The Alpha Meeting

1229 Words
{Silas’ POV} I sat down at the head of the meeting table and looked over to my brothers. Lucas and Sebastian were already here now we were just waiting on Levi. “What’s taking him so long?” I asked looking to both of them. “I think he’s getting Lilith!” Sebastian giggled out. He actually giggled.. “Who the he** is Lilith?” I asked looking at both of them with all seriousness. “She’s our..” Lucas started before there was a knock on the door. “Come in!” I said looking to the door. Levi entered the room and stepped aside, there she was, the same girl from last night. She was dressed in a pink dress, her skin showing in all the right places. My heart skipped a beat as she entered the room. “Lilith!” Sebastian and Lucas both jumped up walking to her, both of them leaning down and kissing her cheek. “Good morning!” Lucas said. “How did you sleep?” Sebastian asked. She smiled a sweet, innocent smile at them. “Good morning you two! I slept just fine, how did you all sleep? Especially after your lesson last night, you took quiet a tumble!” She said looking to Sebastian. Lesson? What kind of lesson was she giving him, and why the he** was she here? “This is an Alpha meeting you three! Why is she in here, she has no right to be!” I stood from my place. They all looked over at me like I was crazy. “Dude.. do you not know who she is?” Lucas asked. “I did hit him with the door last night, maybe I hit him a little too hard.” Levi said laughing. I was getting angry at this point, my blood beginning to boil. “I’m done with this! Why is she here?” I yelled. Levi walked over her hand encased in his, she was so tiny, and it wasn’t until now that I was noticing it. “Okay Silas, I want you to listen to me, and I mean actually listen to me!” Levi said. “Why should I have to..” I began but Levi cut me off. “I said listen!” He yelled. “Smell her!” “What? Why would I..” I began but was cut off once again. “Smell her, now!” Levi yelled sliding her over in front of me. I rolled my eyes and leaned down, her face blushing a bright red as I got closer. I placed my head in the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply. Then it hit me, her scent was the last the thing I needed for it to click. “You’re..” I started. She nodded looking down at her feet. “You’re my mate, and I’m yours.” She said softly. Joy began to fill me, but then I remembered what happened last night.. what I had said to her. “I’m so sor..” I started again, but then I was cut off, this time by the small woman in front of me. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve heard worse, and dealt with worse. The only thing is.. I don’t think that I can just forget what you said last night. I’m going back to bed, I barely slept, and I need some rest. If you’ll all excuse me.” She said turning and walking out, her small form disappearing into the hallway. I sighed running my hands through my hair. “Da****! I shouldn’t have..” I started but then I stopped myself with a sigh. “I’m sorry.. it’s my fault. I’ll go talk to her later, for now we need to discuss some business. After finding our mate though, I think I can give them all the slip, but we still have a few more things to discuss.” I said sitting down at the table. {Lilith’s POV} I walked out into the hall and went on back to my room. As soon as I got in there I discarded my dress on my nightstand and slid on one of Sebastian’s massive shirts. If I couldn’t have my mate right now for comfort I would sleep in his scent. I wish I had one of Levi or Lucas’ shirts but the shirts they gave me had to be washed. Now I was left with the one Sebastian had given me last night after his lesson on the pole. He was actually alright, besides being too bulky and not quite as dainty as he should be for this. I laughed thinking about how he tried holding himself out last night but didn’t take the poise of his body’s motion into account and just haphazardly swung around. He fell off, landing on the floor with a resounding thud. It was quite a tumble, but we both laughed afterwards! I crawled into my bed, literally crawled.. these beds are so high up. I have to jump to get up into it, then crawl to my place in the middle. I slid into the bed and grabbed the two pillows that Lucas and Levi gave me. After my first night here they switched pillows with me, so they could have my scent and I’d have theirs. I laid down propping one pillow up beside me, and the other under my head. I pulled up the sheets and comforter and snuggled into bed. I looked over at my alarm clock, it was after 9:00am now, what would it hurt if I slept a little later? I laid there for a few moments just inhaling their scents, and finally drifted off into sleep. I awoke to the sound of my door opening and closing. It scared me for a minute until I smelled him. It was Silas.. I didn’t even know if I wanted to talk to him right now. I laid there, unmoving, and pretended to be asleep. He walked over to the bed and sat beside me. “I know you’re awake, your heart was beating faster when I came in.” He said softly. His voice was deep, deeper than any of his brothers, but it had this softness to it right now. “I’m awake, just still tired.” I said groggily. I looked up slightly peering at the alarm clock. 11:08am. I was asleep for about two hours. My body still felt drained, and my head a little fuzzy, “I’m so sleepy Silas.” I said looking up at him. His eyes grew wide as I spoke his name. He shivered slightly as it came from my lips. He leaned down and brushed my hair from my face. “Okay, I’ll let you sleep more, but it’s only fair that I also be represented.” He spoke softly before unbuttoning his shirt and handing it to me, “You have something from all of my brothers, I’d give you my pillow too, but it’s covered in blood from last night. “Thank you..” I spoke softly drifting back to sleep slowly. Before I fell asleep I felt his weight on the bed, then his lips on my forehead. “Goodnight Lilith.” He spoke softly against my skin. Then I was asleep, peacefully so this time.
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