In Contact Again

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In 2013, while working at another Resort I was approached to be transferred with my family to the Burning West. Thanks to technology and age there was the Internet and with that came f*******:. My Boss was good to us and our accommodation and meals were all paid for at a Resort near where I worked. We stayed at a villa next door and every afternoon we would swim in the pool and take pictures which were my messenger popped up with a new message. Surprise! Surprise! It was from Sam asking for a telephone number and that he wanted to talk to me. I hesitated and didn’t want to give him the telephone number but as he kept watching the photos he quickly made out where I was working. To my surprise, the landline phone rang and when the Office girl Louisa answered the phone, she told me that the caller on the line wanted to speak with me. “This is Mary-Jane speaking how can I help you,” I answered the telephone. “MJ, this is Sam if you still remember me,” he replied. “Please don’t hang up on me”, he added. “What makes you think that I won’t hang up on you, Ronnie is now 11 years old and you just call up and decide you want to talk about him, I don’t think so,” I chimed in. He said “MJ, you will always be my love and where ever I will meet you I know we will have an affair again,” he said. “Sam you’re out of your mind, I’m a married woman with 4 children and I don’t think I want to take a walk down memory lane again,” I told him. “MJ please hear me out, the only reason why I have never come any closer is that I still love you and I still have feelings for you. Please just hear me out and I know if you ever see me again you will still fall into my arms,” he said. “That’s a bit arrogant of you to say that,” I replied. I may have loved you 12 years ago but I have taught myself to be resilient and move on because you hurt me really badly and I cannot t continue living in the past waiting for you my Prince Charming to arrive. My son needed a father so I found one for him, and he’s not just anyone, he’s a bloody good one at that,” I said positively defending myself. “So please stop calling me or wanting to see Ronnie because we have a happy family.” From that day I was very careful, every morning either Toby or I would drop the kids off at school and pick them again the afternoon. I tried my very best to shield Sam off from our son. I think he must have gotten the message loud and clear because after that he never called again. One day in particular as I went for company banking, I got off the car and told the driver that I would call banking, I decided to go a late lunch and do a bit of shopping before I called the driver to pick me again. I walked out of the back and walked towards Gina’s restaurant where I was going to have lunch as I had called in earlier to book a table for myself. Gina’s was a lovely restaurant with healthy traditional meals as well as Indian and Chinese cuisines with a bakery and I loved their cheesecake. I walked in and told the girl that I had a reservation so she took me to the table they had reserved for me. As I sat ordered an orange juice and water, I got an incoming call on my mobile phone. “Good afternoon this is Mary-Jane how may I be of assistance,” I answered my phone. “MJ, it’s me, Sam, I saw you walking into Gina’s can I join you please, I saw you walking in alone so I’m walking in right now,” he said into the phone while walking in. He looked around and walk right up to my table, when I didn’t look up to greet him, he bent down kissed me on the forehead, and took the seat opposite from me. I know that I felt sweat drip down my thighs and even my forehead was sweating like crazy. “MJ you’re nervous, why,” he said. “MJ look me in the eye and tell me what you told me over the telephone the other day. Tell me again that you’re happily married and that you’ve stopped loving me,” Sam blurted out. I looked out the window and then looked at him again and slowly I said “Samuel I loved you and my love for you is tucked away in a little corner of my heart but please for the sake of my 3 other children with Toby please do not do what you want to do. Sam please Toby may not be you but he loved me when you weren’t there to love me and he showed me that there is a second chance at love. He’s brought Ronnie up as his own child and showed him unconditional love and for that, I will always owe him my heart,”.  I invited him to eat with me and just like old times we sat and shared my lunch and talked. Sam finally said, “MJ my love, let's have an arrangement because we are still very much in love and nothing will separate us from our love and on the other hand we have our loved one who has a part of us, can we always meet and talk whenever we can but for the sake of our loved ones not leave our different families.” “Sam I cannot do that because to me my husband is very fragile and is very important to me even though, I still have the funniest of feelings when I see you or hear your voice. So please for the sake of Ronnie and I please let's stop this right here.” “Ok, MJ just because Toby has been good to you I will respect that,” Sam said. But if he ever hurts you or Ronnie I will come and take you both away from him, he added. “He won’t, his too loving to hurt us, and plus hes been hurt himself so he understands what's it like to be on the receiving end,” I told him. “Ok then why don’t we just meet for lunch sometimes,” he said. I agreed and my phone rang at the same time, “Yes this is MJ, oh Don, yes I am ready to be picked up please pick me up from Gina’s, “I replied on the phone. Just as he had walked in, he stood up kissed my forehead and we both stood up and walked outside together. We said our goodbyes and I stood waiting for the vehicle to pick me up. As I stood I stared at his back as he walked down the road and kept staring back at me. As he neared the entrance to his Office building he stood still looked back, took out his phone and dialed my number and as I waited for my pickup we chatted some more. We promised we would meet again after three days which would be Thursday and this time he was going to buy my lunch. I returned home that day and felt that I was betraying my husband. Honestly, I couldn’t look him in the eye. I tried hard to conceal my emotions and prepared dinner like nothing happened that day. We had dinner, cleared, and cleaned up, and then sat around watching the kids doing their homework. I sat in my armchair and was busy replying to some Reservations when I felt my phone beep with a message. “Hey how is your evening,” the text message read. I wanted to ignore it but for some reason, I was tempted to reply, “Its good thanks, how is yours,” I replied to the text message. “It's also good but God I miss you,” was his reply. We sent messaged to and fro and little did I know that all my kids were already tucked in bed and my husband, Toby was standing by waiting for me. He must have been waiting there long enough to realize that I was busy with my phone. “Honey will you be coming into bed with me now or later,” he called out. “I will be there soon Babe,” I answered. I quickly said my goodnight to Sam turned off my laptop, deleted the messages on my phone, and followed Toby to bed. That night as Toby touched me I was thinking of Sam.  
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