked similar to Sebastian, he was much leaner, and less muscular than Sebastian was, and a little shorter. His hair was a light brown color, it was shaved on the sides but shaggy on top. He had a well trimmed beard, that seemed to just fit his face. His eyes were a soft, light brown color, and his smile was so sweet and endearing. I looked up, pure shock running through me. “I-I..” I began, then huddled up in the tub more covering myself up with my legs and arms.
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