The Phone Affair

1399 Words
On Thursday I made sure I looked pretty before going for my Bank run. My workmate at the Office commented saying “MJ, are you trying to impress the handsome Bank Teller,” “No gosh can’t a woman look beautiful just because she’s walking out of the Office for a few hours,” I denied. When I finished my banking, I went to the Restaurant that we had planned to meet at and there he was e same. We ordered lunch and while we waited, we talked. “So how is your family,” I asked. “They’re good thanks but can we not talk about them,” Sam replied. “Why not, when they are a part of us now,” I said. So, I changed the subject and we talked about work and about life, the life that we had missed. Our lunch arrived and we dug in. It was a scrumptious meal and we enjoyed just sitting and talking and rewinding about our past years apart. I told him how I had met Toby and how Toby has been loving to Ronnie and me and how we’ve had another three children. As for Sam, he seemed to be very shy about talking about his family. Sam reminded me about the very first night we met and how he came because he knew that seeing me on the very first day he fell in love with me. Sam even talked about how after the following year, when I had left to study on the other island he came by every Friday night because it always reminded him of our very first night. After two hours of talking and eating we agreed on meeting again on another date but I would message him later. We left the Restaurant and my driver picked me up a few blocks further whereas he walked up with me and then caught a cab later. When I got back to the Office I kept all my books away and went for a break because then I don’t start work again till 10 pm. I went to our Villa and had a nap before my three kids came back from school. Charles my youngest son sat in front of the television watching his cartoon and Toby was doing our laundry. At 4 pm the school kids arrived and had their afternoon tea before we all went out to the pool for a swim while our Daddy went to the next Resort grounds to play Volleyball with the Guests and other local staff. We finished swimming at 5.30 pm and because I was too lazy to cook, I ordered Dinner of chicken fried rice for the kids and steamed fish and local starch for our Daddy to be served at 7 pm. At 7 pm the dinner was brought to our Villa and the kids had theirs while their Daddy had just arrived and was swimming in the pool with a few of his other mates. I lay in bed and just rested because I was to start work at 10 pm. After the kids had their dinner our Daddy who had just had a shower joined us for our evening worship and homework. We spent some quality time together before the kids were eventually really for bed. They got up put on their pajamas and brushed their teeth then we both went into their room to tuck them into bed. Seeing my kids in bed and happy I felt I was betraying them by seeing my ex-lover, but because I didn’t want anyone hurt I just continued as normal not wanting to hurt any of them especially not my loving man. At 9.45 pm, after all the kids were tucked into bed and I had cleaned up in our villa, Toby and I walked out the door and he walked me over to my office where I would be working the Graveyard shift from 10 pm till 6 am. We both walked into my Office and I lowered the Aircon a little bit before turning on my laptop and he sat in the chair behind me just relaxed. After an hour he said he was going to go back to the Villa to sleep, so he walked up to my desk kissed me on the forehead and we said our goodnights and he was off. As I sat there at my desk my other workmate Kelvin too had arrived and was at the Front desk checking in some late-night check-ins, my phone beeped. It was Sam, “Hey you at work,” his message read. “Yes, I started at 10 pm, what are you up to?” I replied. Then my phone rang and as I answered it was Sam. “It’s almost midnight, shouldn’t you be with your wife right now sleeping or making love to her,” I told him. “Nope I’d rather sit in the cold outside talking to you,” was his response. “Sam this is my working hours and I don’t expect you to be calling me at this hour because you have work tomorrow, and you should be resting right now”, I chimed in. “But it's my decision that I want to talk to you,” he said. “I don’t think I can keep doing this, my kids are small and I love them to the moon and beyond and I really cannot love two men at once,” I told him. My coworker Kelvin had been standing near me now and had heard everything we were talking about. I ended the call and I had to somehow tell him everything that’s happened over the last week. “It really up to you MJ, you can play along because from where I am standing, I can tell that you really love this man, but I think what he did to you was unfair and you need to weigh between him and Toby. From my point of view Toby is really loving and caring and all this time you’ve shared over ten years of your life with him, so I think it is really unfair that you’re doing this to him,” Kelvin advised. “Wow thank you, Kelvin, thanks for being honest with me, thanks for that brotherly advice,” I told him. I picked up my phone and typed a text message to Sam, “Sam my ex-lover, my ex-boyfriend and the man that stole my heart some ten years ago, thank you for loving me and for everything but I think life is just too complicated and I cannot go on with this behind my husband’s back. I am sorry that if I may be a disappointment to you but for some reason, I prefer to continue loving Toby and our children and no matter how much I’ve loved you in the past, this is the path I have chosen and this is where I belong, beside them, to love them and to support them. And I have vowed to Toby that to death it will be, so for that, I am really really sorry and I am not ready yet to tell Ronnie about you,” I wrote. I read the message again before sending it off. The very next morning before my kids woke up at 6 have I left the office and went to our Villa. Toby was already awake so I went in and as he and I sat in our room I confessed to him what had conspired over the last week. I asked him to forgive me and he did. “MJ I love you and I thank you for being courageous and for telling me of this. I want you to know that I forgive you and that no matter what happens we are destined that our journey together will end till death,” he said while standing up and hugging me tightly and kissed me. I sat down and wept because I really didn’t want anything to separate me from my happy family. At 6 am we woke the kids up for our morning devotion and got them ready for school. We dropped them off at school at 7 am and came back home so I could sleep and rest for the day. It was such a tiring morning for me as during the night while I worked balancing the Resort books and replying to emails, a lot was on my mind as I tried to gather enough courage to tell my husband about my communication with my ex-lover.    
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