Moving on again

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Later that year in 2013, I asked my bosses to be moved back to the Garden Island because I just could stand being near Sam any longer. A part of me really still loved him but I just couldn’t be near him, and I am thankful to him for understanding me and for staying away from me and my family. In 2014, one of Sam’s sisters added friends with me on f*******:. She explained how she had been following my page, and that she really wanted to get to know Ronnie. We chatted every once in a while, and then eventually some 6 months later she posted about the death of her father. It was such a sad day for me because that old man was my friend and I had hoped really that one day I would take Ronnie down to meet him, yet I was late. I messaged Sam’s sister Sheryl and she was due to fly in from Hawaii so she asked me if I could arrange for her transport to take her down to the village. I gladly agreed and she also asked if Ronnie and I could accompany her down to the village. After much thought, I messaged her back that I had arranged for her transport but the fact that I hadn’t told Ronnie about his real father was still a mystery and that we wouldn’t be able to do such a thing because I had Toby and our other kids. Sheryl understood this but she was all teary about the fact that Ronnie still didn’t know who his father was. Sam also came for the funeral and Sheryl and his other sisters had asked him if they could all make a special trip up to visit Ronnie but Sam declined to say that his Mama was not ready to tell her son of the truth. Still, his sisters persisted and that’s when he told them the truth, “truth be told, I cannot even bring myself to see his mother, because I always feel I betrayed our love and honestly between you my sisters and I, till this day I still love MJ, and just wished that I could have changed things around for us,” as he said those words tears welled in his eyes so his sisters all were teary too and that ended their conversation. Two days after their little siblings’ discussions I was scheduled for the afternoon shift so I didn’t start work till 2 pm. I arrived a few minutes before 2 for our handover and as the morning shift staff left, I was all alone and was busy answering emails in the Office as well as checking through and balancing off the day’s takings. At about 5 pm all the day staff had left and it was only a few of us left who was working the afternoon shift, so I asked one of the boys to sit and man the telephone while I went for a cigarette and coffee break. While finishing off my Coffee and on to my second roll, I was called back to reception so I quickly walked in with my cuppa. One of our in-house guests had needed my attention so I assisted him and after he was served, I stood up with my cuppa and walked to the lounging area to sit and finish off my coffee. As I sat there, I heard a vehicle come up the driveway and because it was dark, I couldn’t see who was in the vehicle. The driver and his passenger got off and walked towards the reception area. I stood up and walked over to greet them and to my astonishment it was Sam. My first response even before a hello “Sam oh my god Sam what are you doing here, I blurted out. “MJ is that the way you greet guests, not even a hello,” he said. “Oh, am I supposed to just say hello,” I said and with all my shock he hugged me and kissed my forehead like he always did. “That was uncalled for Sam, I’m at work,” I said. I could smell alcohol under his breath and I was shocked but what else could I do so I welcomed him and took him to the lounging area which was dimly lit. “What can I do for you Mr. Sam,” I asked him politely. He said MJ I was drinking with my buddies and couldn’t stop thinking of you so I asked my cousin if he could bring me up. “And how do you know that I will be here because I usually work shifts here,” I asked him. “MJ it's hard to forget about you, I've tried moving on, I've even married the mother of my children but every day I think of you and Ronnie and I just wanted to come and tell you that if you allow me then I am willing to leave my wife for you please MJ. I am willing to wait but I just want you to know that I still love you and that you are the love of my life and no matter what happens I will still wait for you to give me a chance to prove to you that I still love you,” he said. “Sam seeing you always creates butterflies in my stomach and you being here tonight is a big shock for me,” I replied. “I know I love you and my love for you will go till the grave but I cannot just get up and walk off with you, I’m happily married and I have children. Sam if it was just Ronnie and I with Toby I could easily walk off with you my knight in shining armor but that’s not the case here. I have other children too and I really don’t want to hurt any of them,” I told him. We sat and talked for about 3 hours with him drinking beer while I sat there and just talked about life itself. After our three hours of talking and him thinking of ways to seduce him to another of his one-night stands, I told him that one thing I had learnt from Toby and that was true love. “So, you’re thinking that my love for you is not real, me coming after you and waiting on you all these years is not real,” he blurted out. “That’s not what I’m trying to say, I know I love you still but I have someone else, someone whose never cheated on me, someone who adores me even though I am not perfect, someone who dries my tears when I cry, someone who looks after my kids when I work, and he’s been my everything from day one, he’s never left me for his ex. He’s never even talked about his past because he doesn’t want me to feel that he’s still in love with someone else,” I told him. Sam stood up and asked for a hug before leaving. I stood up and we hugged and in the dim light I looked up at him and as he hugged me closer kissed me so passionately, I almost forgot where I was. I stood there and kissed him back and then I realized it and pulled back. “MJ, I knew you still love me, please just give me an hour just to love you again,” he said. “No Sam I can’t, I think that’s as close as we can get,” I said pulling myself away from him.    
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