Official Date

663 Words
A few weeks had passed after they first met, Samuel King still couldn't erase from his mind those eyes he had seen and it was such heartache for him seeing MJ walk past or talking and playing with other boys. Sam had shared this with his close buddy and John watched him torment himself daily by just staring into thin air. One day while he was in one of his daydreaming modes, John walked over and tapped him slightly on his shoulder, "What's on your mind Bro, if it's MJ please stop yourself," he said. "MJ is well known in this school because she changes her boyfriend whenever she wants, shes a party freak, and oh she wouldn't look our way bro, she's a smart girl so she'll be after the smart boys in her class or the other stream of form 6," John continued. Sam looked John in the face and said, "what if I told you that I'm going to ask her out,". "OK let's place our bets if you approach her and she agrees to be your girlfriend I will give you $100 and if she refuses you have to give me the $100, but prepare my $100," John teases Sam. The two friends shook hands and Sam assured John that by Friday next week he would be taking her out on their first official date. The days that followed were hard for Sam as he brainstormed ways he was going to approach the beautiful, most popular girl in school. Three days away from Friday Sam still hadn't had an opportunity to talk to MJ and was beginning to lose hope. One day away as he stood around the with his buddies under the Mango tree, one of them said, "Hey Sam there's MJ headed in our direction, I think this is your chance". As soon as MJ and her friend Emma walked near them, all the boys started talking at once. As confident as she was MJ, walked right passed smiling at them all, and as they passed, Sam felt courage like no other and called behind her "MJ can I have a word,". MJ signaled to Emma to wait for her a distance to allow Sam to come to talk to her in private.  "MJ you remember the first day we met", Sam blurted out slowly so only the two of them could hear it. "Yes," she replied. " MJ I haven't been able to forget your eyes, I would like to be your boyfriend please if you don't already have one," Sam said. Confidently MJ said, " well what makes you think I don't already have a boyfriend,". " No I was just trying my chances if you refuse it's ok but honestly I don't think I will be able to remain to study here and to see you everyday walk around with someone else".  "So you really like me, ok I have a test for you, meet me tomorrow night outside the Country Club at 9 pm on the dot, no sooner no later, you miss by five minutes and the deal is done, are we clear," she reminded him. "Yes ma'am, I will be there," was his only reply. He didn't even know where the hell that Country Club was as he was new on the Island.  Sam's buddies were all waiting to hear the verdict. As he drew nearer to them they all asked out wanting to know the outcome. He hung his head and looked up shyly with a broad smile on his face all his teeth showed out and he said "yes she's agreed to meet with me on her terms that I show up to the Country Club at 9 pm tomorrow evening," Looking worriedly at John he said, "but my only problem is I don't know where in the world is the damn Country Club." They all laughed at him and John assured him that he was going to take him to the Country Club.
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