Part One ~ 5 - TJ and Theo

3173 Words
She had stayed coherent long enough to give TJ her address.  Le’Ann lived over thirty minutes away and TJ wasn’t feeling that drive to a place unknown. He rarely took women home to his and Theo’s house in the beautiful River Oaks area in Houston. They were all large estates where the real money of the area once premiered their lives. While Sebastian, Brian and Jonathan had an over twelve room estate with two formal living areas and several other useless amenities, TJ and Theo had a smaller version. TJ decided this woman he had known and wanted for several years was a decent enough exception to his rules. He wasn’t taking her home to sleep with her, although he truly wanted to know every inch of her intimately. His home was ten minutes from the bar with traffic.  They pulled into the four car garage that housed a 2006 Pagani Zonda in charcoal grey, one 2015 Grey with black spoiler and a Black all exclusive H1 Hummer.  TJ’s home was very grecian, white, and arches and structured to reminisce the romanticism and luxury of Greece. The expansive pool outside was tiled in grecian design. The entire house was marble floored but without pretentious stylings. It was simply elegant and expensive without making you feel like you were in a museum. Pulling in, TJ closed the garage and proceeded to open the entry into the house so he could carry Le’Ann inside easily.  She was sound asleep and smiling, it was more than sexy it had an almost sensual effect on TJ’s senses. He felt the need to write about it. He was a best selling conspiracy government mystery and drama writer.  Although his pen name was something entirely different than his own, he loved to write and found daily life full of ideas. No one other than immediate family really knew his occupation. He liked it that way, the less people knew the less attached he had to be in general. Opening the passenger door and her curled up in the reclined seat was a bit overwhelming. It wasn’t like she was new to him, some fad of the moment that had his c**k hard. This was Le’Ann the sexy female, for whatever reason he had purposefully stayed away from every time and known and wanted for years. She was the scent his body reacted too and the smile that made his heart flutter like an i***t. Thanos James hadn’t written poetry for nearly five lifetimes and suddenly the last few years he had written nearly two books worth.  TJ hadn’t pursued having it published this lifetime but if he wrote much more, it might be more fruitful since it seemed to take up more time than any other writing.  He slipped his hands under her warm and shallow breathing frame as softly as possible. She slipped her arms about his neck instinctively and curled her face into his neck. His body quivered at the sensation of her breath on his neck. HIs manhood began to throb more in time with her heartbeat.  The feeling she was giving him was so uncontrollable but he knew he must. Walking into the estate, TJ carried her up the stairs to the second room on the right. It was the largest most comfortable bedroom in the house.  His room was directly across the hall and he could be to her in a moment's notice if need be. At the moment all he could concentrate on was her hot breath and warmth so close to him.   Keep it together... She is passed out and not willing. No matter what you think you feel you must at all costs be good to this one. He talked to himself because without his twin, Theo, he was a bit lost and very much wanting to touch her inappropriately.   She moaned a little as he slid sideways into the doorway of the bedroom carrying her. The moan caused a vibration on his neck and in time his manhood was beginning to grow in attendance of the situation.  Laying her out on the bed she moaned and stretched a little. He left the room for a minute or two and gathered up a few soft, fuzzy blankets to cover her. What he returned too was the worst and best possible vision he could have asked for. She had stripped her boots, skirt and top off to the floor and was laying, although not intended he was sure, on her back seductively.  She seemed to be sound asleep and all he could do was stare at her body. His lips and tongue wanted to taste every inch of her body. He wanted to know how she smelled as he buried his face into her waist and kissed his way up to her supple breasts and then back down to her thighs, her hip bones...across her panty waist line. For f**k sake Thanos get your head together. She is a mere woman. Take a breath and walk away. Call you brother but stop staring at her. As if she heard him talking out loud her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at him foggily.   “TJ, where am I ?” “You are at my home. Your address was too far for me tonight and with you asleep I didn’t know exactly where I was going. So you are in my best guest room and I went to get you blankets but came back to you half naked. It…. took me by surprise.” She stretched and moaned for a moment. She wasn’t quite aware but her buzz had diminished greatly. She was looking a bit more in focus with the passing minutes. “I believe I need some water if you wouldn’t mind?” Without a word TJ headed to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he pulled a bottle of Fiji water and a bottle of Gatorade, just in case.   She was likely dehydrated and he would rather be safe than sorry. He wanted her comfortable and happy because she was one of the only women he had ever brought home.  Normally, for TJ, it would be a lavish hotel stay for his s****l affairs. There had been one woman he brought home when they first moved into this estate but upon ending the relationship, TJ learned what a “stalker” was truly all about.  After that no other woman was trusted with his whereabouts on a daily basis. He knew that finding the Soul Keeper would be difficult, if not damn near impossible. So, until he found her, the vow to bring no more women home with him, stood firm. Finding way back to the guest room he found her lay out on the bed relaxing with a blanket wrapped around. “Sorry about the clothing issue TJ, if I get hot in my sleep I have been known to strip without waking. Many a morning I have awoken much more naked than I went to bed.” She smiled sweetly. Sitting on the bed next to Le’Ann, he offered both choices of drink. She quickly took the water and nearly downed the entire bottle.  Smiling she set it on the bedside table and indicated to set the Gatorade there as well. Leaning in she kissed his cheek. In her mind this would be the one and only chance, not in public, to see if he truly was her inner fire starter.  The s****l tension between them had lingered far too long and she needed closure or beginnings on it all.          Leaning in she kissed the base of his jawline softly, trailed by light kisses to his earlobe. He was motionless.  His breath was so shallow she paused momentarily to ensure he still drew air. She proceeded to kiss along the pulsing vein of his neck down to the crux of his collarbone. His body language was frozen, his eyes closed and his inhalations nearly silent.  He was either dying from some unknown illness or her touch was doing to him exactly what it was doing to her as she proceeded.          Shifting onto her knees and the blanket falling down off the bed, she moved her kisses along his collarbone then back up his neck to his chin. As Le’Ann reached his chin she kissed as if it was his lips. Longing, softly with a flick of her tongue and hanging at its closure for a more pleasurable response.  TJ took a long, measured breath in through his nose as her face met his.          Don’t open your eyes man. Don’t look at her. This is the only thing that will save you from this is not seeing her eyes and body so close. Hold firm...Hold…Fi… She placed her lips on his and delicately proceeded to make out with his closed lips. His lips were silky and warm. She wanted nothing more than his lips to part and their tongues to meet in a cascades of brushing strokes that ignited everything she thought it might. He couldn’t take it, those lips on his was the end all. His eyes flew open and the green flames flicked within them. Forcefully by the hips, TJ reared her onto his lap. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. There they sat, on the edge of the bed.  TJ’s legs bend and feet planted firmly on the floor while she sat in his lap with her legs encircling his waistline. Her eyes and his had only a moment before the kiss longed for by both of them was had. His tongue pierced her lips and proceeded to undeniably make its intent known. The hardness of his c**k was no longer able to be talked down in his head.  She was to know his wanton for every inch of her existence. The kisses were heavy, heated and mind dizzying. Le’Ann roved her hands up and down his back and feeling along the sides of his arms as the need in their kisses strengthened. She had begun to move her hips in circles to indicate her willingness to move forward. This was the moment they would know what had been wondered by all who saw them together for years. Swiftly with one hand he unclasped her bra to which she leaned back and slipped it off, tossing the thing on the floor. Placing his left hand in the center of her back, TJ proceeded to kiss down her neckline and between her breasts as she rested back on his hand. The other hand steadied himself as he took each breast slowly into his lips. He slowly circled her n****e with his lips. Her n*****s were hard and had a slight pulse to them. Taking it between his teeth, rapidly he bit and released to cause an overwhelming sensation which each flick of his tongue created a shiver to flutter through her form. Fully kissing each breast with such intent she started to moan as each influx hit from her core. It seemed to be days that he continued to kiss, lick and nip each n****e. All track of time was lost within the passions they were extending to one another.          Le’Ann’s hips moved on him with more rapid pace as the kissing and touch became more intense.  Standing he walked Le’Ann to a wall on the opposite side of the room. His strength was vast, never causing fear of being dropped to arise. At this angle he was able to thrust upward into her thin and drenched panties with the resolve that denoted the need to be inside her.  The kissing was intense, continuous and caused more craving than either of them could handle. The room was no longer visible. It was two people in a non-existent plane of space and time devouring one another with s****l desire. She struggled to reach his shirt and remove it. Without missing a plunge upward into her through his jeans, without missing one kiss or touch of tongues, his shoes and socks were off and his pants unbuttoned and falling slowly downward. The only thing between the two of them was boxer briefs and threadlike, saturated underwear. The heat was now so intense she couldn’t catch her breath. His kisses were across her shoulder and up her neckline while he whispered to her in Greek. His voice different, more accented and heavy. “Na katanalwnete mou. Borw na aisthanomai tipota allo alla ton ksylodarmo ths kardia sas kai athoryvh leitourgia ths psyxhs sas.”  The translation was…You consume me. I can feel nothing else but the beating of your heart and whisper of your soul. Strangely she understood every word, as if her mind was able to translate Greek without ever being taught how.  His words, his plunges generated the need to have him inside her now. She begged him in a whimper and biting his lips lightly. Their eyes locked and foreheads touched. She circled her hips and he moved in time. Every fiber of his being wanted her but something was holding him back. He couldn’t explain it; it was like he was stuck in a time loop of being so near culmination but not able to achieve it. She begged with her movements, her kissed, her moans. She whispered to him. “Now TJ, I want you, I want this now.” He couldn’t move. His words were gone and silent. As if some cosmic response to his upset and question, the soft vibrations of his phone were heard. In that moment he knew. Carrying her small frame and leaning down he retrieved the phone from his jeans pocket. Stepping out of his jeans he walked them both, phone in hand to the bed. Laying Le’Ann on her back he answered the phone and put it on speaker next to her head. Le’Ann was staggered and so passionately in need of satiating she could only breathe heavily and look at Thanos in question. There was a heaving breath from the other end of the phone. His accent thicker than TJ’s but similar in tone.  “Thanos, tell me you are not alone and this is what I think?” he was out of breath and panting. “Yes, it is. I am so close to culmination with our souls but was frozen to move forward.” Thanos ran his hands on her body, keeping her wet, wanting, panting.  He ran his palm over her wet womanhood and pushed a small bit of pressure. She lifted her hips and moaned.  Theo on the other end of the phone moaned with her. “Take her.” It was the last thing Le’Ann remembers hearing other than the loud and heated moaning and breathlessness of three lustful parties.  Thanos slid the phone over a bit more and proceeded to slip Le’Ann’s panties off. The glistening of her moist lips beckoned to him to be kissed. He wanted to taste her, lick her clean and make it dripping all over again. Without pause his tongue slipped between her swollen folds and slowly slid up and down. He took his time finding each crease, each drop of her essence that had escaped. She tasted like the sweetest nectar of fruit the world could have produced. The panting and moaning from the phone showed that Theo could in fact taste everything his brother sampled.          Cupping his hands under her backside he slipped his tongue inside her to get the juice she had yet to afford his lips. He kissed her nether region with such force, such passion she gasped for air and moaned uncontrollably. The wave of orgasm was slow rising but with each suckle, each kiss, each time his tongue slipped out of her and back in she grew in anticipation. As if possessed and not in control of her conscious thought, Le’Ann called both of her partners. Each name slipped out of her mouth with a moan quickly to follow. It was as if the three were utterly connected and it was meant to be. As he made out with her womanhood the escalation of orgasm was nearing its peak. She had grabbed hold of his hair and began moving in time with his kisses and grazes against her clit. The explosion of the orgasm was extreme. Le’Ann’s hips flushed forward and her groan was so deep and guttural it caused both partners to sexually growl in time. Kissing his way up, TJ’s lips missed no inch of her hips, abdomen and slowly, sensually revisited her breasts.  The awareness of each skin on skin contact caused Le’Ann to shudder. The force of the mutual orgasm was so daunting her legs were shaking nonstop. His hands softly rubbed the outside of her thighs and up her sides to calm the trembling aftermath of release. His kisses were a bit softer and more concentrated in nature. TJ was now looming over Le’Ann looking down into her flushed and satisfied face. He smiled and brushed a kiss on her forehead, then each eyelid, each cheek and then one soft simply kiss on her lips.  He wanted to be inside her fully. Le’Ann raised her legs and slipped them around his waist in expectancy, she knew the next course and was more than ready, willing. A hoarse, sexually heated voice from the phone was heard. “No Thanos, wait ‘til Friday. Enough without me there.” He was almost not audible from the passion behind his rapid breathing. Kissing Le’Ann’s lips fully one more time he smiled at her and moved off the bed. Saying something in Greek, he hung up the phone and set it on the night table.  Reaching over and shifting her slightly, Thanos picked up Le’Ann and basket carried her into the adjoining bathroom. She knew why he waited, she knew what all this meant somehow it was crystal clear without any worded explanation. This was the dream she had many times in her teens and youth. Two hearts beating along with hers and the surreal surroundings of darkness and light swirling as she felt lighter than air. It was an unreal and scary dream at times until that moment she was fully connected spiritually to Thanos and Theo. It was as if some hidden part of her was suddenly awakened and she knew lifetimes of knowledge from a momentary connection.  “It’s like my Wi-Fi suddenly kicked in and I am now understanding all the coding that made no sense before.” She said out loud as her head rest on Thanos’ shoulder. “I know love. I know. Perhaps with Theo never being in town of late that is why I chose to stay away in this capacity but now I know it was and will be, worth the wait. He will be home Friday and I warn you. The entire weekend will be lost with us together. So be prepared. He leaned into the extra-large shower with three shower heads including a ceiling rain feature and started a hot one. He was going to wash her, massage her body and make sure he took all possible opportunity to touch her being until he could again have her the way he so craved on Friday.  Eons he waited and now he must wait three days more.
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