Dreamy eyes

488 Words
The sun rose that beautiful Tuesday morning in 1997, Mary-Jane Smith was excited as she looked forward to the first day of school. It was the beginning of another school year and excited as she was to be returning after eight weeks of holiday, she looked forward to meeting all her friends and of course the new students. As usual, MJ caught the school bus to school at 7.45 am, arriving to be told that all students were to report to the school's dining hall. Hurridly she and her friends all walked down to the dining hall and she was astonished at the number of newbies she noticed. Garden Island High School was situated at a beautiful hill, with lots of beautiful trees and the view overlooking the Straights was just too spectacular. As they were being addressed, they were asked to make their way to their new classroom.  MJ and her classmates walked up the steps to their classroom and hurriedly cleaned out, swept, and rearranged their desks and chairs. Classes began normally the second day and the day to day rolled quickly before noticing it was Friday again, the last day of the week. Athletics training beginning that very day, MJ's friends left early for training while she finished off some notes writing and left later. While walking down she walked past the Technical Drawing room which was almost semi-empty. Without noticing that she'd accidentally dropped her pencil case, she kept walking. As she walked further about a hundred steps she heard footsteps and panting as someone was trying to catch up to her. She turned around ninety degrees to see who was hurrying to catch up with her. She stood still and in a trance as she saw this handsome well built young man maybe a few years than her she thought. "Hello lady, I think you dropped this, he said. She stood there just looking straight at him and he too like they were both in a trance, stood even without holding out her pencil case.  MJ was lost for words in her own world thinking and to herself saying "omg where in the world did they create this kind of sexy dreamy eyes". Lost in their own worlds, they were brought back to reality when one of his mates caught up to them and asked "are you going to give her the case, or are you both going to just stare at each other like that". MJ pulled herself together and received the case being handed to her and very politely said "thank you very much, yes that's mine". " Hello I'm Mary-Jane and you can call me MJ," she introduced herself. "I'm Samuel and my friends call me Sam," was his reply. They slowly trodded down together to the playing field quietly in their own worlds, yet MJ was already convinced that if there was something that would distract her this year then it would be those dreamt eyes.
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