The First Date

943 Words
The chilly Friday evening was filled with lots of eating, drinking, dancing and the Country Club was noisy as the Fundraiser continued. At 8.50 pm I asked my mum that we needed a breath of fresh air and my three friends Emma, Mary, and Grace and I stepped outside and asked the Security that we needed to go outside the gates. At 8.58 pm we sat together as friends to chit chat waiting. Before realizing it I sensed there were two other silhouettes standing beside them. I quickly called out and John answered me, the two boys moved to where we were seated in darkness and the other girls moved to make space for Samuel to sit next to me. Emma would like to pour some of that wine for the two gentlemen please,” I asked. John took the glass whereas Samuel opted not to drink. We drank along emptying the three bottles of wine before we realized that the crowd had started leaving and the Security was signaling to them with a torch that my mother was calling me. Emma and I went to help my mum with loading the stuff to take back and we assured her that we were going to walk back home. We met the others outside and walked up together home where the boys sat outside and waited as we cleaned all the stuff and put everything away. By the time we’d finished my mum had already showered and had turned in for the night. We joined the boys outside where Samuel and I sat together with a distance away from the other and that was our very first Official date. "Mary-Jane my love I have studied all the girls in our school this past few weeks and I've been amazed by your beauty and your cheerful friendly attitude has tempted me on a number of occasions to ask you out but unfortunately I haven’t been man enough to do until yesterday.” MJ please accept me to be your boyfriend and please forgive me as I am merely a village boy, I do not have much to offer you but my love for you is genuine.” he continued. Before she said yes she pulled him closer to her and they kissed for the very first time under the stars. The kiss was passionate and loving and as I felt Samuel’s mouth on mine and his hands roam my body I knew in my heart that this was going to be a helluva night. As we withdrew from kissing it was my time to talk. I bravely held both his hands in mine and said,” Samuel thank you for coming tonight, and for wanting to be my boyfriend, our kiss has sealed the deal and yes I would love to be your girl from this night forward. I however must say that I don’t have a rosy past because I have had another boyfriend in school who is in the past so please do not ever be threatened to think that I'm going back to him. Our rules of engagement are we trust each other and listen to each other only, meaning if I hear a rumor about you I will not believe it until you tell me the truth, and in the same way, you will have to hear the truth from me only if you hear a*********s about me. We hugged and kissed each other so passionately and wished it wouldn’t end. We looked around for the others who had gone inside to sleep so I told the boys they were welcome to spend the night and go back in the morning knowing that it was late. As we walked inside Emma had already left out sleeping arrangement for the two boys Samuel however asked to lay with me for a while and would return to the Guest room later. We walked into my room and that’s when it all happened. We had yearned for each other so badly. As soon as I closed the door, Samuel hugged me from behind and turned me to him and we kissed again and again. So intense that he started pulling my dress off and then I helped him out of his pants and t-shirt and we just kissed and loved each other. Before I knew it Samuel was kissing me down my breast and started talking my breasts in one at a time. I felt butterflies in my stomach and fell on my bed, it was the strangest feeling I had ever felt in my life. All slowly moved to lick my body down and his hands just knew where to roam. His hands roamed down my buttocks pulling my undergarments down, I tried to pull away. He slowed down and asked me, “Babe are you ready, or would you like to wait. No please I’m ready for you my love, please just do to me what you want to do. Very very slowly he tried entering me and realizing that I was still a virgin, he asked me again, Babe I'm willing to wait, no I said I know I love you. It was painful but I liked it and he thrust slowly and slowly, little by little, during this time his mouth never left mine, and as I was new to this whole s*x thing I just lay there trying very much to bear the pain. It was sweet and I promised myself I would never do it again but losing your virginity to a very handsome man and from that night I knew it was this man that I would rather spend the rest of my life with.
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